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Chapter 300

To return the courtesy, Miya bowed and could only say those words . She remained stiff for some time before Lucy waved her hand to calm the girl whilst saying

"No need to be so nervous, he’s not going to eat you . Not that I would let him though . "

Miya repeatedly nodded her head and dismissed herself from the room saying that she had work to do . Surprisingly, the second Miya left, a drunk Delia entered the room .

She had a red face and was holding a bottle of expensive wine . She didn’t seem to notice Arthur’s presence as she dizzily walked to her comfortable sofa and fell on it while letting a long sigh .

Only after Arthur spoke did she snap at out of her drunken state and stare at him with total dumbfoundedness .

"For the Holy Goddess to become like this, it seems Earth affected you more than I had thought . "

To be honest, Arthur expected Delia to remain unchanged, keeping her high and mighty attitude and seclude herself without bothering with the life of mortals but from the way she looked right now, just by the fact that she let herself become drunk albeit being a God, explains many things .

"Y-yyy-you’re actually here!"

While staring at him with round eyes and pointing her finger at him, the delirious Delia was in a state of shock too, just like what happened to Miya, however, she didn’t seem to accept the fact of his presence even after seeing him .

Arthur chuckled as he witnessed how far the Goddess from the past had fallen .

"Y-you! It’s been five years you know? I can’t even properly cultivate on this planet! It’s only your wife who’s benefiting from this life! It’s unfair!"

Delia continued rambling and complaining nonstop, only after a lengthy period of time passed did she shrug her shoulders in uninterest .

"Whatever! It’s not like you’re going to bother explaining anything!"

In response, Arthur retrieved a golden book from his storage and threw it at Delia, who unconsciously caught it but she still gave him a confused look .

"It is useless to me . Perhaps in your hands, it’ll bring fruitful results, moreover, you’ll surely be busy from now on . "

That golden book was actually something he found in Rozak’s storage . It explained many things about Holy Energy and even a few techniques that are only available to high-ranked individuals, for example, the Holy Arts that were used against him in his fight against the Sovereign .

Once she read a couple of pages, Delia cast a healing spell on herself to get rid of the drunken state . She couldn’t believe her eyes but once she read it a few more times, she became sure of her assumptions .

With shaking hands caused by her excitment and disbelief, Delia glanced at Arthur and said:

"At least you know how to please a lady . "

Then she engrossed herself in carefully reading what’s in the book while totally ignoring Arthur and Lucy, who didn’t seem bothered by this .

Lucy led Arthur to her room and from that point on, the couple spent a long period of time chatting . Arthur spoke about his experiences for the past five years, he didn’t spare any details and recounted everything, from beginning to end .

Arthur wanted to go bring Saly first but Lucy firmly objected, saying that she barely managed to urge the little girl to go to school and if he were to show up right now, she’ll definitely end up skipping for the next couple of days, including this one .

He told her about the fall of the Human Empire, the invasion of the evil race and how he personally visited their world only for it to be destroyed while he barely escaped alive .

The horror he had seen there and how humans were treated less than objects there, the way they were tortured, how they were used as living statues to decorate Bucama’s manor .

He then spoke about the Northern Continent, his meeting with the Demon Lord, the appearance of the ARK and how his copy is the one who saved him when he was in the Underworld .

The unbreakable chains which limited his powers, his trip to the Green-Leaf World and how he met several grand personages, had to fight Gods and Sovereigns .

The past of the World Tree, its origins and the oath he made with it, to protect it from any invaders that which to harm it . Of course, he didn’t miss the fight with the Reaper, which was unbelievably strong and albeit escaping alive, Arthur was certain he didn’t kill it and sooner or later, it’ll come back for him .

Once Arthur mentioned the Joker, Lucy had him imprint the latter appearance so she could ascertain of something . After a bit of pondering, she told him that she remembered seeing the Joker in the past .

The memories of her early childhood were blurry but she was certain that she had met him, more than once too . Although it was surprising for the Joker to have a relation with her origins, nevertheless, she managed to find a clue leading to her birth .

