
Chapter 137

"What is it?"

"Someone is looking for you young master . He claims to be the head of the Harima family . What should I do with him?"

"Oh, he came quite earlier than expected . Give him the key to Safehouse B-21, tell him to wait for me there . Also tell him to bring about ten of his best men . "

"Very well then young master . Is there anything you wish to add?"

"No that’s all . " Once Alex was done giving his instructions he hanged up .

. . .

Alex’s group finally arrived at the amusement park . Alex and Lilitth who were first timers had different reactions seeing the structures in the amusement park .

Alex analyzed the place and saw that there were a lot of hazards . He determined it would be difficult to maneuver himself in an emergency if he rode rides like the roller coaster . Yet he determined the ferris wheel and other slow moving rides to have a tiny room for him to maneuver properly in case of emergencies .

Lilitth on the other hand was giddy with excitement, when she saw the tall rides, the beautiful and colorful structures . Lilitth was amazed by the sight of the amusement park whose whole purpose was to entertain .

"So what do you want to try first?" Rachel who saw the excited Lilitth was happy for her .

"I want to try it all! Can I onii-sama?" Lilitth answered Rachel’s question but looked at her onii-sama for permission .

"It’s alright Lilitth . You can do whatever you want . "

"Alright now that’s decided, let’s try the nearest one first . " Emily pointed at the bumper cars .

. . .

The group headed towards the bumper cars, after waiting for awhile they finally got their turn . Seeing as both Lilitth and Niki were still too short to ride by themselves, they rode with their brothers .

Before they got to the front of the line, Alex asked Emily what the whole point of the bumper cars was . Emily then thought for awhile before smiling, she explained to Alex that the whole point of the bumper cars was not to get hit by the other cars .

So now as Alex sat down in the bumper car he picked alongside Lilitth, he looked at everyone’s positions . Alex was now ready, when he heard the beeping sound indicating that they could move, Alex immediately headed towards the corner .

Oliver and the others then started to bump into each other while having fun . Then they noticed Alex who was in the corner doing nothing, Sayaka smiled mischievously as she charged towards Alex and Lilitth’s bumper car .

Seeing the incoming Sayaka, Alex waited for the right moment, before moving forward evading Sayaka . Rachel was the next to attack but Alex turned the wheel making the whole bumper car do a 360, evading Rachel .

When the other people who noticed that Alex was actively avoiding getting hit, they all decided to charge at Alex . Seeing the others heading towards him, Alex used the other bumper cars that had no one inside as shields .

Lilitth who was sitting beside Alex was having fun at all the erratic movement her onii-sama was making . Niel who saw that Alex’s movements weren’t truly erratic but calculated decided to not do anything and just have fun with his own little sister .

Emily on the other hand was having fun her own way . Seeing everyone try to hit Alex and fail to do so was quite entertaining in her eyes .

Another beeping sound was then heard indicating that the ride was over . When everyone got out of their bumper cars, they told Alex that he was really good at evading and he made the whole bumper car experience enjoyable .

Lilitth had also expressed to Alex that she had fun . Rachel decided that asking Alex why he was evading the others would most likely be met with an answer such as . They were coming at me so I evaded . So feeling that she knows the answer already, Rachel didn’t bother to ask Alex anything, instead she spoke to Lilitth .

"So did you have fun Lilitth?"

"Yeah I had a lot of fun . Thank you for inviting me to go here, Rachel nee-san . " Lilitth smiled at Rachel for the first time since meeting her . Lilitth was enjoying the atmosphere of the amusement park so much, that she even forgot her original objective regarding Rachel .

Rachel on the other hand was screaming in glee inside her mind . Lilitth actually smiled at her, and not only that she called Rachel nee-san!

While Rachel was basking in the joy of being acknowledge by Lilitth, the group already decided where to go next .

. . .

The next attraction they entered was a haunted house . Alex was in total denial of the possible existence of ghost . So the whole point of being scared of them was pretty stupid in his mind .

So when the group entered the supposed haunted house, the first thing Alex noticed was that everything looked dirty and dusty, but in truth the whole place was actually clean . The place was made to look dirty but if it was really dirty and dusty the smell of the place would be different .

So now while walking onwards Alex noticed that they were some people at the other side of the wall . This was most probably the actors Rachel warned him about . She told him some people will come out in surprise to try and scare them . Rachel warned him specifically not to hurt the guys that pop out since that was their job .

So the moment someone came out and roared, scaring Niki and making Lilitth laugh, Alex did nothing . He simply looked at the costume and found a lot of flaws .

. . .

The man wearing a werewolf costume was bewildered by the reaction of the group he scared . He had seen many reactions but this was the first time he saw a group like this . The normal reactions of kids that saw him was to be frightened like the little girl holding onto the arms of the handsome young man in front of him . The other little girl instead of being scared was laughing at him instead, and the one she was with who was most probably her brother started to speak to him .

"The way you appeared was too noisy . If you want to surprise someone you should have appeared in silence and then silently hid behind the people you were suppose to frighten, and once your position was secured then you should’ve roared . "

Alex found fault in how the guy who wore the werewolf costume did his job . After explaining how his approach was wrong Alex then started to scrutinize the costume itself .

"Also if you’re trying to scare someone with your costume, you should have properly inspected it first . The costume you’re wearing has too much flaws . First off the mask that’s suppose to cover your face, it has little rip at the side . Second your fake claws are too fake . The moment you see them you can actually notice they are fake . If you want to scare someone even for a second, you need to-"

Alex continued to say all the flaws of the werewolf costume . Rachel and the others didn’t bother to stop Alex from explaining how to improve . The reason they didn’t stop Alex from explaining was because Alex’s explanation was more interesting than the haunted house itself .

It took Alex a full ten minutes to explain about how the haunted house attraction could be improved upon . Now it wasn’t just the werewolf costumed man was there, all of the staff of the haunted house was listening to Alex .

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