
Chapter 539: I Am Xie Yujia!

Chapter 539: I Am Xie Yujia!

Translator: Noodletown Translated Editor: Noodletown Translated

Hao Ren walked outside the Administrative Building and checked the time. The third and fourth periods in the morning were about to start.

Hao Ren had an elective course, Films Appreciation, and it was chosen to fill credits.

The course was going to take place in Academic Building D, and Hao Ren found classroom 203; the class just started.

In the classroom, a classic clip of a Hollywood movie was playing. The light was dim, and Hao Ren opened the door and walked in quietly.

“Gongzi, Gongzi…” Lu Linlin and Lu Lili whispered.

They sat in the middle of the classroom and left a seat for Hao Ren. Hao Ren walked over and saw Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi as well.

“How are you still here?” Hao Ren lowered his voice and asked Zhao Yanzi.

“Humph, Linlin and Lili brought me here. It has nothing to do with you!” Zhao Yanzi said.

Hao Ren looked at the Lu sisters. They both smiled and had been bribed by Zhao Yanzi with two ice creams.

Xie Yujia shook her head, smiled, and waved at and told him to sit down.

Although this was a small class, it was a public elective course, so there were students from all years and all programs. There was no big problem having Zhao Yanzi mixed in it.

In Films Appreciation, the instructor would lecture about the narrative techniques of films, the performances of the actors, themes, and styles. Then, the students would discuss on their own. More than half of the class was watching movies, and the students had to hand in a few hundred words of film review a week. For the final exam, the students only needed to submit a small paper of several thousand words for two credits.

“Classes in university just watch movies? How comfortable.” Zhao Yanzi held a cup of iced green tea and said while drinking. Compared with relaxed university life, her middle school life was hell.

Hao Ren was speechless. He held her shoulders, hoisted her up, and moved her to the side. Then, he sat next to Xie Yujia.

“What is the procedure for starting a club at school?” Hao Ren asked her.

“How come you are asking me about this suddenly?” Xie Yujia looked at Hao Ren in surprise.

“Just tell me how to do it,” Hao Ren said.

“What type of club do you want to start?”

“Eh… Calligraphy Club. There is no such club in the school, right?”

“I don’t think so. It will be very niche, and not many people will participate.” Xie Yujia was very surprised that Hao Ren suddenly wanted to start a club.

However, as long as Hao Ren was interested, she would accompany him even if they were the two only members.

“Well, let’s do that. What procedures do I have to go through?” Hao Ren asked again.

“It is ok; let me help you do it. I am more familiar with the Student Council. I will be able to have it approved in two days. If the process is too slow, I will ask Vice Principal Lu,” Xie Yujia said with a smile.

“Thanks a lot, Yujia.” Hao Ren was relaxed. He was not very familiar with these processes and regulations. With Xie Yujia’s help, it would be simple.

“It’s okay.” Xie Yujia smiled and gently hit Hao Ren’s shoulder. Hao Ren was very serious and polite toward Yujia, and she was not accustomed to it.

Sitting on the right side of Hao Ren, Zhao Yanzi saw Hao Ren and Xie Yujia whispering to each other; Xie Yujia also seemed to be flirting and hit Hao Ren’s shoulder. Zhao Yanzi suddenly became jealous, biting her lip.

“Oh, and when is Zhen Congming going to start school?” Hao Ren asked Xie Yujia again.

“Most of the elementary and middle schools are starting school tomorrow. He should be going to school tomorrow as well,” Xie Yujia replied.

“Okay.” Hao Ren fell into deep thought.

Zhao Yanzi twisted her body and leaned over; her soft back pressed against the side of Hao Ren’s body.

“What are you doing…” Hao Ren looked at her strangely.

Zhao Yanzi pouted and did not answer. Hao Ren took a look at the front and saw several pairs of student couples leaned against each other in the darkness of the classroom.

A course like this was a natural place for dating while earning credits. The instructor in charge of the course did not care much about this; it was common for university students to date.

Seeing that Zhao Yanzi took the initiative to lean on Hao Ren, Lu Linlin and Lu Lili grinned. Their gongzi was slow to respond, but the Little Zhumu behaved very interestingly.

They originally wanted to implement the Poison Pill Plan so that Hao Ren would ultimately fall in love with both of them, but Zhao Yanzi was too close to Hao Ren, leaving them no opportunity to execute the plan.

Sitting on the left side of Hao Ren, Xie Yujia saw Hao Ren leaning forward slightly with an embarrassed expression and Zhao Yanzi leaning on Hao Ren’s body. She felt a little jealous and deliberately leaned on Hao Ren’s shoulder as well.

She had always tried to yield to Zhao Yanzi every time, but now that Zhao Yanzi was coming to the university classes; Xie Yujia was unhappy about this. Since Zhao Yanzi had been very provocative, Xie Yujia also became a little irrational. If Zhao Yanzi wanted to fight, she would fight!

“Okay, we have seen this clip of The Matrix.” The female instructor sitting in the front suddenly turned on the lights in the classroom.

The student couples who were cuddling with each other separated in a hurry.

Hao Ren had Zhao Yanzi on the right and Xie Yujia on the left with Lu Linlin and Lu Lili cheerfully leaning on Zhao Yanzi, indirectly leaning on Hao Ren.

