
Chapter 368

’He might be a monster with various outside enhancements, but he’s still an old man . Even if those so-called nanomachines were helping him stick his parts together, he should still be having a hard time . His body must be deteriorating even if it’s happening slowly, it is surely deteriorating . Even Arthur Glory the man who lived the longest couldn’t stop the passing of time . Using full RELEASE should put a huge strain on his body . No matter how much he improved upon it, he could never make the defects disappear . There is no such thing as a perfect technique, I just need to wait it out and he will self-destruct . Just a bit more and I can finally end the life of this pitiful old man . ’

While Alex was thinking about all of that, he was dodging punches and kicks that could pulverize the body of any other human being, save for Rika and Lyner . Yet that was a mistake he shouldn’t have made, with a lapse of judgment due to not focusing entirely on the fight . In a fight of this level even a single lapse, could mean death . Richter who was able to exploit Alex’s single opening, grab hold of Alex’s shoulders .

"Getting distracted, how disappointing!" Richter then threw Alex upward at full force . Alex was still able to stop himself before he hit the ceiling, even though he was able to stop, he still felt his legs get a bit wobbly, and as he was about to fully stop Richter did a followed up attack . Alex had no choice but to block the attack .

"Idle thoughts during a fight is stupid!" When Richter shouted this, Alex who was watching Richter’s ever detailed movement saw a flaw in the attack and was able to divert it . This was the first time Richter made a mistake throughout the whole fight . When Alex saw this he couldn’t help but smile, as he once again started dodging Richter’s onslaught . This mistake had given Alex a bit more confidence in his theory .

"How transparent you’ve become Alex! Even now you still can’t grasp the mentality of a true Gryehound! I can read your mind like it was an open book! Even back then when you had that poker face on, your very thoughts were like my own . Do you think you can outlast me using full RELEASE? You think because of my old body, I’ll be the first to run out of gas? Heh, how naive my grandson, how truly naive!"

After saying that Richter’s speed suddenly increased, making it more difficult for Alex to dodge . The pressure Alex was receiving intensified .

’I’m sure this is a trick . He’s burning himself out faster, just to trick me that there’s more to him . . . But . . . Just in case this isn’t a ruse, this might be really dangerous . ’

Alex started thinking about all the possible scenarios from the flow of the fight . He took into account if Richter truly had an ace up his sleeve . After thinking for a few seconds, Alex finally came to a single conclusion .

’It’s do or die!’

Alex who was dodging attack after attack suddenly fought back . At first, Richter was confused and shocked, but then after a few seconds of thought, he finally understood why Alex finally started attacking . Richter couldn’t help but smile happily at this action, ’you finally came to a single logical conclusion based on what I said and the flow of the fight . The way your thinking is the same as me, how truly wonderful!’

Richter felt his whole body burning in excitement as he played around with his grandson, exchanging blow after blow . Each strike ready to take his life, but to him, it all felt like it was a present his grandson was giving him .

"You truly are a Greyhound! Full of pride! Full of confidence! A master of all battle!"

Richter and Alex then punched out at full power-hitting each other’s fist . When their two fists collided a shockwave was produced that pushed both of them back a few meters away . This one attack made Alex’s left arm feel like it was about to tear off . Richter, on the other hand, had his left arm almost broken, but the nanomachines were quickly fixing it . It was obvious without the nanomachines Alex would’ve won that exchange, but unfortunately, it didn’t go that way .

Alex was about to charge again and continue his offensive but then he saw Richter’s weird stance . Alex had learned numerous martial arts, but this was the first time he saw such a stance . It was like a combination of modern karate, ancient kung fu, and tribal martial art . It was a weird stace, but what made Alex unable to approach Richter, was himself . Every fiber of his soul and being was telling him only death awaited if he approached the current Richter .

Throughout his life, Alex’s instincts for battle has never been wrong . Following this feeling he has always achieved success . Richter seeing how fearful Alex was chuckled .

"You really do have the same instincts as a wild animal . It’s a good thing you didn’t charge like a crazed bull if you did you would’ve died instantly . This is a secret technique . . . No this is the final technique the head of the Greyhounds learns . This one technique is the reason why our family continued to be feared by the Empire, even after our downfall . I’ll warn you now getting hit by this will only result in you becoming nothing but cosmic dust . "

Richter who was smiling and chuckling now and then, suddenly looked at Alex with a serious expression, before he continued talking .

"So Alex let me ask you one last time . Are you truly unwilling to become a true Greyhound? DO you really wish to forsake our families dearest wish?"

Hearing Richter’s question made Alex look at the old man in surprise . Even though he was evil to the bone, Richter was truly dedicated to fulfilling that one wish of their ancestors . He sacrificed everything for that wish . Alex closed his eyes memories of the time he met his adoptive father, meeting his friends and going throught numerous ordeals flash before his very eyes, then after a second or two he opened eyes and smiled .

"I’m no longer a Greyhound . . . Dalvir Greyhound has died long ago . . . I’m Alex Samarita, and my family is waiting for me to return home . "

When Richter heard Alex’s answer it overlapped with Leon’s answer which made him slightly irritated, as he bit his lower lip before sighing .

"I see . . . Then I guess I am the last Greyhound . I no longer have a brother nor a grandson . . . Come Alex Samarita, let’s end this!"

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