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Chapter 444

He was about to possess a small plant and get farther away only to feel a suffocating pressure lock into him . Before he could react, to figures appeared above him, both way stronger than him .

One was an old man with a scarred face and the other was a tall silver-haired woman that looked similar to Lucy . Hobson may be strong but there’s a high chance that he can escape but against that woman, Arthur was left with no choice but to remain still .

’She’s an Exalted God, don’t do anything foolish!’

Arthur lifted his head and stared back at the expressionless woman, who was inspecting him from head to toe .

"I have to say, you almost slipped through . "

Hobson praised Arthur while letting out a sigh . Arthur just happened to leave when the Matriarch broke through, unfortunately, she immediately sensed him and gave chase with the butler .

Honestly, Hobson was curious about the means Arthur used to escape his detection . He came out of the clan so that can only mean he was with Lucy all long yet an Overgod like himself failed to discover anything . Moreover, the opponent was only a Sovereign!

"So you’re Eva’s husband?"

The Matriarch’s eyes contained no contempt or hatred, she looked emotionless but her gaze was enough for Arthur to feel as if a mountain was pressing down on him . It was different from the pressure of Overgods, this showcased the big difference between the two of them .

Even his strongest attack wouldn’t even scratch her clothes, at least that’s the feeling Arthur got .

"Indeed, I am and... she’s not Eva but Lucy, Lucy MoonStar . "

"You’ve got a mouth on you, huh . "

The woman descended from the air and landed in front of Arthur . Her black pupils seemed to see through everything, just like the Joker .

"I see that you’re special but special doesn’t mean good . I’ve heard from Hobson that you’ve caused many problems and refused to let go of my daughter . "

In response, Arthur sneered and retorted

"It’s actually you who refused to let go . Lucy never asked you to look for her, much less drag her here by force . She’s happy and doesn’t need your interference of any of your ’motherly love’ . "

The woman didn’t seem bothered by his disrespectful tone, she kept staring straight into his eyes while saying

"Who are you to say that?"

"I am her husband . It’s not you but I, who was there where she needed help . While it’s true I wasn’t there since the beginning, at least I changed her world just like she changed mine . You claim to be her mother but you did nothing for her so stop trying to come up with an excuse to explain your unwelcome actions . "

"You better start speaking politely to th-"

Hobson was about to berate Arthur only for the woman to raise her hand, signaling him to stop talking . The butler closed his mouth and bowed his head .

"You also don’t know the circumstances that separated her from me . "

Arthur snorted while retorting again

"I know that despite having a human father and a specter mother, she’s a half-demon . Whatever you did to her, it ended up screwing her life and causing her to live in despair ever since she’s young . "

Arthur’s revelation totally shocked the Matriarch, who’s body shook violently upon hearing that . She frowned and asked

"She’s a half-demon?"

Even Hobson didn’t seem to be aware of that . Although she’s a half-demon, Lucy didn’t have any demonic characteristic and even if there were, they’re permanently hidden which is why no one noticed .

The woman bit her lips and mumbled with a very low voice

"It’s all my fault..."

"Since you know it’s your fault then stop this nonsense before it’s too late . "

She shook her head while saying

"No, I plan to fix everything . It’s my responsibility as her mother . "

Arthur found this ludicrous, he laughed while mocking her

"So you’re doing this out of duty and not love? This is getting more and more pathetic!"

"I love my daughter and would stop at nothing to create a world where she can live comfortable and happy . That’s what I plan to do now that she’s back to her real home . "

She paused for a split second before continuing: "I don’t want her to be tied by her past and remember those horrible memories and that is why I cannot tolerate you . As my daughter, she needs to marry someone of equal status and not someone like you . "

The Matriarch looked at him from head to toe before resuming;

"I don’t doubt that you’re very strong, stronger than those wuss on this planet . However, I don’t trust you, not after hearing things about you and seeing what you are with my own eyes . "

What her eyes currently saw was not his appearance but what’s inside, absolute darkness, ominous and malevolent .

