
Chapter 340

"Is this all that’s left?" Carlo spoke in a dire tone . The squad that used to be the strongest, the one said to be near-invincible that even an SS rank couldn’t beat was reduced to this . Only six of them were left .

"I’m sorry boss, I let you down . " Kira the new leader stood up and apologized .

"Even Ryu isn’t here, do you think he’s done for?" Dan spoke a bit irritated at the situation . Moments ago he was raging when he heard from Luke that his daughter was captured . Yet with the combined effort of everyone present he was able to calm down .

"I heard a rumor that two swordsmen have been killing some Granado Empire soldiers in an unnamed forest near Cromer city . I’m sure one of the swordsmen is Ryu . " Luke answered Dan’s question .

"This is quite a troubling situation . With only us left in the squad, this mission might be quite difficult . " The one who spoke was a man who looked to be extremely lazy as he flipped his knife over and over again .

"Viktor stop playing with your knife . " This time a man who looks like a teenager spoke with an irritated look .

"Huh, who are you to tell me what I can and cannot do? Do you want me to kill you, Sora?" Viktor pointed his knife at Sora, while saying his words with a low growl .

"Is that how you speak to your elders? As always you’re such a sh*tty brat aren’t you Viktor! How about I kill you instead?!" Sora then took out some bottles out of his bag .

"Heh, how can I treat you like an elder if you look like that, might as well call you little bro," Viktor sneered . This action of his triggered Sora even more . When the two were about to break into an all-out fight, the two heard a gunshot .

"The two of you stop acting like children! Tsk, we are all that’s left of the squad, we have no time to be quarreling amongst ourselves . Alex has been captured, even Rachel, Dan’s daughter and all of their friends have been captured by that b*stard who claims to be Alex’s grandfather . He’s the one who killed his own son and daughter-in-law, I can’t imagine what kind of torture Alex and his friends are enduring . . . I want to save my son, and I can’t do that without you guys!"

Carlo who was usually calm slammed his fist onto the table . His face distorted with both pain, anger, and sorrow . Sora and Viktor who saw the face of their leader stopped fighting and sat back down .

"Sorry about that leader . " Viktor apologized, and so did Sora .

"Still what are we suppose to do, most of us have been killed off, by a mysterious hidden force . They took us out one by one . " Sora continued the conversation, with a bit of worry that could be heard in his tone .

"I know that, and until now we don’t know who our enemies are . . . Still . . . Even in this situation, I want to save Alex and his friends . " Carlo was very irritated at the current situation since he thought that his old squad would be able to help him, yet here they were a sorry excuse of what they used to be .

"I understand what you’re feeling right now boss . I and everyone else treated Alex as a true nephew, we loved him as he was part of our family . Still, we’re up against the Shadow Mercenaries . They’re a group that has numerous legends backing them up . If we were still at our peak I wouldn’t mind clashing with them, but at our current state, I-"

Before Kira could finish speaking a loud booming sound was made, the table in front of everyone was smashed in two . The only one capable of doing this feat with his bare hands was looking angrily at Kira .

"Do you have something to say Dan?" Kira responded to the glaring Dan, while his hand was in a position to pull out his gun .

"Do I have something to say?! I have a f*cking lot to say! You keep on talking like a coward, isn’t your sh*tty ways the reason that this squad turned into this?! If you ain’t going to help me, then I’ll go by myself and save my daughter and rescue those other brats as well . "

"Fine, do what you want! No one in their right mind would just mindlessly follow an idiot like you without a plan . " Kira shouted at Dan whose back was facing him .

"Hey Dan, I’ll be going with you . "

Kira was surprised to hear the always calm and collected leader of his say something like that . The same leader that would always move with a plan in mind, was actually going to the enemies base without any strategy at all .

"Sure, let’s get our kids back from those as*h*les!" Dan started grinning from ear to ear as he spoke with gusto .

"Mind if I join you guys?" Someone suddenly entered the room without making a sound . The others were about to draw their weapons until they saw who came in . With a sniper rifle on both shoulders, and two pistols on his chest, and two pistols on his waist, this man was none other than Kyle Hunt .

"Those b*stards took my sister and my future brother-in-law . I need to get them back no matter what . "

"Now this is what I’m talking about! Let’s go and destroy those f*cking Shadow Mercenaries!" Seeing the new arrival made Dan even more pumped up . The three of them were about to leave when someone spoke .

"Hey leader mind if I come with you? Beating the legendary Shadow Mercenaries, will make us all famous for years to come . Of course, I won’t want to miss that . I’ll be taking all their heads, as trophies," Viktor enthusiastically spoke .

"I want to join you guys as well, there are some new concoctions I’ve made that I want to test . I’m sure the people from the Shadow Mercenaries will give me excellent data . " Sora with his baby face spoke with a creepy smile on his face .

"I’ll always go wherever boss wants me to go," Luke spoke up as well .

"Of course you can join us . Even though we no longer have the others with us, I still believe we are the strongest squad . " Carlo who saw his companions were still willing to follow him, made him truly happy . He then looked at the confused Kira and spoke to him .

"How about you, are you going to join us?"

"You guys are insane! Of course, I’ll be joining you as well! It’s either victory or Valhalla!" Kira who was hesitating moments ago quickly got over it and pumped himself up .

The squad that was once feared as the strongest no longer exists, but to its members that didn’t matter . They move onward with powerful determination .

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