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Chapter 392

The reason he was about to leave is because he felt the return of Lucy . Thanks to the soul bind, if the distance separating them is short, he can pinpoint her position .

Unfortunately for Arthur, before he could go back to their residence in the capital, Lucy was already coming here! Moreover, with terrifying speed . Such weak formations were nothing for her . Though she lacked any Stealth skills, it wasn’t hard to sneak in by relying on her high Agility and Dexterity .

Her speed slowed down by a bit once she entered the Mountain Ba sword sect, nonetheless, she arrived sooner than expected . It has been less than ten minutes since she came back from Losha’s mountain yet here she is, facing a nervous Arthur .

Though he told her about Jian Si, he would rather the two never met as Lucy was quite over-protective and get jealous really, really fast . In fact, he can’t remember a time she didn’t get jealous when he talked to another woman, except Anastassia, Sonia, and Mary .

Without turning back, Arthur could feel a piercing glare land on his back, making him feel itchy and fidgety . He slowly turned his head only to see Lucy standing a distance away from, arms crossed and giving him a strange look . She spared him a quick glance before she shifted her attention to a girl not far away . It was a dark-haired girl who was a beauty but a thick and suffocating killing intent radiated from her .

Jian Si, who was busy manipulating her energy, noticed Arthur’s weird actions . She followed his gaze only to see a new guest, it was a silver-haired woman with exceptional beauty and blood-red eyes . The pressure she felt from the woman was by no means inferior to Arthur .

The temperature decreased by a dozen degrees and the ground showed signs of being frozen . Seeing this, Arthur had to interfere lest Lucy really tries something .

He awkwardly laughed and said

"H,haha . . hahaha this is my wife, Lucy . "

He swiftly appeared behind Lucy and held both of her shoulders while saying that, as if he was introducing her . Lucy showed a friendly smile as she said

"I assume you’re Jian Si, the student?"

She shook off Arthur’s hands and walked up to the startled Jian Si, who politely nodded her head . Unlike with Arthur, she behaved herself as she felt a suffocating pressure emanating from Lucy, like an angry tigress .

The two women shook hands before an awkward silence dominated the atmosphere . Arthur had to butt in again, he instructed Jian Si to continue training while dragging to a secluded side of the mountain .

"Hmpf! I thought you were meticulously training yet you’re flirting with young girls!"

Arthur innocently waved his hands and tried to explain himself

"I was really training her, honest! I’ve only been here for a week so I-"

He was interrupted yet again as Lucy lashed out again

"A whole week with her alone? Hmpf!"

She turned her head the other way and walked away, clearly angry . Arthur felt helpless as he couldn’t find a way to please his jealous wife of his .

With no other choice, he appeared next to her and before she back away or react, he planted a kiss on her rosy and soft lips . Though it wasn’t a normal kiss, his tongue invaded her mouth and sucked everything, which prolonged the duration of the kiss .

Only after a long while did the two lips separate, leaving a red-faced and panting Lucy . Who looked at Arthur with a strange gaze . He thought he bought himself time to explain but she pushed him against and the wall and the following events shall be omitted...

Not to be heard or discovered, Arthur had already hidden himself and Lucy in a separate dimension . After enjoying themselves for several hours without rest thanks to their infinite Stamina, the two talked about what happened when they were separated while cuddling .

Lucy explained to him how the world suddenly turned into absolute darkness as she heard the loud roar of Makaze . She also told him about the Nameless Knight, who took Makaze and left, promising Losha to give it back to Arthur .

Confused, Arthur turned to Claud, who awkwardly scratched his head and said

"So yeah... you remember the youth that you found in the Westia continent? The one whom you gave that sword . That’s the Nameless Knight . "

This startled Arthur, never did he think that the strange youth in the Westia Continent .

"Even if you go back now, you won’t find him . You met the younger version of the Nameless Knight, before he disappeared both from the game and Earth . "

"Why would he take Makaze from Losha? It is really just to return the favor?"

