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Chapter 277

If it was any other creature, no matter how powerful they are, breaking the chains isn’t doable, only the victim of them is able to get rid of them .

"*sigh* . . . this is but the beginning, you don’t even know the amount of trouble you brought onto yourself . "

The copy wasn’t particularly pleased about Arthur’s actions, from his point of view, the downsides of breaking the chains far outweigh the advantages .

The damnable chains that have been bugging Arthur were finally released, they began falling to the flaming abyss only to be swallowed by a small spatial tear that appeared out of nowhere .

This spatial tear was the beginning of the storm, thousands upon thousands of spatial tears appeared all around Arthur, clear some of the dark fog and causing the weather to become gloomier than ever before and much more turbulent, much like the South of the Underworld .

In just a few seconds, the dark fog, which was supposed to be resistant against all types of attacks, was totally gone as it was absorbed by the countless spatial tears which stretched to all corners of Astria .

Fortunately, their power was severely reduced the further they were from the source, Arthur, so the damage they caused to the other continent is very minimal, almost negligible .

The area around Arthur, Curtis, and the three Divine Beasts became clear for ten seconds before ominous dark clouds clustered above them with sounds of the thunder resounding from afar .

A heavenly pressure pressed down on them, suffocating even the three beasts, as coupled with Curtis’ chains, they were unable to properly defend and were rendered motionless, dumbly staring at the dark clouds with unease and fear .

"If it was anyone else, I would call them unlucky to have called the Celestial Tribulations but in your case, it shouldn’t be too hard to defend against it even if it had abnormal power, your body is way stronger than you could imagine, a pity though . . . "

Arthur’s bones crackled and moved on their own, some healing instantaneously and others becoming tougher, all his pores absorbed Nether Energy and Mana like crazy, creating a white whirlpool, barely visible, above him .

His severe wounds and bloody wounds were recovering with a mind-numbing speed, in barely twenty seconds, he already had full Health, Mana, and Nether Energy .

There were no signs of the previous backlashes, especially in his arm, his eyes were emitting a brilliant blue light and his hair became much longer .

It was not only in that area that had dark clouds shrouding the sky, The sky covering all of Astria became gloomy and dark, the clouds brought an overwhelming pressure that forced more than half of the population to its knees .

. . .

In the Eastern side of the world, someplace hidden away inside the forest in the Itas Continent, there were several large figure wearing red robes running away toward the same direction .

"Hurry! It will surely notice u-"

The monster didn’t even finish his words before a thick bolt of red thunder descended from the heavens, smiting him on the spot and turning him into black dust that soon dispersed in the air .

The others became scared shitless as they run with their fastest speed, trying to hide from the dark clouds above . These monsters were none other than the evil cult that appeared on the Eastern Continent, the same ones Jackob fought in the past .

They belonged to Bucama’s race, they all had a savage aura around them, were despicable and evil from nature and were detested by everyone, even the devils .

Red bolts of thunder kept following everywhere, some hit their targets and some missed by a hair-width . In only a minute or so, more than half of the fleeing monsters were turned into nothingness .

The rest somehow managed to reach their destination, they entered a cave underground and activated countless red crystals as they jumped inside an enormous pool of blood, not daring to even raise their head in fear .

. . . . .

In the Imperial City of the Demons, Taliya and the current Demon Lord were gazing at the falling red thunder with an uneasy feeling . Though it didn’t shatter any buildings and seemed to affect only living beings, it still caused them to feel extremely uneasy and even a bit fearful .

Obviously, no sane demon was courageous enough to leave their house and try to see what’s going on . Thankfully, there were no victims as everyone valued their lives .

. . . .

On the Western Continent, the bone dragons were shouting fearfully as they flew into large buildings that could be considered their home . They tried their best to lower their aura as they covered their head with their tails and remained silent and motionless as if they were dead .

The undead army just outside the great wall surrounding the MoonStar sect weren’t as lucky as the bone dragons . A large number of them was killed by the red thunder . They couldn’t even retaliate as one bolt will eradicate ten to twenty skeletons, so in just a few short seconds, more than third of this undead army was smitten from the face of this world .


Swain, who was on the shore of the Western continent, clicked his tongue as he noticed the descending red thunder . He waved his hand, creating a bloody red sphere that enveloped him and made him sink deep into the earth .

The thunderbolts passed this area and didn’t seem to focus on eradicating it like what happened with the monsters on the East, from the looks of it, the youth successfully managed to fool the tribulation .

There was one poor soul that suffered on this continent, it was none other than Grizzly, the red minotaur who just went through a rather painful evolution .

The red thunder seemed to notice the guardian as it started sending one bolt after another, trying to erase its existence . In response to the thunder, Grizzly roared angrily as it held the heavy large axe and waved it upwards, clashing with the descending bolts .

Although it wasn’t able to completely deflect them, it was confident in protecting itself for a while . With rising flames and heavy shaking in the area, the fierce one-sided battle of the red minotaur and the red thunder began . . .

. . .

Unbeknownst to the Arthur, there was a huge uproar outside of Astria too . One because of the Divine Beasts and second due to the Celestial Clouds making a move after such a long time .

Unfortunately for the great powers, they can’t follow the clouds as their speed defied common sense, they could only sigh and predict their destination .

The Celestial Clouds are a form of tribulation, just like the God’s tribulation, which comes for any Divine Being that tries to reach Godhood .

However, the Celestial Tribulations is extremely rare, in fact, it has been more than a millennium that a similar tribulation appeared, which explains how hard to force these clouds to move .

Moreover, the person in questions, the one who’s receiving the wrath of the celestials, is what interests the big powers . They’d want to know who he or she is to either recruit him under their wing, take them as a disciple or finish them off if the first two options didn’t work .

Leaving such a monster alive would only make things hard for them in the future, once his potential blooms and his powers reach a certain rank .

Out of all the history records the big factions have, there were only three recorded Celestial Tribulations . The first one was when a young genius created a new whole kind of Energy, Destruction Energy .

The second time was when an ancient Empress reached a high level of cultivation, a level where even the Heavens could not reach, as for what happened to that Empress, it is said that she disappeared right after, however, there were some records that mentioned her appearance in the Void Era and the battle of Titans .

The third case is the most mysterious, it is only said that a Ghost cultivator managed to create a heaven-defying weapon, any more details were omitted . .

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