
Chapter 336

’Still the offer really is enticing . This old man is really really strong, the moment he entered the room I could already instinctively tell, he’s the same kind of monster as Sir Lyner, Arthur Glory, and Rika Saunter . This old man is on the same league as an SS rank merc, I have no chance in winning in a direct fight . There’s no place to hide here in this empty room, and this old man seems to know most of the tricks the Mutsu clan uses . I really have no other choice do I? I could accept the offer for now and think of a way to escape later . Still claiming to be another man’s woman aside from Oliver doesn’t really sit well with me . ’

When Sayaka got to that point in her thoughts she couldn’t help but smile the same vicious smile as he teacher Lyner . She was now backed into a corner, and the choices she was given don’t really sit well with her . ’This old man is trying to confuse me using the situation and the pressure he’s emitting . If he truly wanted to kill them all, he wouldn’t have captured them alive . This must be some sort of trick . . . . Well either way, as Sir Lyner use to say everyone dies someday . ’

Sayaka already made her decision . Richter who saw that smile of Sayaka’s was reminded of Lyner . He already knew the answer the little girl had the moment he saw that smile of hers .

"Thanks for the offer, but I’m afraid I have to decline . My teacher told me to always be true to myself, even if it is to save my friends I can never lie to myself . I’m sure everyone from the Mercenary club would understand me . That’s because we all have the same teacher . Sir Lyner would never back down no matter the situation, he would never give in, even in the face of death . Until the end he will always show that fearsome smile of his . I as one of his students should follow such an example, right?"

When Sayaka was done saying what she wanted to say, she suddenly felt an enormous pressure come down upon her . It was like a huge boulder came down onto her shoulders . Sayaka finally noticed the Richter’s face that was like a kind old man, turned into a demon’s face . She could pretty much feel the killing intent prickling her skin .

"So it’s like that, I guess that’s to be expected from students of that retard . So you’re going to make the same foolish choice as him . Doing what you want is fine and all, but you need the appropriate strength to back it up . Your retard of a teacher had the strength but he lacked the mentality . You on the other hand lack everything, what do you plan to do against me? You and I are of different classes, if I was serious I could kill you using only one arm while blind folded . What’s the point of doing what you want, if the end result is death?"

Richter’s voice became ice cold making Sayaka feel like she was in a a frozen tundra . Yet even in the face of that overwhelming presence Sayaka smiled .

"Giving in to your demands, to me, is a fate worse than death . " Sayaka threw one of her hidden daggers at Richter, where she aimed for his eyes . Richter caught the incoming dagger between his fingers, when he was about to flick it back, Sayaka was already so near Richter and was about to pierce his right eye .

A few more centimeters and she was about to pierce Richter’s eye but stopped in the middle . Richter using his other hand was able to catch Sayaka’s arm that was about to pierce the dagger into his eyes .

Sayaka was then about to use her free arm to attack, but Richter suddenly twisted the arm he caught . Sayaka was lifted up from the ground while her arm was bending in a bad way . Sayaka gritted her teeth and endured the pain and was about to attack using her legs but then she felt pain in her right leg . She then noticed that the dagger Richter caught had stuck into her knee .

Richter then got a hold of both Sayaka’s hands and pressed her down onto the ground, as his foot was weighing down on Sayaka’s face .

"An assassin like you fighting someone like me head on, your ancestors must be rolling in their graves . I thought you would be somehow different from the rest of them, but as expected all of you are fools . "

Richter who was pinning Sayaka down, saw that even in this situation she was showing that vicious grin . When Richter saw this, he pressed his foot onto Sayaka’s face even harder . In this intense situation Sayaka finally lost consciousness, but even then Richter continued to press his foot on her head . Just a little bit more and Sayaka’s head would’ve burst, but Richter finally stopped himself .

’What the hell am I doing?’ Richter who finally let Sayaka’s body loose asked himself this question . He was extremely irritated on how much influence Lyner had on this children with great potential . Even his own grandson was duped by the fool .

’Even in death you irritate me . The only thing I regret after meeting you was that you didn’t die by my hands . ’ Richter clicked his tongue and contacted a random subordinate using his earpiece .

"Someone bring this girl to the healing station, and once she’s fully healed chain her up like the rest of them . Also put her in the doorless room . "

Once he was done giving out his orders, Richter looked at Sayaka who was unconscious on the floor and mumbled the words, "how foolish," before leaving the training room .

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