
Chapter 515 - Arena!

Chapter 515 - Arena!

Once the three arrived, the first to speak was Ouki, "Where are the slaves to carry our wears? Where are the servants? The prostrating citizen when they see their lord had come?!"

"Your boy’s awfully rowdy," Nick spoke up as he appeared right in front of the group.

"I don’t like this guy one bit, Great One," Singund replied.

"I bet a whole nation would say otherwise, still newly risen undead, you seem to haven’t aged well. Too much power and too much sleep does that to one."

"Who might you be a child to speak in matters of a.d.u.l.ts?" Ouki asked.

Dave didn’t want to correct him, it was the same misunderstanding that happened to Singund, but the Chieftain was his subordinate, this guy deserves a beating.

"Young in appearance I might be, child, I am not, in fact, if you combine the ages of your entire ancestors and their descendants, they wouldn’t amount to a fraction of the time I spent picking my nose."

"You speak as if you have companioned mortality since ages long forgotten."

"I was there before mortality was a thing kid, now I sent my Champion to bring you back to life, you don’t seem quite as thrilled as I supposed."

"It is of no knowledge to me how this magic of your work if your words ring true, but I have returned and I am obliged to follow none but my rightful true king and his descendants."

"Your king is dead, replaced by a puppet from a demon king that also died not a long time ago, slain by the very undead standing next to you," Nick said as he pointed at Dave.

"Nonsense, the puppet king had a bodyguard that wouldn’t die no matter how many times he is killed.

"I killed him," Dave said.


Dave didn’t need to prove anything to the undead.

"Lies and you know it, your strength isn’t a match to mine and you claim to have slew what I gave my life to destroy, not only that even this child says you killed the puppet and the bodyguard’s masters. I find it hard to believe with that meager power of yours."

"Not all that shines is gold, and you don’t know me well," Dave said.

"But all that is rotten is poison, and you don’t look like much, I’ve seen it, you don’t have it in you to outclass me."

"Can you believe this guy? I just stabbed his ass with Durandal and he still didn’t accept the fact that he lost."

"I live still, you haven’t killed me yet, and this new form, I have yet to adapt to. Once that is done, we’ll meet again."

"Actually, I can even speed up that process if you guys really wanna have a go at it," Nick said.

"Nick, what are you playing at?"

"Kid, this guy thinks he is a hotshot. You gotta bring him down a little you know."

"You’re literally his god, make him obey."

When Ouki heard that he felt skeptical, but when he realized that every other undead besides them in the town had been kneeling toward the small punk kid, he became a bit more warry.

"I claim not such a person as a god, he is but a man, speaks of immortality as if wise, but he too can bleed."

"I’ve long since dried my veins from blood kid. And if I wish..." nick didn’t speak, but Ouki’s body began deteriorating at a speed far too fast for him to understand what was going.

His hair turned to ash, his bones began cracking and crumbling, his legs went down first. His knees were all that kept the rest of his body standing, but from the people’s point of view, what remained of Ouki, was nothing but a limbless skeleton kneeling to his creator. The only things that felt alive were the eyes, blue as a cold flame in the night.

"You shouldn’t have crossed him mate. Anyway, nick, my job is done right?"

"Oh no, it had just begun. Look at his eyes, this man defies me. I would rather not lose someone of his strength if I have to."

"You can’t compel him?"

"No, he is a man with belief, a will of his own, I can���t break his will, but I can revoke his undeath, still death and oblivion isn’t enough of a scare for this man to give up his belief in his king and nation. You’ll have to beat it out of him if you want him to embrace the legion."

"Damn it man, more pain in the ass."

"Gotta hang in there bud," Nick said and patted Dave on the shoulder.

Soon after that, the skeleton began regaining his former appearance only better, healthier for an undead, with skin that wasn’t too rotten, and hair that reached all the way to his hip. The man’s armor became cleaner, an ebony armored plate mail, a lobster tailed pot helmet with the Qin symbol on it and for his shoulder guards, they were pointy and had their own golden decoration of the Qin symbol, a dragon. His whole armor looked bright as he looked like an undead general of the old dynasty of eastern culture.

