
Chapter 93 - Escape Plan

"Yeah unlike these useless bunch who only know how to eat and kill…"

Meng added as he looked to the two troops of Obuns placed in two separate cages which were on opposite side to that of the slaves…

Dara kept listening in on the conversation as he enjoyed being carried towards one of the cages; everything so far had been working according to their plan…

"We only have this cage left to farm and we would be done for another six months!"  Meng was excited as he secured Dara with the chains…

He clamped the chains to Dara\'s hands and secured his legs also before leaving the cage...

Then the moment the cages were locked, the lights within them went off as the Dark Qi of the Dark Lands began to get absorbed by the glowing chains which bound these slaves before it was being transported into their body where it would be purified by their meridians into pure Qi..

It is this Pure Qi that would then be harvested with the Qi Stones which were mined from within this Qi stone mountain which were very rare within the Dark Lands as only 500 of them have been found so far...

The moment these soldiers left, Dara opened his eyes and sat up…

Though this area of the entire cave was now extremely dark due to being at the center of the mountain whilst the soldiers have moved over to the outer area of the cave which was closer to the entrance, to chat, eat and hangout till it\'s time to harvest Qi once again…

The reason why they left the depths of these caves extremely Dark and cold was so that the Dark Qi of the Dark Lands can billow out in very large quantities which results in massive amounts of Qi, and this was the reason why these slaves could be filled with  Peak Qi Sea Stage amount of energy within six months…

They are only fed twice a year, and it is so that they don\'t collapse and die once all the Qi within them have been sucked away, and it was the same for the caged Obuns as well…

But despite how dark the place was and how much the billowing Dark Qi hindered everyone\'s vision, Dara who had unlocked all his meridians which influences his eyes could see as clear as day, and anyone who comes into this cave depths at this moment would only see glowing cages and chains everywhere, and then a pair of glowing eyes that were gazing all over the place…

The First Elder on the other hand had arrived at the end of the third tunnel; he knew the soldiers had tested him earlier because they simply told him to enter the third tunnel, and there were seven tunnels within the cave…

Normally he should have taken the third tunnel from the left because that was how things were counted, from left to right, but if he had done that, he would have been killed on the spot, and most likely Dara also because within this cave, the tunnels were counted from right to left instead, and the third tunnel from the right was the only one that led to this storage cart…

The remaining six tunnels all led to a dead end where the soldiers can easily corner and slaughter the intruder, thus, these soldiers usually use this to test any face they don\'t find familiar within the cave, but luckily during his time here, the First Elder had seen the soldiers go through this tunnel every time and since they thought all the Obuns were mindless, these soldiers never felt the need to keep it a secret…

Furthermore, every single Qi Stone Farm within these Dark Lands have their own unique tunnel to their main storage cart, and thus, it was easy for a soldier of any Qi Stone Farm to predict which Farm an Obun was from just by the tunnel they choose to move through, and no one else other than the soldiers and the supervisors knew about this…

This means that, whilst this cave is using the third from the right tunnel, the next cave or Qi Stone Farm might be using the First tunnel from the right or left…

The First Elder then turned over the Qi stones into the larger carriage and could make out about 1400 Qi stones within this massive carriage from first glance alone…

He checked the weight of each Qi Stone and realized that each of them could only carry ten of the Qi stones at most, and that is if they were to move at the speed required for them to return to the tribe within 1.15 hours…

\'How are we going to carry all these stones?\'

The First Elder thought to himself as calculated that even if everyone was to carry ten each, they would only be able to leave with 500 Qi stones, and whilst that was more than enough for the entire tribe at this point, they couldn\'t have possibly gone through all this trouble and put themselves in such level of danger only to leave with one quarter of all the QI stones available to them;

\'I better go back to him… He would have better method to take everything…\'  The First Elder thought to himself as he quickly made his way back to the cage area;

"Is it safe to leave that Obun roaming all around the farm?" Meng asked his partner;

"No, leave him… It is fine…" Kang replied before adding;

"There is only one way out of this farm and we are standing within it, and since we can search him before leaving, there is no need to worry about that…" He reassured his partner;

"Moreover he is an Obun and they don\'t reason, thus he might as well be standing at the store, staring dumbly at the walls…"

Soldier Meng laughed in ridicule as they went on with their \'Game of Go\'… The First Elder returned to the cage area before whispering;

