
Chapter 370

Alex at this point was truly scared, ever since he met Rachel he has been scared numerous times, yet this time was a bit different . The idea of dying was never a problem before, but now it truly frightened Alex to his very core . Death meant he could no longer see his family again . He could no longer see his little sister grow up . He would no longer be able to play games with her . He would no longer be able to have fun with the members of the Mercenary club . . . He would no longer be able to see Rachel’s smile, nor would he be able to hear her voice, he would no longer be able to express how much he loved her .

Death meant an end of what he had, or what was suppose to be . He Alex Samarita would no longer exist, and his name would only bring sorrow for those who remember . Alex was truly scared at this point, but it was this fear of losing everything that also made him brave, as he charged forward to gain everything as well . In a gamble such as this, one must always bet something of equal value . To gain everything he must bet to lose everything .

Now it was not just Rachel that was giving him strength, all his friends were giving him the bravery to move onward . They left believing of his victory . He thought of his friends and started thinking about what they would be feeling at this decisive moment if they were here in his place . His best friend Oliver would have continued fighting with his do or die attitude, and even if death was closing in he would never give up . That’s who Oliver was, that was Alex’s best friend the ever amazing James Bourne .

If Niel was here, he who inherited Lyner’s will, he would surely be having a blast fighting to his heart’s content . He would fight and fight even if losing was evident he would fight happy and content . Unwavering even in the face of such a powerful foe, he would show a bright smile as if he was having the time of his life .

If Kei was here, he would’ve been scared shivering, trembling in fear . . . But he would have never bowed down to Richter without a struggle . He might feel scared, he might feel the need to run away, but in the end, he would never do that . He would gather up all his courage and fight . Even though among all the members of the Mercenary Club, Kei was the weakest, he was also the bravest .

If Sayaka was here, she would’ve been the calmest as she analyzes the options she has . Even if there was no chance for victory, she would’ve waited until a chance for victory arrives, she would’ve waited for eternity until the chance for victory will arrive . Even though she keeps on saying she’s a part of the Shadow but in truth, Sayaka was the clouds in the sky . Truly free and undaunted by almost everything .

If Emily were here, she would’ve hide and cheat, and do everything within her power to survive until she saw a chance . She would’ve lied, provoke, bartered, use every means she knows, She would’ve done everything and anything for victory . Carfree and unperturbed she would have continued onward without hesitation .

If Evangeline was here, she would’ve use every trick she knew off to finish the enemy . She was someone Alex respected, mainly because of her incredible perseverance and dedication to whatever she does .

If Rachel was here, she would’ve fought head-on, without a care in the world . She would’ve fought straight and true, no matter how outclassed she was she would’ve fought with that burning passion of hers for her friends . She who held his heart was someone who would never ever back down from a fight .

Alex was nearing Richter and as his courage was overflowing he remembered one more person . If Sir Lyner was here, he would’ve smiled that arrogant vicious smile of his . That smile that could blow away all your fear, all your anxiety, making you feel as if everything was going to be okay .

When Alex remembered that person he couldn’t help but smile the same vicious smile like his . That smile that could make the darkness that encroaches Alex go away . Alex’s fighting spirit rose and his confidence was now at an all-time high, Alex charged forward with no more hesitations .

. . .

The two who were so different but at the same time, similar these two were about to put an end to their ill-fated relationship . Richter who lost his mother and vowed to become strong and fulfill the Greyhounds dearest wish, he who was raised to hate and despise his weakness . In the end, he was left with nothing but loneliness and sorrow .

Alex who lost his parents because of his grandfather, and because of his own weakness vowed to become strong so he could never feel as powerless as before . He was raised with both love and friendship .

The two of them grew with the same vow of gaining strength, but the ways they achieved that strength were different .

. . .

Alex with his renewed determination sped up even faster than before . The fear of death, the fear of losing was blown away as he smiled a vicious smile . When he got close enough he finally saw Richter moved . At first glance, the final technique didn’t look special in any way, that was when he noticed that Richter’s whole body was vibrating at a high speed . It was weird, what was even weirder was that Alex wanted to dodge and counter, but for some reason, his whole body was moving towards the attacking hand of Richter’s .

In an act of pure desperation, Alex no longer bothered to dodge and counter, instead, he closed his eyes and stuck out his hand hoping that he would be faster than Richter . He then felt his hand pierced right through Richter’s chest, his hand was now holding Richter’s beating heart which he squeezed until it busted in his hands .

As Alex slowly opened his eyes to see the aftermath, he heard Richter speak in the most gentle tone he had ever heard from the old man . "You are a true Greyhound . . . Alex, you truly are a true Greyhound . . . "

Hearing his grandfather say such words, with such kindness Alex opened his eyes to look at what kind of expression the old man made, but then the moment his eyes were finally wide open, what he saw was a horrific scene . The reason Richter’s final technique didn’t reach wasn’t because he was faster, but because someone stood between them . Alex quickly took a hold of the body that was slowly dying and was on the brink of tears, his heart nearly breaking from the sight .

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