"I feel more alive," Ouki spoke. "Perhaps that man is a god, but he is not my god. Now, for his words, you have to battle me in this form, defeat me and I’ll submit? An offer I cannot refuse for I am sure of my victory. I pity you."

"Save it, now as I said, here are your children."

One of the men, the oldest of the first generation of Urburg’s NPC, the oldest person, came to Ouki’s feet and said, "Great Grandfather!"


"Indeed I!" he said.

"Then they must be right Qin had fallen for you to be here in the Wilds. What happened to you?"

"We were found by the puppet king, lord Kis’Shtiengbrah brought him down, slew him on the hills of this very town, his sword was as big as Mount Tai, he brought it down and killed both the puppet and the black dragon with one sword stroke, it was like the painting of the gods, a single stroke to rend the earth, to rend flesh and to rend despair and bring back a new dawn of hope."

"Poetic, but I don’t believe he would have slain what I couldn’t. Perhaps his prey grew weak. Where are the rest of the family."

"They’re here."

"This is it? What in Qin’s name had happened?!"

"We have been, prosecuted, hunted, excommunicated, expelled but exonerated by his lordship, the Undead Prince Kis’Shtiengbrah, he gave us home, hope, and work to do."

Ouki finally noticed the plow in the man’s arm, "My family shouldn’t be working the fields!"

"Everyone works, even you if you’re not of any value, remember that."

"I SAID MY FAMILY DOES NOT WORK THE FIELD!" and drew his glaive.

Dave took a deep breath and clapped his hands, "Everyone Leave."

In a moment the whole town left the area. No one remained but Dave, Singund, and the general, even the people of the general couldn’t refuse Dave’s command.

"You want to fight?" Dave asked.

"I’ll break your bones, child,"

"Good, now, this is no place to fight. I built it back, stone and brick, bit by bit. Damage it one bit and I’ll annihilate you. I have a better place where we can go at it. Unstopped unbothered, until the last man stands."

"I wish to see such a place."

"Good, here you go," Dave gave Ouki a teleportation scroll and the two of them used it to teleport to the Dead Realm.

Only one thing didn’t occur to Dave that would happen, the teleportation scroll did work, it did take them to the Dead Realm, but not the Underworld.

They both appeared on a large platform in the heart of Qin capital.

This was the undead battle arena. In the arena, surprisingly it was as if the Undead already knew this was going to happen.

It was packed full of people, both undead and NPCs from the capital. Citizen of the Qin kingdom.

And at the farthest side, a giant throne was setup. Behind the throne was the massive form of Marik the Soul Gorger, at the king’s right, was Lilith the Duchess of Blood and Carnage. Dagla The Arch-Lich to his left, Dementi, Samael, and Dortha seated on the row in his front.

Among them, were undead, of the doom Knight caliber, all, mighty ones that served in battles unnumerable. On the other side of the arena were NPCs of all social status; all have come here to witness the battle between the son of Qin and the son of the Legion.

"Good stage for a fight!" Ouki spoke. "So, this is your king?" Ouki pointed at the Undead King.

"Watch as I bring your prince’s face to the ground, watch as I strip him of his flesh and bone. Then, you’ll have no honor in standing here old man. You’re no king, and your prince is nothing but a joke!"

His words brought the unquestionable ire of all the undead. But none of them spoke, in the presence of the Undead King, all undead had to remain silent until ordered to speak.

"Childe," the Undead King said addressing Dave.

The Undead King looked solemn, Dave didn’t like that, the undead king rarely got angry, and it never turned pretty when he has gotten angry.

"We have been eloquent, wise, and true to Our words since we have first spoken to you. And We had planned to be polite to all, ally or foe. But now... Kick his ass!"

"With pleasure!" Dave grinned.

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