"~Leader, where are you?~"

"~Over here~" Dara replied as the First Elder froze in terror when he saw the glowing eyes;

"It\'s an ability I just developed… Now open the cages!" Dara whispered back as the First Elder looked for something hard to break the cage lock;

"~Wait!~" Dara whispered just as the First Elder was about to shatter the lock;

"This  is a cave with only a single entrance, any noise we make here will echo through the tunnels, and the soldiers might hear it and come rushing in…"

Dara explained as the First Elder blanched in fear at the fact that he almost got both of them killed, whilst Dara sat back on the ground as he began to think about how to further their plan…

If he had known the detailed structure of this cave, then they would have made another plan to infiltrate this place, but since it had already happened, there was no need dwelling on unproductive thoughts anymore, thus he looked to the First Elder and instructed him…

"First, you will bring me that sword lying beside that rock…"

Dara spoke, but the First Elder was just looking around everywhere, and could see nothing other than glowing chains and cages…

The place was so dark that he couldn\'t even see his limbs, and had been speaking to a glowing eyes who was speaking in Dara\'s voice but had yet to see if it was truly Dara or not…

"Don\'t worry, I will instruct you on how to get to the sword…" Dara added whilst the First Elder nodded in affirmation;

"Alright, take twelve steps away from this cage, take another seven steps to the right and turn East and pick up whatever is beneath you…"

Dara instructed as the First Elder fumbled around slightly but ended up stepping on the sword which he picked up and brought over to Dara… Dara collected the sword and looked to the side before whispering;

"If you guys want to leave this place then you can stop pretending now…" Dara spoke to the people within the cave before a thick voice replied;

"Thinking of getting out of here is a fool\'s dream…"

"Yes, not only are we bound by these chains which prevents us from using our cultivation, but there is also this cage that basically have similar effects on us…"

"There is also the fact that even if we are free from this chains, it would at least take us about half an hour before we can wield our cultivation properly..."

"Then there are the Peak Qi Sea stage soldiers who are out there with weapons and techniques that could take out five of us simultaneously even with our cultivations in full throttle…"

Other slaves from the cages also added whilst Dara could understand where they are coming from…

Firstly, they have lost all hope of escape and being rescued and thus there were already resigned to their fate and might perhaps not leave the cave even if the doors were wide open, out of fear that it might be a plot by the soldiers…

Secondly, they could tell from his voice that he was a little ten year old kid, and there are even people who were his mate and also twice his age within the cage but they have all lost hope just like the rest…

Finally, even if they could be freed, how are they going to deal with the chains and the cages, and what if the soldiers were able to release the caged Obun troops against them; it would be a one sided slaughter, thus, they preferred to stay put rather than attempt any escape…

But since Dara had decided he was going to rescue them, he had to find a way to pique their curiosity and offer them a glimmer of hope, thus he smiled slightly before replying;

"You mean these chains?"

Clank! Clang!

Though these humans couldn\'t see Dara himself, they could only see the shadow of a hand being bound by the glowing chains and two glowing eyes looking at them with a determined vibe, and then moments later, they saw the glowing chains on this person\'s hand break apart and fall to the ground…

"How did you do that?"

The thick voice blurted in shock as he saw to glowing eyes approach him before lowering towards him;

"Then let us go outside where there is light or how do you expect me to show you in the Darkness of this filthy cage?"

"Kid, I don\'t know what tricks you are playing, but life in here isn\'t funny, so stop with the tricks…"

The thick voice replied as Dara walked over and snapped the chains in the man\'s hands and adding;

"Now that you are free, this is how we escape from here…"

Dara explained to everyone within the cage and once he saw them sitting up and looking at him, he knew he had piqued their interest, and thus he explained the plan to them and the First Elder;

"Your plan seems simple and plausible, but do you have any contingencies should in case everything goes south?" The thick voice responded;

"My contingencies are waiting outside and would rush in here in the next half an hour…" Dara replied;

"Then why don\'t we simply wait for them to come get us?" One of the slaves asked;

"That is because the soldiers are stronger than them, and thus, we have to create a distraction from within to split their attention and numbers, and that way we would have a higher chance of success…" Dara explained;

"Alright, I am with you… But if we are going to join you on this plan of yours, then we have to free the others too?" The thick voice replied;

"I didn\'t plan on leaving this place functional by the time we are done…" Dara replied with a confident smile…

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