
Chapter 334

Oliver actually shot at her! Her Oly actually aimed at her head and tried to kill her . Sayaka instantly backed away because of the danger . She then looked at Oliver confused as to what had happened to him .

"What the hell have you done to Oly!" Sayaka shouted which echoed throughout the empty room .

"I haven’t done anything, this here is not Oliver Minx, but a knock off version of James Bourne . " Without even waiting for Richter to finish talking, James charged forward with a sniper rifle at hand . He suddenly shot at Sayaka who evaded the incoming bullet and threw her knife as a counter .

James caught the incoming knife and threw his sniper rifle upwards . James then dashed towards the retreating Sayaka, as he was charging forward he threw the knife back at Sayaka, who dodged . Sayaka then threw some shurikens at the fast approaching James .

James didn’t bother to dodge the shurikens as his eyes were looking straight at Sayaka like a predator to its prey . When the shurikens were about to hit him, James swatted the shurikens that were aimed at his vitals, while the others that were heading toward non-vital areas, he didn’t bother and allowed them to stick to his skin .

When James was finally near Sayaka, the sniper rifle he threw at the beginning fell down into his hands . The timing and the way it fell so snugly on James’ hands was amazing . The barrel of the gun was now pointing at point blank range at Sayaka’s head . James was about to pull the trigger, but then he was forced to duck his head and pulled the trigger a second late, which gave Sayaka the chance to evade .

The reason James ducked was because of one of Sayaka’s shuriken, that she threw a few seconds after she threw the first batch . She threw it in an angle that would curve towards James’ blind spot, yet even though she was able to throw it without any signal, he was still able to dodge it .

Sayaka who was once again able to distance himself from James, couldn’t help but marvel at the difference in this James and her own Oliver .

’This younger Oliver is more aggressive and has far better dexterity and speed than the older one I know . Also his eyes are quite frightening, it’s actually making me shiver . ’

. . .

Richter who was watching the battle was amused to see how the girl called Sayaka was handling the situation . Even though the James Bourne in front of her was a failed clone, that was thirty percent weaker than the original; it was still amazing to see how she could actually match that James Bourne, the young merc who was once called the wolf of the battlefield .

Even though he seems incredible and was really close to having the original’s fighting prowess, he was in the end nothing more than a failed product . James Bourne who was a failed clone, has all the techniques and memories of the original, yet he wasn’t able to improve . That was one of the problems of the failed clone, no matter how much he trains his body would remain the same . He would never grow as he will forever be stuck in his current form .

’No matter how hard I tried to understand the notes Phil and Marge left behind I could never create a perfect clone . The only time I ever saw a perfect clone was back then . . . It would seem that Phil and Marge took the secrets of cloning to their graves . Such a disappointment if I could make a perfect clone, I would’ve made hundreds of clones of myself . ’

Richter couldn’t help it, but at one time he dreamt of a Shadow Mercenaries that only consisted of him and his clones . Yet because he knew that the clones wouldn’t be an exact replica of him, he didn’t want to make them . A clone that wasn’t a full copy of himself was worthless, and it was nothing more than a disgusting abomination in Richter’s eyes .

Richter who was daydreaming shifted his attention back to James and Sayaka’s fight .

’Oh, the fight seems to be at the climax . ’

. . .

James had his body covered in wounds, and Sayaka had no scratches on her, but she was the one cornered . At this moment Sayaka was on the ground in a corner of the room, while James was pointing two pistols at point blank range towards Sayaka’s head and heart .

"Why were you hesitating? Are you holding back, because I look like the fool you call a lover? I am not him! I am not some copy of Oliver Minx! I AM JAMES BOURNE, AND I’M THE STRONGEST!"

James looked at Sayaka with irritation as he screamed his identity . Ever since he was created, he was always been called a failure by the old man . He was always compared to the original James, and was forced to remain hidden inside the base .

Due to the clone having all of James’ memories, he and James even had the same personalities . So the moment he was called a failure and was compared to another person with the same face, he hated it to his very core . James Bourne was a very competitive child, so when the old man said all that, about him being a failure, James quickly started to train his body . Yet no matter how much he trained and trained, his body doesn’t grow and remained the same . So instead James tried to enhance his techniques to compensate for his lacking strength .

Sayaka who looked at the irritated James smiled .

"Of course you’re not a copy of my Oly . " When Sayaka said this, James finally noticed that his hands were no longer attached to his body . He was then about to react, but before he could move he felt something pass through his neck .

"My Oly is way cuter than you . " Sayaka’s sweet voice drifted towards the clone and those were the last words the clone ever heard .

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