Zhao Yanzi and Xie Yujia, who were fighting in their minds, were half a beat too slow, and the single male students in the back all saw the scene and were shocked.

Four beautiful girls were leaning on one guy. This embarrassed them a lot.

Hao Ren coughed twice in embarrassment and slightly pushed them away with his arms. Although it was very comfortable to be leaned on by two beautiful girls, he was not shameless.

However, Zhao Yanzi would officially start school tomorrow, so she would have fewer opportunities to run out of school in the future. LingZhao Middle School was known for its rigorous academic curriculum. Although it could not completely stop students from dating, the school management was still very tough on this matter.

“That student, please answer this question. In this clip of the Matrix, what is the effect of the bullet shot?” The female instructor pointed at Zhao Yanzi with her finger and asked.

“Bu… bullet?” Zhao Yanzi was busy getting jealous and did not watch the film at all.

“My course is simple, but you can’t just come here get free credits.” The female instructor was somewhat dissatisfied. “What is your name?”

“Xie… Xie Yujia,” Zhao Yanzi replied.

When Xie Yujia heard Zhao Yanzi saying her name, she suddenly widened her eyes.

“This Zhao Yanzi is too bad!” she thought.

The female instructor took out the student list and found the name, Xie Yujia. She checked it with a ballpoint pen and said, “Well, sit down and watch the movie seriously.”

Obviously, the female instructor deducted a few points from Xie Yujia’s classroom participation mark.

“Okay, instructor. I will definitely pay attention in the future!” Zhao Yanzi was shocked and excited at the same time, and she sat back down cheerfully.

Xie Yujia gritted her teeth and stared at Zhao Yanzi angrily. For this elective course, students only needed to submit a simple paper and didn’t have exams. Therefore, classroom participation was very important.

The female instructor of this elective course deducted Xie Yujia’s points. In the next class, she might not necessarily remember the difference between Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi.

Zhao Yanzi sat back next to Hao Ren and looked at Xie Yujia proudly with her squinted eyes. She was nervous and didn’t know whose name she should answer with. She pulled Xie Yujia’s name without thinking and didn’t know that Xie Yujia cared a lot about her grade.

“Well.” The female instructor put the name list on the podium. “We will look at the next clip. I hope everyone will watch the movie seriously. Don’t be like Xie Yujia and watch half-heartedly.

The female instructor used Xie Yujia to warn other students; it was a common trick that instructors used in the first class. As she spoke, she played the next movie clip and turned off the lights in the classroom.

Xie Yujia was mad. This was the first time that she had been criticized in the classroom by an instructor in public, and she was punished because of Zhao Yanzi.

However, Zhao Yanzi did not look guilty at all. She snorted and leaned on Hao Ren’s shoulder again.

Xie Yujia was super mad; she did not deserve this. Zhao Yanzi did not even apologize for impersonating her.

“Okay, okay…” Hao Ren gently patted on Xie Yujia’s arm tried to comfort her.

Xie Yujia’s had a mild temper, but it did not mean that she would take everything that was thrown at her. Any woman could be terrifying when she was angry.

The two periods of Films Appreciation ended, and the five of them came out of the classroom. The glaring between Xie Yujia and Zhao Yanzi was no longer ordinary.

“Hao Ren, I will help you in the afternoon and try to get all the procedures done,” Xie Yujia held her anger in and said to Hao Ren.

“I will go with you,” Hao Ren said.

“No need…”

As soon as Xie Yujia said that, Zhao Yanzi immediately said to Hao Ren, “There is a barbecue restaurant on Hongji Square. It is delicious, and Ling and the girls want to try it. They just texted me and said that they already got up and are waiting for us at Hongji Square. Won’t you buy us barbecue?”

Zhao Yanzi looked at him with watery eyes. It seemed like she was going to introduce him to her classmates today officially.

“They are all your classmates. Maybe next time,” Hao Ren said.

When she heard Hao Ren say this, Zhao Yanzi picked up her pink little mobile phone and dialed it out. “Hey, are you guys there? Uncle is very stingy and doesn’t want to buy you a meal.”

“Hey, hey…” Hao Ren reached for her cell phone. “When did I say that?”

“Oh… Uncle changed his mind and said that he is very generous and will buy you all barbecue! You are waiting, right? We will come soon!” Zhao Yanzi hung up the phone and dragged Hao Ren to the stairs.

Hao Ren was dragged out by her helplessly.

“Childe! You are buying us dinner tonight!” Lu Linlin and Lu Lili stood behind and shouted.

There were going to be Zhao Yanzi’s classmates, they would not join in on the fun, but Hao Ren must also buy them dinner to maintain the fairness.

“Big Zhumu, Gongzi will not be biased!” They immediately comforted Xie Yujia.

Xie Yujia sighed slightly, and she felt a little uneasy; Zhao Yanzi had been attacking fiercely.

However, she couldn’t really fight Zhao Yanzi since the latter was much younger.

Xie Yujia touched the demonic bow on her neck and thought, “I can go to Fifth Heaven and practice archery. I don’t believe that Zhao Yanzi can beat me!”

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