
Chapter 37

Niel was able to quickly implement himself into the group . To those who was looking in a third person perspective, It was like Niel was part of the group since the beginning .

"So tell me what is this Mercenary Circle that you have created Oliver?" Niel with his charming smile asked the question facing Oliver . The people seeing this smile of his couldn’t focus on their coffee and were staring dumbly at Niel, whose radiance seem to be blinding .

Oliver didn’t care about the reaction of the people and with a slight excitement in his tone, explained the purpose of the mercenary circle . Once he was done explaining, Niel nodded his head in understanding .

"So it’s a circle to help people . I see I understand now . . . So you need one more person to upgrade your circle into a club right?" Oliver nodded his head in affirmation .

’I see so this is the perfect place for me to show the masses how truly perfect I am . Not only will they witness my skill, they will know of my unrivaled kindness . It was like this club was made specifically for me, to show the lost sheep my eternal radiance . ’ Niel stood up and made a declaration .

"I would like to join the Mercenary Circle . . . Will you allow me, Niel Rayheart Second year student of Cromer High to join you in your quest to help all the clubs in the school?!" Niel then bowed his head showing his sincerity . . . This is what he wants people to see, deep down inside he knows that he will be accepted, since even God was on his side .

Oliver overwhelmed by Niel’s sudden declaration looked at his fellow members for support . Alex simply nodded his head, and Rachel shrugged, Saya gave a thumbs up to Niel . Seeing the almost disinterested answers of his club members Oliver almost sighed, but was able to stop himself since that’s not something James Bourne would do .

"We would gladly accept you . " Those where the only words Oliver was able to say in this situation . Niel already expecting he would be able to join, lifted his head .

"Thank you for letting me join, hope we all get along . "

"Hey Eva since there are five members now, we can officially become a club right?" Saya asked Eva expectantly . Eva could only smile wryly at Saya’s enthusiasm .

"Yup having five members is a prerequisite to becoming a club, but now you need to find a teacher to become the advisor of your club . " Eva gently responded .

"As the Student Council President, I bet you know the available teachers that can be our advisor . " The one who spoke was Rachel, which made Eva frown a bit .

"Yes I do know of one teacher that could be your advisor . Actually you already met him before . " Eva’s sour expression was gone as quickly as it came, and was replaced with her perpetual smile .

"Who is it? Come on Eva don’t keep as in suspense!" Saya yelled in excitement . Usually at this point the staff of the cafe would have kicked them out, but they didn’t . The reason the staff wouldn’t kick Alex’s group out of the cafe was because they were attracting customers . The people who pass by the cafe seeing a bunch of good looking guys and cute girls talking in the same table was quite intriguing . Some of them were even trying to find the camera, thinking that they were filming a show of sorts .

"Please tell us Ms . President we would like to know who this teacher is, so we can proceed to ask nicely . " Oliver as the president of this future club asked Eva .

"Well its Sir . Lyner . " Aside from Alex, Eva, and Niel all those in the table looked Shock . Even the facade of Oliver faded for a second in shock .

"Wait I thought Sir . Lyner was the Kendo Club’s advisor . " Asked Rachel in confusion .

"Yeah that’s what I thought as well . I joined the Kendo club when school started, and his the only teacher I know who’s the advisor . " Saya supported Rachel’s question .

"Well since we’re first years we didn’t know who were the advisors of the club’s last year so of course we wouldn’t know that Sir . Lyner wasn’t the advisor . He was actually just the replacement advisor, while the real advisor is dealing with some personal matters . Actually the real club Advisor of the Kendo Club Teacher Feng will be returning tomorrow . "

"So Sir . Lyner is not a club advisor of any club? How come? Didn’t anybody ask him to be their club advisor?" Rachel asked a bit interested in Sir . Lyner’s circumstances .

"It’s not that he wasn’t asked, it’s more like he rejected everyone of them . " Eva said so with a tired voice .

"Why did he reject them?" Saya asked quite curious as to what’s happening with her former club Advisor .

"He keeps on saying its boring and not worth his time . " Eva answered Saya’s question with a sigh .

"Is a teacher allowed to do that?" Rachel was really confused at the whole situation regarding this teacher Lyner .

"No if he was a normal teacher he wouldn’t be able to reject being an advisor . That is . . . If he was a normal teacher . Sir . Lyner is a special existence to the school, that’s why most of what he does is always being tolerated . Like his excessive sleeping . "

"Special existence?" This time even Alex was curious about the teacher called Lyner . Since the first time he met the teacher he was sitting in a char snoring, so he couldn’t really asses him properly .

When Eva heard Alex was the one who asked the question, she really wanted to answer him but couldn’t . "I’m sorry I can’t divulge information such as this to anyone aside from those who need to know . "

Alex hearing Eva’s explanation nodded his head, in total understanding of her situation . ’So its classified information . ’

Seeing Alex nodding his head, Eva with her girl in love filters saw this nod as an expression of understanding her situation and he was worried about her, which was not really that far off .

"So we just need to convince this teacher that our club is not boring and is worth his time . " Oliver getting excited by this mysterious circumstances was smiling viciously . With that smile alongside his big frame made him look very intimidating .

"Well whatever, will think about that tomorrow . . . Excuse me mister waiter . " The four waiters, and waitresses who heard Saya call for one of them, immediately charged forward to be the one able to interact with the group .

The first one to reach was a twenty year old waiter who was smiling triumphantly over his fellow employees . "How can I help you Miss . "

"Can you please take a picture of us?" Saya handed her phone to the waiter .

"Most certainly Miss . I would be honored to do so . "

"Hey everyone gather together, we need to commemorate this day as the official beginning of the club . " Saya said so in her upbeat tone .

"We haven’t even gotten our Advisor yet, how is this official . " Rachel said trying to control the situation .

"That’s a minor detail, we would easily be able to convince that teacher no doubt about that, so let’s go take that picture . " Rachel could only wryly smile at her best friend’s positive outlook and enthusiasm .

The group of people clustered together, when the waiter felt they were ready he took the picture . In the picture Alex was being held by two beautiful girls, on his left was Rachel who was looking at Eva holding Alex’s other arm with a little scowl, which made her look even cuter than normal . Eva who was holding the other arm was smiling brightly making her seem almost divine .

Alex who was in the middle of the two was nonchalant about the whole situation as he stared at the camera . Beside Rachel Saya was doing a peace sign as she was hugging Oliver’s right arm .

Oliver had a look like he has given up on the whole situation, as he stared sighing at the camera . Finally Niel who was sitting at Oliver’s left side was smiling a winning smile, that could make any girl swoon . Even in the picture you could somehow see a halo surround him .

This was the very first picture of the members of the Mercenary Club, as they begin their eternal legend .

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