
Chapter 382

I was given the order to do some recon on the mountain near Cromer City . I needed to report on what happened to the soldiers the higher-ups sent to capture Ken . They must’ve sent over several hundred soldiers, just to capture one person and it was a swordsman . I didn’t understand the significance of the swordsman Ken to the Empire, but I knew he must’ve been really important . Since even though those soldiers might be on the weaker side compared to the most elite units in the Empire, they were still above average . Learning they haven’t returned or even sent a message the higher-ups wanted an update of the situation . With the current situation of the war, they couldn’t send too many people, but they couldn’t just send nobody, so they decided that someone with significant ability should go alone and do it . Which is where I enter the scene .

Well, my skills are indeed appropriate for the task, and my fighting ability is at the top of the Empire, aside from monsters like Rika and the ten generals . Still ever since the ten generals died, and Rika Saunter disappeared only a few of us top-ranked soldiers remained . Well, it’s also the same for the other side, we even have that secret weapon the Emperor keeps on bragging about, so I’m sure everything will turn out alright .

As I continued walking towards the mountain I started to notice that not even the chirping of birds could be heard anymore . It was at that moment that I smelled something, it was the smell I have grown familiar with in this war . It was the smell of dead bodies, the smell of dry blood . I continued onward only to see the most horrific sight I have ever behold .

Hundreds upon hundreds of dead bodies were scattered all around the mountain . The sight made me shiver in fear, and my brain couldn’t fully process what was happening before my very eyes . It took me a few minutes to calm down as I started checking the bodies .

As I expected the bodies were those of the Empire Soldiers that were sent here to capture Ken . All of them have been killed with one single slash to the neck . All of these bodies were headless, aside from the cut on the necks there weren’t any other visible wounds in all the bodies .

Was Ken able to kill all these soldiers surrounding him with one stroke from his sword? If that were true he would be a monster that was similar to Rika Saunter . I started to search around trying to see how the battle was fought .

I looked at the layout of the land, and saw the broken branches of the trees, as well as analyzed the position of the bodies . After a thorough look at the scene, I could deduce that Ken wasn’t alone when he fought these soldiers .

I then took out my tools to help me see what truly happened in these mountains . I started to take a bullet and saw that it was cleanly cut in half . The other bullets were either cut in half or had nicks at the edges .

There were slight differences in the way the cuts were made from the slicing of the necks and the cutting of the bullets . The one who cut of the necks had a thinner blade, while the one who cut the bullets used a much thicker sword . That would mean either Ken used two swords for fighting, or there was another swordsman involved one that was on the same level as Ken .

The latter seems to be a better assumption since they have never been any accounts stating Ken using two swords in battle . Still, the way they killed all these soldiers, indicate that they were in total synchronization with each other . A style that requires the two swordmasters to fight with absolute faith of each other . One who attacks disregarding defense, and the other who solely defends disregarding his instincts to attack .

The more I looked, the more I learned from what happened in this fight, the more amazed I was . Two people with nothing but swords at hand were able to massacre several hundred soldiers with guns . I headed deeper into the mountain retracing the steps I assumed the two swordsmen made .

It was then I saw an empty spot with a lot of blood but no dead body . It would seem that one or both of the swordmasters have died here . I checked the empty space looking at the blood residue . Then after scanning the area, I saw a trail, which I followed . The trail was heading out of the mountain .

As I continued walking following the trail, I could smell something different . I then heard the sound of waves . As the forest of trees was lessening, I saw a magnificent sight, which was the total opposite of the horrific scene I saw in the mountains .

The sight I saw was a cliff that had the scenery of clouds above the blue sky, and below it was the ocean that went beyond the horizon . It was like a scene from one of those movies I liked watching before . In the edge of the cliff, I saw a sword stabbed onto what looked to be a little mound, which was obviously a grave .

I slowly walked towards the grave . I was cautious as I slowly approached the grave since I don’t know if one of the swordmasters left a trap here . Turns out I was being too paranoid as I was able to get near the grave without a hitch .

Once I was near enough I saw a slab of stone, that had words carved onto it . "Here lies the body of a great swordsman . He who lived his life by the sword and died with the sword . A great teacher, an incredible rival, and a good friend . May his battles echo throughout Valhalla . "

There was no indication of who was buried here, it could be either Ken or the other swordmaster . While I was thinking if I should dig the body out or not, so that I could confirm who died, I saw something written under the words carved onto the stone slab . It was written in smaller letters so if you don’t look closely enough you won’t notice it .

"To whoever sees this, if you wish for strength, pull out the sword and within it find your own answer . " Those were the words written that were barely visible . When I read it, I wanted to pull out the sword . . . I stood there looking at the grave for a few minutes, then I left . I feel like I shouldn’t defile this grave, nor should I pull that sword . I don’t think I was the one meant to do that .

A swordmaster had died, and he had died in such glory, but no one aside from me and the remaining swordmaster will ever know of his glorious battle . Still, I feel like what I was doing was the right thing . I don’t know why but I felt that leaving that grave as is, was the right choice .

I guess I should report that Ken died, alongside all the soldiers the Empire sent to kill him .

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