"An abomination, that’s what we call your kind . You only exist to kill and control others, I simply cannot let my daughter’s future be ruined by you . "

The Matriarch was fully aware that Arthur was a parasite, coupled with the Dark Magic and the Quad-Spirit inside of him, it only worsened her view of him .

Arthur remained silent but his glare couldn’t be colder . He very much wanted to attack her but he knew that he would be defeated before even lifting a finger .

She raised her hand while saying

"Believe me, I don’t hold any grudges against you but... I cannot let you live . "

The woman stared at the unfazed Arthur, who kept glaring at her . She let out a sigh while saying

"Any last words?"

His eyes locked onto the silver-haired woman, Arthur said

"This will not be the end . I will come back . "

It was the last words Arthur said before while flames covered his bodies, burning it until he was turning into nothingness . Although a spark of orange flames appeared out of nowhere and tried to heal him, the white flames prevailed and turned him into ash .


Inside the Winter Prison, the ever-so-silent Makaze emitted an ear-deafening cry that shook the whole prison, including the Pagoda on the surface . Even Lucy was startled and before she could react, the dark blade transformed into a black shadow that flew out of the Winter Prison, breaking everything in its way and flying toward Arthur’s location .

All the people of the clan could see was a black shooting flying across the gloomy sky .

Within seconds, the blade appeared right next to the Matriarch and started vibrating intensely while emitting a black fog . The Matriarch looked at it for a few seconds before saying

"He’s dead, let’s go . "

Hobson hesitated for a second before saying

"Aren’t you going to take it?"

While walking further away from the blade, she said

"You could try to . "

She vanished from his sight a second later . The butler stared at the vibrating blade which was emitting low growls, before sighing and leaving the area .

After a long while, the Dark Blade, which remained in that chaotic state, was enveloped by dark flames before pointing to the sky . With incredible speed, it flew into the sky, where a huge black gate appeared . The gate opened for a split second, letting Evil Wind before closing against and vanishing right after .


"This will be our last meeting so you must remember my words!"

A stern Arthur warned a big silver dragon which obediently listened to him .

"When the time comes, you will fight me . Make sure to lose when the blast occurs . "

Arthur waved his hand, creating a motionless body identical to the dragon in front of him . The body was lifeless and was heavily injured but it’s definitely Yamak’s body .

"Don’t forget to go easy on them, understood?"

The silver dragon bowed its head then rubbed it against Arthur, showing its affection . Arthur played with it for some time before bidding goodbye . The dragon was reluctant to go of him but it knew that he couldn’t take care of it forever . Although it’s still unable to talk, it’s very intelligent and very strong as he personally trained it .


Laying on a grassy field, Arthur looked at the blue sky while softly smiling . The calming sound of the nearby river and the birds made his mind feel at ease . Slowly but surely, beginning from his feet, Arthur’s body started disintegrating . It was the fast passage of time that was turning his body into nothingness .

He felt no pain, only fatigue, he chuckled and mumbled

"So this the end... where it all began..."

A minute later, there was nothing but golden ash . Upon a closer look, this place was where Arthur appeared the moment he was reincarnated...


In an unknown world, three shooting stars appeared in the middle of the day . They descended from above and landed centimeters away from each other . They didn’t cause a huge disturbance and only a few trees were crushed around them .

Upon a closer look, the three shooting stars were actually three people .

"Arghh what the fuck just happened!"

One of them got up and loudly cursed while getting rid of the grass on his head . The second to wake up was Arthur, who was confused as he didn’t expect to come here .

He glanced around him only to notice the presence of two familiar faces . One was a man with a weird white costume and tattoos under his eye while the other was a pale-faced youth wearing jet black armor .

There, it will all begin anew, between the pure and the corrupt... the one true struggle .


VOLUME 7 : Three Brothers

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