Claud shook his head in ignorance while answering

"I don’t know . "

Although troubled by the missing Makaze, Arthur hoped that he’ll get it soon . He can only display half of his power without the dark blade .

Arthur proceeded to speak of his adventures, how he killed Visto . His trip to the South and killing the flame snake while saving Lisa . However, he only got another angry glare from Lucy, who berated him for not bringing her with him .

If she did come, killing the snake wouldn’t have been so hard, especially with her Yin powers, which counters any fire beasts .

The two left the secluded cave sometime later, finding a hard-working Jian Si, still trying to create the sword using only her energy .

Fortunately, Lucy calmed down but still looked at Cold Sword unfavorably . It wasn’t the girl’s fault, it’s just that Lucy considers any pretty woman an enemy, a potential rival .


Although the Arthur who appeared in her mountain told her to go this place after Two months, Losha still went earlier than expected . She gave Lucy a training routine and was sure that her disciple will meticulously cultivate .

She was both curious and fearful after all the events that occurred since her first meeting with the weird couple .

From meeting a time-traveler to meeting the Nameless Knight . It became a total cluster fuck . The world she just appeared in was none other than Astria . More precisely, she landed in the Western Continent .

Thanks to her high cultivation, her senses were extremely sharp so the moment she appeared her, she noticed the unnatural death energy lingering in the air .

She turned her head toward the South and furrowed her brows, clearly startled .

"This is a land of death!"

It took her a few minutes to appear South of the Western Continent . Lo and behold, an army of undead with countless bone dragons, death knights and other variants .

Even someone as strong-willed as Losha became pale upon witnessing the humongous army before her . The number of undead surpassed the hundred million, they were all clustered next to each other . The land became corrupted and even breathing became difficult .

This place became that of death, the might of this motionless army wasn’t great as they haven’t awakened yet, however, one could imagine what they’ll do once they’re organized and ready .

"Just what the hell is going on!"

As she spread her sense even further, her expression turned uglier as she hastily turned toward the East .

"FUCK! So this is what you wanted me to protect!"

A short while later, she was before a tall tree that pierced the sky itself . Its branches stretched to all direction, covering more than half of the Eastern continent .



Inside the black manor, precisely back in the gloomy room . Saly was holding her head as blood came out of her ears, nose, and eyes . The pain never ceased and it became worse with every passing day .

An expressionless young man was calmly watching her suffer . He showed no sympathy or pity, he crossed his arms and closely watched the changes occurring to Saly .

"Today is the last day, if you fail to overcome it, you’re dead . "

He said it so casually yet all Saly could hear was a deafening ringing sound . Her body convulsed inside that pool of blood, which started shining with a white light . Her voice became so loud that it reverberated in all corners of the manor .

At some point, she no longer has the strength to yell, she laid inside the pool as her body wriggled and the brown fur that covered parts of her body started falling .

Seeing this, the young main, Leiu, said with a cold voice

"And now, born from the ashes, she’s a warrior in bloodied back . "

Slowly but surely, a new kind of fur started growing on her body . It was a soft and beautiful white fur that shone with a brilliant light, bringing some illumination to this godforsaken room .

Saly was still unconscious as her body started healing itself and strengthening her bones .

Leiu slowly got up from his seat and left the room after throwing one lance glance at the girl .

Outside the manor, Astrith, who turned half illusory as he was on the brink of death after fighting Milkan for a very long time, looked at the pillar of light that rose to the dark sky, piercing it and extinguishing the miniature sun .

A young man clad in dark armor appeared a distance away from Astrith, who viciously stared at him, demanding an explanation .

"Back then, they bound her due to her rapid growth yet she bit off their hand . Now, without their presence, she’ll be able to achieve what she couldn’t in the past . "

Confused, Astrith retorted

"What are you talking about?"

Leiu softly smiled as he met the wolf’s gaze, he put on his dark helmet before answering

"Fenrir . "

After which, he disappeared, leaving a dumbfounded Astrith, who was sent flying by Milkan .

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