
Chapter 88: The Forest at Night

Chapter 88: The Forest at Night


As they left the feast to return home, Reth pushed away thoughts of the next day. It would bring challenges, he knew. But she was so fragile, in need of such reassurance... they would meet those questions when they came. For now, he wanted to show her how much she meant to him, and how much he wanted her.

When they stepped out of the Market and onto the first trail in the city, he looked down at her and realized, she was beautiful in the lantern light. But she was devastating in moonlight.

The dress flowed around her like water, clinging to her curves and rippling on her skin, reminding him far too perfectly of their time in the pools the night before.

But through the market and out into the Tree City, and through the square—there were people everywhere! And they all wanted to call to their King and Queen, stop and chat, or bow and wave. Reth\'s teeth were gritted before they even reached the city square. When he thought they were finally free to start down the darkened path to their cave and someone else called out, he almost snarled.

Elia, amused by his growing tension, put a hand to his arm and met his eyes as he turned—too quickly, with a too-obvious frown—to greet the man jogging up behind them. So it was his wife who accepted the man\'s congratulations graciously, and smiled, and thanked him. It was his wife who squeezed his arm to remind him to say something. And his wife who very expertly excused them from the conversation in a way that left the man smiling, but with no temptation to follow them into the forest.

And then, finally, thank the Creator, they were alone. She clung to his arm, a small smile on her face that made him want to ask her what she was thinking, but he was too busy strategizing.

If he waited five minutes, they\'d be back at the cave. With the guard no doubt shadowing them through the trees right now, Elia would be more comfortable.

But that meant he had to wait five more minutes, and Reth found his patience at an end.

With a quick scan of the forest, he wrapped an arm around her waist and swung her into the trees alongside the path.

"Reth, what—?!"

But he had her against the trunk of the tree, pinning her from knee to chest, and his lips on hers before she could say more. His breath thundered, his heart pounding in his ears.

She sighed and her hands slid up his chest in a way that made him groan and deepen the kiss, then drop to kiss along her jaw, to that little space under her ear that always gave her goosebumps when he nibbled… right there.

With a shuddering breath she dropped her head back against the tree and whispered his name.

He hummed, but couldn\'t stop tasting her, dragging his lips and teeth lower, lower as she arched back.

"Gareth?" She whispered, her hands in his hair.

"Yes…" he murmured against her skin, then sucked.

She drew in a sharp breath. "Why…" she seemed to lose her train of thought when he found the spot where her shoulder met her neck at the same time his hand slid up to cup her breast through the thin fabric of the dress, but then she swallowed and kept going. "Why did you tell me not to bare my throat… to you in public?" she asked, pulling him in tighter.

He lifted his head to kiss her mouth, the slide of her tongue like fuel to his fire and he almost forgot the question. But then she groaned and pressed in to kiss his neck with lips, and tongue, and teeth.

Reth huffed and didn\'t care how many of the guards heard it. "The throat…" he gasped as she pushed her hands under his vest, her fingers trailing along his sides until the combination of arousal and tickling threatened to undo him. He sucked in hard, and caught her hands, pulling them out from under his clothes, then smiling as he raised them over her head, holding both her wrists in one of his large hands.

He pulled back enough to watch her face, measure her for displeasure or uncertainty, but she smiled as he pinned her wrists to the tree above her, forcing her chest up and out, her breasts peaking beneath the white fabric.

Tingles washed over him in a wave and he groaned, uncertain which part of her to taste first. He was still staring, open-mouthed when she spoke, her voice husky.

"Reth? The throat?" she said, her eyes twinkling when he met her gaze. He knew that she giggled because his own was so damned blank with lust.

He blinked and let his free hand drag down her side as he dove for her collarbones and explained with his lips and tongue against her skin. "The throat…" he repeated, dragging his lips along her collarbone, "…is the most vulnerable place on an Anima\'s body." He inhaled her scent—musky and dark with her desire, and he huffed again. "To bare your throat to anyone is the ultimate act of trust—Anima do it very rarely, and usually only with a true, lifetime mate."

Her breath caught and he pulled his head up to meet her gaze—had he frightened her? Hurt her? But no, her eyes were wide and alight… with joy?

"You let me kiss your neck," she breathed. And when he nodded, she closed her eyes and dropped her head back again, offering herself. "I\'ll always give you my throat, Reth," she breathed and arched back as she was, with her hands above her head, and her head tipped back, her body was an altar, an offering.

And Reth planned to worship at it.

His entire body tightened. Reth let a growl putter in his throat as he dropped to taste her throat again, as lightly as he was able, open mouthed, his tongue flat against the divot between her collarbones. And he huffed the mating call, letting it resonate in his chest.

The poor guards—forced to hear and scent this, to try to keep her safe, while also not get close enough to be a threat and anger their King… If he hadn\'t been so blinded with lust, he would have laughed at what he was putting them through.

Reth kissed her, his free hand coming to rest at her back where it arched away from the tree. She whimpered when he pulled her in even tighter against the broad planes of his stomach. His growing arousal was plain, even through his leather pants. As their tongues tangled, she writhed against him.

Then a twig snapped somewhere not very far away, and Reth froze. As he realized what he was doing—pawing at her and taking her here in the dark where she couldn\'t see, but all the guards were forced to—he also realized she wouldn\'t like it if she knew.

With a frustrated groan, he pulled away, panting. Her head came up and her eyes opened. "What? What\'s wrong?"

"Nothing\'s wrong," he said, letting her hands go from above her head. "I just want to get you into the cave."

The concern on her face slowly morphed to a smile as he stepped back and offered her his hand.

Five minutes wouldn\'t kill him… much.

But as if she felt the same way, she set the pace back to the Cave much faster than they\'d been walking before.

She didn\'t see the shadows of the men around them as they walked the path—though she looked for them when they finally stepped into the clearing, and he could smell the dip in her when she realized they\'d been there all along.

Cursing himself for an inconsiderate ass, he brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "Come, wife," he whispered, drawing her into the cave. "I have something to show you."

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