
Chapter 157 - FREE

Chapter 157 - FREE

Lucas Nicholas sat proudly on his throne—his swivel chair—like the infamous god of the underworld, Hades.

The eerie silence inside his office wrapped through him like a cloak.

The beep on his laptop instantly carved a frown on his forehead. The sound indicates a new message has arrived.

He clicked on the notification bar.

Catherine Grace, his cousin, the OIC of the Investigation Firm he worked at sent him a video file.

He was about to ignore her message when he received another, this time it was written in bold capital letters. It says VERY VERY IMPORTANT!

He let go a deep sigh. He wondered what his cousin was up to. Catherine Grace constantly bothers him from time to time over useless things and says it\'s important, even though they\'re not. It\'s her way of telling him not to overwork.

Left without a choice, he clicked on the video, and it began to play. The video instantly captured his interest. He can\'t tear his gaze off it this time.

His eyebrows furrowed while his eyes squinted in concentration as he watched what happened next.

His jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes widened with shock as the morbid scene unfolded right in front of his eyes.

The evidence that could prove Ace was innocent was right in front of him!

This time, the real culprit could never escape from her crimes.

After watching the video, he let go of the breath he didn\'t know he was holding. Even though the video isn\'t playing anymore, he just continued to stare at the screen as he slowly recovered his composure.

He was still taken aback after watching the video. He wasn\'t knew when it comes too murder since it was natural in his line of work. But somehow, the video was very disturbing. Only a mentally ill person would stab an already dead woman forty more times.

His phone suddenly rang on top of his table. He flinched by the sudden piercing sound. As he reached for it, he realized his fingers were trembling. He shrugged his shoulders and turned the answer button.

"Did you see the video Nic?" Catherine asked in a tone filled with excitement.

"Yes," He replied. For the very first time, he was thankful for his cousin who could be annoying at times. "How did you manage to get the evidence?" He asked.

Lucas Nicholas gingerly rose from his seat as he waited for Catherine\'s response. The swivel chair squeaked in relief when he took his weight off it.

He stood in front of the glass window and stared at the boundless view of skyscrapers and establishments in front of him as sunset swept over the horizon. The scene looked magical—like a scene straight from the painter\'s canvas.

"Angela was the one who led us to the evidence. She left a letter to Phoenix telling her everything." She explained breathlessly. He could imagine his cousin pacing back and forth as she spoke.

Lucas couldn\'t help but wonder what could have happened if Angela didn\'t leave any evidence behind before she died.

Even if Ace was innocent, he would not be able to win the case. The killer—whom he learned was Samantha, executed her crime so well that it was impossible to prove that she was the real killer.

He never knew Angela personally but he was actually very thankful to her. Ace would be proven to be innocent.

"Is Phoenix with you right now?" He asked, tearing his gaze away from the magnificent view outside the window.

He returned to his table to look for the car key?he kept in the drawer under his table. When he successfully retrieves the key, he grabs it and drops it in the pocket of his pants.

"Yes, she\'s here with me…" She replied with a momentary pause. "Why\'d you ask?"

"Good. I received the information that Vince was back in the country…. If possible, please don\'t allow Phoenix to leave the house…. It\'s dangerous. Ace would skin me alive if something happens to his wife."

"Copy! I will make sure she won\'t leave the house." Catherine said with conviction.

When the call was over, Lucas pressed the end button and slid his phone into his pocket then grabbed his coat hanging on from the wall before heading to the elevator.

When he reached the ground floor, he exited the building and made a beeline straight to the sleek silvery jaguar waiting at the parking lot.

The car was a gift from his grandfather and it became his favorite car since then.

His hawk-sharp eyes darted across the?luxury cars neatly lined up in the spacious parking area. He was alone and he had nothing to worry about someone attacking him. Just in case it happens, he knew how to protect himself.

He climbed inside his Jaguar and turned the engine on. The car moved forward until it was safely moving on the four lane highway.

While he drove, he didn\'t let his guard down. His eyes carefully observing his surroundings. Years of working in the Investigation Agency taught him to be cautious at all times. He will never know when his life would be endangered, at least he\'s prepared when it happens.

The car skidded to a stop in front of the police station. He pushed the door open and climbed out of it. With quick, hurried steps he reached the building.

Two police officers were already waiting for him inside.

He was able to send them a copy of the hidden camera footage before he left. By now, he was sure that they finished watching it too and validated that it was not fabricated.

He talked to the two officers.

Tonight, the police are?planning to capture Samantha Greyson before she could leave the country and Lucas was coming with them.

They were still discussing their plans for tonight when approaching footsteps sounded. When he raised his head, Ace greeted his sight.

He looked at his friend and smiled, "Congratulations you escaped the hangman\'s noose…. We just proved you\'re innocent."

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