
Chapter 311

. . .

After confirming the person snooping around looking for someone was actually looking for her, she reported it to her cousin .

"I see . . . I wonder what he wants from you? Could it be a family member of one of your kills?" Shadow spoke in a neutral tone, but deep inside he was concerned, since this might affect the completion of the mission .

"I don’t think that’s it . All of our kills are made to look like accidents, and I’m sure none of us that are still alive, has ever failed before . Even if we do somehow mess up another person from the family will help deal with it . So I don’t really think this guy is looking for revenge . The only other reason someone would be looking for me, would be, because of my relationship with the people in the Mercenary Club . I hear that most of my friends are becoming famous recently . Of course here in the Granado Empire they’re infamous . "

When Sayaka said the last line, she couldn’t help but smile . The people from her club were all indeed extraordinary . So during their school days, Sayaka felt that it was a shame that they were all students . Yet now that a full out war happened, their abilities have now been fully realized for all to see . Sayaka was both happy and sad, she was happy at the fact that her friends were doing so well, but at the same time she felt bad that they were forced into such a situation .

"Either way, we need to eliminate all that threaten the mission . You stay here and I’ll deal with the enemy . " After saying what he will do, Shadow was about ready to leave, but then Sayaka blocked his path .

"The enemy is looking for me right? So then why should you be the one to handle this? I should be the one to deal with the enemy . So you stay here while I figure out what he wants . " Sayaka looked at her cousin with a glare .

"There’s no need to figure out what he wants . We don’t need to know what he needs from you, all we have to do is kill him . Nothing more nothing less . " Shadow stated his opinion as flatly as possible . He didn’t care to hear what the enemy wants, for right now there was a mission to finish . It was even his first mission as Shadow, no one was allowed to get in the way of the mission .

"Fine, but let me be the one to do the job . " Sayaka continued to glare aggressively at her cousin . Shadow who saw that his stubborn cousin won’t change her mind sighed .

"Very well, you be the one to finish the enemy . I’ll just stay hidden just in case you need me . "

. . .

After the two decided to kill the enemy, they headed out and quickly found the person in question . Sayaka was about to strike but then the person wearing all black suddenly did a dodge roll .

After the failed first attempt Sayaka proceeded to wait for the next time to strike, but the chance never came . The enemy didn’t let his guard down, and they have been in a stalemate for hours now . Still this was pretty much the norm for Sayaka . This wasn’t even that bad, seeing as she once needed to wait in one position for three whole days to be able to assassinate a certain someone in the past .

’Surely this guy doesn’t think he can outlast a Mutsu in a battle of attrition . ’ Sayaka continued to wait patiently for the moment to strike . She observed the man in black’s every movement . The moment he showed an opening, will be the moment he dies .

. . .

A few hours have passed by, and the man wearing all black kept his guard up, still Sayaka noticed that he would probably fold after a few more hours . Unlike Sayaka who could see the enemy, the man wearing all black couldn’t see Sayaka, which would add a psychological burden to the man .

’Hmm this guy is pretty good . . . I wonder who he works for . . . Well that doesn’t really matter, with my cousin watching us, this guy is not going to live for long . ’

When Sayaka was thinking about what the man would do next, he suddenly started to talk in a loud voice .

"Shadow and Sayaka Mutsu, I know you two are here . I’m Henry from the organization called the Shadow Mercenaries . "

Sayaka was surprised to hear that the man called Henry was actually a part of the legendary organization, Shadow Mercenaries . What could her friends have done that could have made the legendary band of mercenaries turn into their enemies?

"I’ve come to give you an invitation to attend a celebration for your friend Alexander . All of your friends will be there as well, Rachel, Emily, Evangeline, Niel, Kei, and even Oliver will be there . "

Sayaka felt weird when she heard Alex’s name coming out from the enemy’s mouth . ’So it was about Alex . ’ When Sayaka was thinking what could have happened to Alex, she heard the names of her other friends, and then she heard the name of her boyfriend . When she heard Oliver’s name she couldn’t help but feel a bit shaken .

That was a mistake, since the moment she thought of Oliver being captured, her shadow blend was momentarily disabled . When that happened she quickly changed her position and once again blended into the shadows . Henry who noticed her movements started shooting at the position she was in before .

’What the hell!? They captured everyone!’ Even though she was thinking about every one of her friends, the truth is Sayaka was more concerned about Oliver at the moment . Sayaka wanted to end this person’s life as quickly as possible, but she first needed to capture him . She now wanted to know where her friends were being held captive .

As Sayaka was slowly closing in on Henry, the man suddenly spoke again .

"Fine, if you don’t want to come then you don’t need to . I already told you about the celebration, if you don’t come, I’m sure your friends might be a little disappointed . . . Oh right, I heard that Oliver was hurt pretty badly when-"

Sayaka couldn’t help it anymore and killing intent erupted from deep within her . This gave Henry the opportunity to spot Sayaka and attack . After the failed attack Sayaka was forced to show herself .

"So Sayaka, are you coming to the celebration?"

When Sayaka heard this, her anger was nearing the peak . It was at that moment he heard her cousin whispering in her ear .

"Are you really the daughter of the strongest Shadow?" When Sayaka heard this, she was finally able to calm down . Once she was fully calm, she looked at Henry with an ice cold glare .

"Tell me, where are my friends? If you don’t answer your death will be full of pain, but if you answer your death will be swift and honorable . Tell me which do you choose?"

"Hmm . . . How about I choose none of the above . " When Henry said this, he suddenly felt pain coming from the right side of his chest . He saw that a needle had pierced his chest .

’Was Shadow the one who attacked me, or was it her?’ Henry looked at the ice cold expression of Sayaka and knew instantly that she was the one who threw the needle . When he was about to pull the needle out he felt his body was starting to feel a bit numb .

"You should have told me where they are . Now you will die a painful death, but before you die you will tell me where my friends are . " Sayaka slowly approached Henry, who was now laying on the ground unable to move .

She then flipped Henry’s body upward . Henry who was now facing the ceiling saw Sayaka pull out another needle . The needle she pulled out was slowly nearing his eye .

"You don’t really need your eyes to talk, do you?" After Sayaka said that line she pierced Henry’s eyes with needles .

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