
Chapter 543: Magic Lesson

Chapter 543 - Magic Lesson

"I could easily pull her back up to the surface," Nick said. As an undeath god, he had the ability to do as he wished in this situation, but Dave’s reply came in to stop him.

"Don’t, she needs time, after all, Drahma was dear to her. And I think she partially blames me for his passing."

"But you didn’t do anything."

"Exactly, if I had a way, I would have stopped the Ash King from killing him. But I was no match for the effect of the Gae Bolg."

"That’s an Arch God slaying weapon kid, and you know what I am? I’m also an Arch God. That thing would have the power to kill even me, don’t beat yourself about it."

Suddenly a few ripples bubbled up from within the lava and Zola came out.

"I never blamed you Kis’Shtiengbrah, since the day you have met Drahma, he had been coming over and telling me of your exploits. But at the last battle, when he didn’t come. It was..."

"Painful," Dave said with a rueful smile. He too was sad for the loss of Drahma, it was thanks to his great power that Dave ever managed to be who he is.

"Lass," Nick spoke. "I know this is asking too much, but we need your help."

"Nick. She is probably not ready yet." Dave said.

"Help? In what?"

"Help in taking down some of the people responsible for that war," Nick said.

Dave frowned, he sure as hell was sure that Ashkar and the Monk didn’t have anything to do with the war. Or how Drahma died, actually thanks to them, the Ash King lost the spear and was killable.

"If it’s to take down the people who were responsible for Drahma’s death, I’ll happily oblige. But I can’t do much from this location." Zola replied.

"I know, you’ve been cursed. The demonic curse on you is limiting you to this place, and you can’t use your witch power anymore."

"More like a failed experiment than a curse."

"Yes, and the disciple of the one who used that experiment on you is also the one we’re trying to stop."

"Ashkar..." Zola’s words were cold enough that Dave felt a drop in temperature even in that blistering heat.

"Yes, his disciple also goes by the same name is now awakening the Calamities. And they killed Balaam."

"That old monster? Died? Impossible." Zola said.

"Believe me, even I didn’t think it would be possible."

"Hey, hey, seems like I’m missing something," Dave asked.


"What do you mean by old monster? That guy was as gentle as your friendly neighborhood grandpa. Heck, the only time I saw him serious is when he told you off when you were using ’bad words’."

"Yeah, umm. I guess you didn’t know..." Nick said.

"Didn’t know what?" Dave asked again more bewildered.

"Long story short," Zola said. "Balaam defeated the God of War in a one against one battle In three moves," Zola added.

"Holy shit..."

"And he never attained godhood. Not that it was not offered, he just never took it. Saying that he was needed in this world."

"What about the time he defeated the god of time in Go. I still remember that game, I mean, to have the god of time admit defeat after placing two pieces only..."

"Well, Balaam does see the future," Nick said.

"So does the god of time and he saw defeat in every scenario. Balaam was a great man...how come he died. He should have seen it coming. Should have easily avoided it."

"I guess he never wanted to. So, interested in the new position?" Nick asked.

"As much as I would like to have his Third Eye seat, I don’t think I’ll be able to survive more than a day outside this pool, I can’t."

"Don’t worry, with me here, everything is possible," Nick said.

He then clapped his hand and Dagla immediately appeared along with the three.

"Gracious undeath god what the heck is going on here!" Dagla stumbled and tossed a bit of the wine he was carrying. Being surprised and forcefully teleported was too sudden for his casual reading session.

"Oh, your goodness, Our Lord Nicholas," Dagla bowed. "How can I be of help."

"You got anything for our friend here?" Nick said.

Dagla took a good look at Zola, and pulled out his scepter, and tapped on the skull atop it. A purplish light shone above the lava mermaid and then after a contemplating sigh, Dagla said. "No, too late. I can’t undo this, it would kill her, she spent too long in this state and would probably not be able to adjust to more...human features."

"However, if I’m right, this girl...she holds amazing powers. Actually, I think it’s the one you want her to replace Balaam, right?"

"Smart as ever," Nick replied.

"Then it would be best if she does not transform. Her actual form is a catalyst to her own power. She became a mythical creature, far more attuned with magic than she was when she was human."

"But this won’t work, Mt Glory is where the Seer’s power is amplified. If she is not there, she cannot steer the wheel of fate."

"Well, then let’s take her there," Dagla said.

"She will die, man," Dave replied.

"No, she won’t, at least unless she leaves her pool that is," Dagla added.

"Then how do you suggest we do...ah. But how is that even going to work I mean... it’ the top of a mountain." Dave said.

"No worries, I have my ways. Lord Nicholas, would you be so kind as to take us to the top of Mt Glory, I’ll be needing a great deal of mana for this stunt."

"Oh, before we go," Dave handed Dagla the contract he signed with Asmodeus, "I’ll also need you to do me this tiny favor."

Dagla read through the contract and sighed. "And here I was fearing for the life of our little prince when he actually went to Hell and tricked Asmodeus into a disadvantageous contract."

"Well, we do what we can."

"Right, but that will have to wait, I’ll need to send in my team first, a teleportation of that scale requires a lot of channelers."

"Same as you did for the Bone Palace."

