
Chapter 431: Vengeance

Chapter 431: Vengeance

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While Lerrin\'s direct challenge to Reth required less preparation than outright war, the wolves would not gather under the eyes of their enemies without a plan for escape in the event of betrayal or ambush. Lerrin tried to downplay the necessity, and his efforts were taken—as he intended them—as confidence in himself to beat Reth.

By the early hours of the morning, everything seemed to be in order, though there was a tingling anticipation in the camp—and in the pack mind. Lerrin couldn\'t shake the idea that something was about to happen, that a threat was imminent. He couldn\'t stop looking over his shoulder and he noticed most of the other wolves doing the same. The feeling hung over them like a storm brewing. Lerrin just prayed he\'d have them in front of Reth before it broke.

Two hours after she left, Suhle sent to him, faintly, that Reth had received and accepted the challenge.? He would meet Lerrin at the Hallowed Ground at high sun.

Lerrin could breathe more easily then, though he didn\'t like the distance between him and Suhle—was it simply the space between them? Was this the furthest they\'d been from each other? Probably. He urged her to come back as quickly as she was able, but he was immediately pulled into a conversation with the Fist Leaders about positioning the different teams for the challenge and had to engage his whole mind in convincing them that they would abide by the normal rules of challenge for dominance. That this was no longer a war. It was now a challenge, and it was in his hands to bring them through it.

Most of the fighters and fist leaders were obviously relieved, but there was a portion of the males, in particular, who seemed to feel like they\'d been denied an opportunity.

Lerrin was careful to ensure they were left with no question about where he stood on the issue—and what would become of any wolves who attempted to create conflict between the armies.

All would be there to witness. All would see if there were any foul play. Dominance would be won, and the wolves and their allies would respect that, just as they had for millennia.

After the conversation with the troops, he pulled Hern aside and told him to keep a close eye on the fist leaders that weren\'t smiling. He would walk into this challenge with honor—they were not to take it out of his hands.

Hern saluted and assured him there would be no assault under his watch.

It was another hour before Lerrin realized he hadn\'t heard any more from Suhle. His stomach tingled and he sent to her immediately, as he crossed the camp towards the tent that had been prepared for his own rest. He had only hours until they needed to move towards the Grounds.

Where are you? Have you returned yet? I need to see you. Will you… lay with me tonight? We will not complete the mating—things are still shaky here. But I want to hold you.

He left unsaid the words, "in case it is the last time," but he was certain, given her emotion when he sent the initial message that she was well aware of the risk.

I… I cannot come, Lerrin, she sent, and her voice was fainter than any time they had been able to establish the link.

Why not? He sent, every hair on his body standing straight.

I am… not free to come. I have been… held. Reth—

WHAT?! Lerrin was so taken aback he stopped midstride and the guards walking with him almost ran into him. Why are—

Do not fear for me, Lerrin. He treats me well. He believes he keeps me safe. He… is concerned that the wolves will learn I came to him and they may… they may try to remove me…

Lerrin began to shake. The rage he\'d thought was draining from him daily, suddenly hot and insistent, demanding release.

He growled and the wolves near him submitted.

I will kill him, he sent, his hands fisted so tightly his nails almost broke the skin of his palms.

No! Lerrin, don\'t give in to the anger. He is like you, honorable and protective. He worries for my safety. That is all! I am not a prisoner. I am only… restricted for a short time. Until this is decided.

Torn between anger and the desire for her safety, Lerrin wavered for the first time since he\'d decided on this approach. It had all seemed the perfect way to protect his people, and give himself the opportunity to solve the problem without their bloodshed, but if Suhle was taken… if she was being harmed.

He couldn\'t risk being removed from this life if it left her unprotected!


Do not worry for me, Lerrin. I am well. Truly.

She sent him an image of the room where she sat on a bed, water and food on the table next to her, a window—though a guard\'s head was visible outside of it.

He only protects me for my own good, she sent quietly. You would do the same, I think.

But you are mine to protect, not his!

He thinks everyone is his job, she sent carefully.

Lerrin snorted. There was deep truth in that. The arrogant prick of a cat.

Then Lerrin shuddered. Could he really walk into this without seeing her again? He begged the Creator not to make it so.

I\'m so sorry, Lerrin, she sent. I wished to be at your side. To serve you. To comfort you. To… just to be with you.

It is my own fault for sending you into his reach, Lerrin sent back darkly. Tomorrow…

Tomorrow he will free me when you return here, she sent and he could feel the way she forced the brightness into her words. You will come tomorrow, Lerrin, I know you will. We will be together then. And without the ugliness of war to steal us from each other.

His eyes closed and he had to shake his head. She truly didn\'t understand.

Even if he wasn\'t killed—a very slim possibility—if he submitted to Reth tomorrow, it would be Reth\'s choice what to do with him. But if this was how the cat was going to treat everyone who came to help…

Could he submit to the male that held his mate captive? Would Reth allow him to return at all, even in submission?

Lerrin knew what he\'d do if he\'d beaten a male in a direct challenge and then needed to return the people to unity.

He wouldn\'t even hesitate to kill or banish the challenger to ensure all saw and understood the consequences for defying him. And Lerrin knew, if Reth suddenly had an army on his hands that had been disloyal…

There was no way the Anima were uniting under one banner tomorrow. Not really. There would be a time of transition and negotiation and…

Lerrin dove into the tent he\'d been given in the camp, snarling at the guards to leave him alone, and slumped onto the bedroll, face in his hands. He felt like he was being sucked into quicksand, with no branch to pull himself free.

I love you, Suhle, he sent, trying desperately to stifle the rage burning in his throat and urging him to kill, kill, kill.

I love you too, Lerrin, she sent. My heart is with you. Go with the Creator\'s blessing tomorrow. You walk into honor, my love. I am so proud of you.

He hated that he wanted to cry at that.

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