Last but not least, Arthur narrated how he experienced the lives of different animals, being imprisoned in Curtis’ body and experiencing his life with him . There was also the fight against the Divine Beast, which should have killed him if not for the intervention of the Cthulhu Race, which in an attempt to kill him, ended up helping him .

The more Arthur narrated his story, the paler Lucy’s face became . She would clench her hands, which were holding his, or even forget to breathe for a couple of seconds .

More than two hours later, Arthur finished telling her everything, to the very last detail, without missing anything . Matters about Taliya and Gutcha were also told, how the maid wanted to follow him and how he found the human AI in the forgotten continent .

Speaking of Lolitta, Arthur finally let her out of the ARK but that only caused the little girl to start reprimanding him . When she was done, she started praising Lucy and telling her how beautiful she was, however, she insisted that she was way prettier, causing Lucy to chuckle and pat her head gently .

Although she was over a hundred years old, Lolitta acted different from her age, even Saly was more mature than her . Then again, their daughter had suffered a lot when she was a child, whether it was mental or physical torture, she experienced them both .

Lolitta didn’t remain there for too long, after letting out her pent-up anger and frustration on Arthur, who jokingly hit her head and caused her to cry for a bit, she darted out of the room . Soon enough, Arthur could hear Delia’s screams as she seemed to be quarreling with the little girl, apparently, they didn’t have any chemistry between them .

"I’m sorry . . . I couldn’t be with you . To help you, provide support, there was a lot of things I could have done . "

Lucy hugged Arthur as she spoke with a sad tone, from the things she heard from him, the life she had on Earth seemed extremely peaceful with no hurdles or life-threatening situations .

Arthur smiled and patted her head:

"Never be sorry, Lucy . I only managed to overcome all of that because I had you and Saly in my mind, I knew that I would meet you and that’s what allowed me to move forward and clear everything in my path . "

. . . . .

A while later, after Lucy snuggled in Arthur’s arms for quite some time until she was fully satisfied, she told him what happened since the moment she appeared . Unlike what happened to him, nothing special was worth mentioning, there was the fight against the Divine Beasts, which went smoothly thanks to Snory, who was way overpowered and defeated them with ease .

Since he asked her cooperation along with Delia, Lucy managed to land the find blow to two out of the four Divine Beasts, which weren’t as absurdly strong as the ones which appeared on Astria .

When she mentioned Snory, Lucy told him all the details she had about this lazy old man, who is always sleeping on the surface of the moon . She only knows he works for the System but apart from the time he requested her help against the Divine Beasts, he never appeared again .

Apparently, Delia fought him but was horribly defeated quite easily, from what Lucy heard and saw, Snory is a peak Sovereign, possibly even a God Monarch, which is why she was confused on why he would need her help .

He can use high-level illusions that couldn’t be more realistic, plus, the damage the victims receive inside of it isn’t an illusion either, his way of attacking is weird but very fatal .

Thanks to a skill named [Mana Convergence], which Lucy got when she reached the Divine Realm . She managed to benefit a lot from the two beasts she killed, they allowed her to jump to the peak of Divine Realm after processing the Mana gotten from them in just a week .

With the changes that appeared on Earth and the appearance of the system and the dungeons, there was a considerable amount of Mana on Earth, unlike Astria, this Mana was very pure and for Lucy, who has a strong affinity to it, it was like Heaven as cultivating for a day gives triple the results with half the effort .

Furthermore, the fusion of the Ice and fire was smoother than the past, its product was way more powerful too . There was another one from Lucy’s group who managed to power up a lot, it was none other than Randuin, the bone lizard .

His black flames ’Amaterasu’ are even dangerous to Lucy, who reached Half-Sovereign as of now . They cannot be extinguished, they are eternal and would burn the target until there’s nothing but ash, which in its turn, will be turned into nothingness .

The lizard is always with Saly, protecting her from the shadows . Every assassination attempt was met with a failure, the attackers were scorched by the dark flames before they could even reveal themselves and attack little Saly .


"En! This all links up to the Hero Organization and your ex-wife, Claudia . . . "

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