
Chapter 7

Alex looked at the silent Carlo and said nothing, waiting for Carlo to speak first was basic etiquette, since Carlo was the one who had a higher rank .

Carlo looked at his son who was not sitting down and standing in an upright manner . ’Since Alex thinks of this as a formal mission he would definitely act like he did back in our days as mercenaries . ’

"So what happened at school today?"

Alex recounted the events of the day . He talked about how he met Rachel, how he acted in school, and how he was detained by the police .

When Carlo heard the whole story from Alex, he facepalmed himself . "Listen up Alex, I’m going to add some revisions to the mission . "

1 . Do not bother the girl

2 . Do not make the girl uncomfortable

3 . Get close to the girl, without her hating you

4 . Find a friend that is not the target for protection

When Alex heard Carlo’s add ons in the mission, he saluted and answered without hesitation .

"Sir, yes sir!" Alex headed back to his room planning for the following day .

. . .

In a room of a girl which was filled with dog stuff toys, a beautiful maiden was screaming at her pillow . Her long black hair was disheveled as she rolled around her bed .

"What I did was not wrong!"

This girl was of course Rachel, she was feeling a bit guilty about calling the cops on Alex . She knew as long as Alex talks to the police officers nicely they would just give him a warning and let it be . . . That is if he talked to them nicely, but remembering all the weird things he did today, Rachel had some doubts that Alex could talk nicely to anyone .

Rachel started to remember the weird happenings of the day . First she was in a hurry to go to school since she woke up late . When she turned at a corner she bumped into someone, and that someone namely Alex threw her .

She thought that the throw would hurt her, but she had a very soft landing . Surprised she got angry at the guy .

Then when she got to school she was surprised to see that he was a transfer student .

"Not only was he smart he was also pretty good looking, and based on his actions today it’s clear that he likes me very much . He even openly admitted that he was stunned by my beauty . "

Rachel was then reminded of the princess carry she was in awhile ago . She remembered those strong arms that seem like they could protect her from anything . . . .

Rachel started blushing and screamed again . ’What the hell am I thinking!!! Do I actually like the guy?! Well he is interesting, his looks and academic ability are right up there . Even his strength was top notch . . . The only problem is his personality, even though he likes me to that extent where he can’t look at anything else but me, even following me home, most probably worried about me . . . . Wait a minute! How come it sounds like I’m giving in to him!?’

These were the thoughts of teenage girl who has never considered falling in love before . Rachel was having trouble sleeping since she couldn’t get the stupid Alex’s face out her mind .

. . .

The following day Alex was still pondering over, how to get close to the girl without making her hate him . It was a difficult problem . . .

"Alexander, Alexander . . "

Even now he could hear her voice calling him . . . ’Wait why would I hear her voice?’ Then suddenly Alex felt like someone was about to strike him from behind, but before the opponent could do so Alex threw the opponent .

Alex who wanted to throw the opponent saw who it was and like their first meeting he tried to soften her landing .

Once she safely landed on her buttocks she stood up and same like yesterday got angry at Alex . "What the hell are you doing?! Do you like throwing people?!"

Alex knew he couldn’t make this girl uncomfortable, so he bowed deeply sorry . "I was wrong please forgive me . " When Rachel saw Alex’s actions she got bewildered .

"Ah no need to bow . . . I wasn’t hurt anyway, so how about you lift your head . . . Ummm, I did surprise you so I guess it was kinda also my fault . "

Alex lifted his head and saw a frantic blushing Rachel, and for a moment thought ’wow she’s cute . ’ It was only for a moment but Alex for the first time in his whole life blushed . Rachel saw that moment, but since Alex immediately stopped blushing Rachel wasn’t sure if what she saw was real .

The atmosphere turned rather awkward, noticing this Alex remembered that he wasn’t suppose to make the target uncomfortable .

"Um So Rachel why were you calling me?" Rachel hearing Alex’s question, remembered that she wanted to ask something .

Rachel hesitated for awhile and asked awkwardly "So did it go well at the police station?"

"Oh that, there was no problem we were able to solve the problem by talking . " ’Talking to the Police Chief . ’ Alex didn’t want to say the truth since that would violate number 2 in the revisions of the mission .

"Oh good thing, sorry about that I guess I overreacted a bit . . . But you can’t blame me, I know you appreciate my beauty but stalking is no good ok . "

"But I was worried about you getting home safely . " ’Better tell her the truth so that I could protect her better without making her uncomfortable . ’

Hearing Alex’s statement Rachel was red from ear to ear, so what she was thinking last night turned out to be true .

"Then why didn’t you tell me that properly, instead of saying such roundabout things?"

"Well . . . " Alex didn’t know what to say, since the reason he said those things yesterday was so that she wouldn’t find out about the mission .

Rachel seeing Alex hesitate to answer thought that he was too embarrassed to say those things yesterday .

"Well whatever, its fine now . . . Hey Alex I know it’s not what you wanted but we can start as friends first . "

Rachel extended her hand waiting for a handshake .

Alex was surprised by Rachel’s suggestion . . . ’Being Friends huh? . . . Well I guess being friends would solve most of the problems in regards to the mission . ’ When Rachel saw Alex hesitating she thought he did so, because he wanted to be her boyfriend not her friend . When she was about to retract her hand a warm and powerful hand grasped her’s .

"Then for now let’s be friends . " ’For the mission’

"Then let’s be friends" ’To see if you can be my boyfriend . ’

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