"Not that much, I needed more manpower as to not cause any discomfort or damage the bone palace building, for the Burning Heights fort, we won’t be needing to be as precise, also the building itself is reinforced so it won’t require a lot of magic. Still, I’ll need to be in top shape and the upcoming magic I will be doing will consume a great deal of my own mana reserves. So, please Lord Nick, whenever you’re ready."

"Good, follow me, kids," Nick said and waved his hand.

A swirling portal opened up in front of the two and they passed through it. While Dave had been using Nick’s portals often, Dagla on the other hand was scanning it with his eyes as if he was seeing brand new magic in the display.

"This is some complex magic. If only I had the time to study it further..." Dagla sighed and the two walked in and appeared on top of MT Glory.

Dave hadn’t been here for a while, but when he came he was stunned at the change of scenery. Instead of the serene stair passage that led to the top, which was decorated with beautiful Torii gates, there was nothing but ruin on Mt Glory. Trees were burnt to cinders, shared black. And pieces of the mountain were missing.

The effects of the black Lightening had killed off most of the living greenery in the vicinity.

Ashkar had gone wild in this battle, and as it appeared to Dave, he was not alone. Some of the blows on the mountain looked similar to those a staff would make, and there were even some rocks suspended in the air. Probably affected by the suspension the Gae Bolg Spear does when it activates.

"So much destruction..." Dave mumbled.

"That’s what happens when too much power goes in the wrong hands. We must stop them soon."

"Stop them, stop the calamities, stop Asmodeus from getting into the overworld...that’s a lot of stopping man."

"I know, but this is the real world kid, you gotta suck it up and do what you must if you want to keep living in it."

"No worries, with enough time, new grass will grow above this barren land, there could still be hope. But first things first, we must set the wheels of fate straight again. I’ll be starting now." Dagla said and began tapping on random spots on the shaved off mountain top of MT Glory.

Dagla began writing some illegible words on the stone, then began drawing a magic circle.

"That’s a mistake there, you’ll be wasting mana that way, try and think up of another method to change the flow so you’ll keep more magic stored," Nick said as he pointed at one of the writings on Dagla’s magic.

Dagla, a keen wizard, though he had lived for eons, was not arrogant to dispute with a god. He took the advice and sat down, pondering on how to alter a spell that he had been using his whole life. He was certain that his magic was perfect, but if Nicholas said it had mistakes then he was smart enough to accept the criticism and sit down and think up of another way.

Seeing that it was going to take a bit of time for Dagla to understand the hidden guidance in Nick’s words. The undeath god added, "Magic is always with us, it is never lost. It comes from the origin of the world, it is only transferred, exchanged, and exerted. Even fire comes from moving particles at high speed, but the particles themselves are not lost at the end, they are only transformed. Burning wood doesn’t mean that the ash is wood burnt, it had been transformed into water and other substances."

"Yes Lord, I know the concept of transferable matter but what does that have to do with...ah. AHH! This is genius!"

Dagla looked like a kid on a Christmas morning. He began writing more words like crazy and the Undeath God smiled.

"Smart lad. That’s the way."

"Am I too dumb or do I not understand?" Dave said.

"No, it’s simple, Dagla was using the magic circle to harness the world’s energy, I just showed him a way so that the energy he imbues the magic circle with is not lost, and it too can be converted to power that could continuously supply itself."

"So you basically showed him how to create a self-powering reactor?"

"I didn’t show him. The idea was in his head all along, he just didn’t know how to proceed, I showed him the path, and he crossed it. Dagla lad, continue like so, and I’m sure that you’ll be able to reach godhood in a few thousand years."

"I’m too humbled by your amazing knowledge, this mere discovery will alter everything I ever knew," Dagla said giddily.

"It’s that great? Huh?" Dave said, rather skeptically.

"It is! Look!" Dagla said and removed himself from the magic circle he was making and waved a hand.

Right in front of him, a not so stable teleportation gate appeared, it was like that of Nick.

"With a few years of research, I’m sure I can perfect this. And with this newfound knowledge, Behold!" Dagla slammed the bottom of his scepter on the ground and a humming sound echoed above the top of Mt Glory. A blue purplish magic circle manifested on top of the mountain then suddenly the whole pool of magma that Zola was in appeared right atop the mountain.

Dave found himself standing on air, Nick had already levitated him along with the Arch Lich as Zola looked dumbly at the trio.

"Wait, wait! Isn’t that wrong? I mean the lava will cool off if it’s cut from the source." Dave said. there was no way the pool would regenerate itself so far away from the lava current in the underworld and especially since this was a flying mountain.

"Yes, but the magic circle is directly connected to the pool in the underworld."

"So, you’re constantly teleporting lava here?" Dave asked.

"Yes and no, the magic circle is acting as if this area is still a part of the Underworld. I never took this pool from its source."

"So...you folded space."

"That explains it perfectly, the space is folded to connect these two dots. But don’t try to use it to get to the Underworld you’ll die."

"Don’t worry about that, I have my scrolls. So I guess this fixes our issue with finding the candidate for Balaam and having them work the wheel of fate.

"Not entirely, remember, Balaam was a person capable of defeating the God of War. Zola on the other hand is not as strong."

"Let me guess...I’ll be working guard duty?" Dave said.

"I like smart kids," Nick said with a grin then disappeared along with Dagla.

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