
Chapter 576 - Obsidian Giant

Chapter 576: Obsidian Giant

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Unending Unmatched and Mad Dragon quickly backed away to dodge the explosions caused by the Obsidian monsterlings. They then went to attract the monsterlings that had dispersed after the fall of Brother Windcloud Nine, a main tank. After running around for some time, there was still one Obsidian monsterlings that had lost control and charged into the crowd.


A loud explosion was heard. Eight players were instantly killed by the impact...

Alongside Brother Windcloud Nine, the nine players quietly resurrected themselves. They did not say anything.

The valuable resurrection quota was wasted once just like that...

Tschhhh Tschhhh!

The Tuhr Sacred Sword cockily shot three blade auras to the distance. The attack simultaneously attracted ten Obsidian monsterlings to the party.

“Put that trashy sword of yours away!” Brother Windcloud Nine bellowed in complete frustration.


Sister Windcloud Nine flushed bright red. She quickly put the Tuhr Sacred Sword into her backpack.

The three main tanks marched forward and laboriously tried to control the ten Obsidian monsterlings.

High defence, high HP, and high attack power. The Obsidian monsterlings were tremendously fierce and fighting ten of them at once proved to be taxing to all members within the party.

“God Mode!”

“Miracle of Wind!”

Li Yi and Little Elf from the Magical Realm had activated their Ultimate skills at the same time. After increasing their damage output, they had finally saved the party from total annihilation.

When the Obsidian monsterlings’ HP dropped below 5% and had turned red, the three main tanks backed off simultaneously. They had beautifully evaded the explosions this time around.

“Oh my God, stop attracting more monsters. I haven’t managed to recover from the fight!” A lady Priest exclaimed as she patted her chest in lingering fear.

Li Yi gave his orders. “Everyone, sit down now and recover yourselves!”

They had barely escaped the claws of death while they were clearing the two waves of monsterlings. They were lingering at the doors of total annihilation every time it happened...

“The monsterlings in the Normal Mode are so scary.”

The person who said this was none other than the slow-witted Sister Nine.

As the party members stared at her innocent eyes, they simultaneously sighed helplessly...

There were some people that could clear Hell Mode as if it was as simple as Normal Mode, but there were some people that could clear Normal Mode as if it was as difficult as Hell Mode. There was no doubt that Sister Windcloud Nine belonged with the latter group of people...

Brother Windcloud Nine sent Li Yi a private message. ” Give me admin rights. 1

“Forget it. We really need that Tuhr Sacred Sword of hers. We’ll just make sure that she’s careful from now on.”

“It’s okay if she died. However, I won’t be able to live it down if I caused the entire party to be annihilated.”

“It’s okay, I understand.”

After everyone had recovered, the three main tanks went forward to attract the monsters. The operation to clear the monsterlings had started again.

Li Yi took some time to check the DPS damage rankings. Ouyang Qian was still ranked the first while he safely remained in second place. It was apparent that it was not going to be easy to overtake Ouyang Qian.

While God Mode was still on, Li Yi took the opportunity to go wild on dealing damage as a DPS player alongside Ouyang Qian.

One hour had passed in just a blink of an eye. Now, Li Yi was the first among the DPS players, while Ouyang Qian had dropped to second place.

Li Yi sneakily sent a private message to her. “Qianqian, you’re quite amazing, huh?”

Ouyang Qian was defiant. “Hmph, if you didn’t activate your special skill, you would never have caught up with me in terms of dealing damage.”

“You might as well just say that you want me to stand still with you when I’m dealing damage! Do you want me to act similarly to her?”

Li Yi arched his head to indicate that he was, in fact, talking about the dim-witted Sister Windcloud Nine that was currently standing by the side.

A mischievous glint flashed in Ouyang Qian’s eyes. She said, “Do you dare to place a bet with me?”

“What do you want to bet on?”

“When we’re fighting the boss later, let’s clear the DPS statistics. Let’s compete with our damage dealt, but you’re not allowed to use special skills. Let’s see who has a higher damage per second.”

Li Yi laughed out loud. “Alright, what do you want to bet on?”

“If you lose, you’ll let Lil’ Jiao come and accompany me for seven days.”

“What if I win?”

Ouyang Qian arched her eyebrows. “If you win, you can set whatever condition you want.”

“If I win, you’ll sleep with me for a night.”

Ouyang Qian’s entire body froze at that statement. She stood gaping at Li Yi, and it took her a long while before she could splutter, “You rascal!”

“I’m not talking about the real world. It will just be done in the game! Why, judging from your reaction, you’re too scared to go on with the bet because you know you’ll lose, right?”

Ouyang Qian wrinkled her pretty brows and contemplated for a long time before she solemnly nodded at the proposition.

“Alright, I’ll take on the bet with you! However, you’ll need to put Fire Ice onto the table too!”

“No problem!”

Li Yi stretched out his hand to Ouyang Qian. “Pleasure working with you.”

“No touching.”

“Tsch, what are you thinking about? I didn’t even think of touching you! Haven’t you heard of making an oath with a high-five? I was worried that you might go back on your words.”

“I, Ouyang Qian, will never regret any words that I have ever uttered before, not even on my deathbed.”


Both parties shared a high-five. The bet had come into effect.

Soul Gate was definitely not a lunchbox dungeon. This dungeon was set to be the most difficult one among the Light and Darkness Instances. With its ultra-long process and deadly yet annoying monsters, Normal Mode was already hard enough to clear. Every forward step was made with significant sacrifices.


Meanwhile, in another version of the Soul Land dungeon.

A spirit monsterling was roaring at its surroundings, its body shining red.

Jiaojiao, The Cat that Sings, and eight other players were sprawled all over the ground.

They had not managed to see the Spirit Lord Boss. Instead, they had perished at the hands of a spirit monsterling.

A team kill...

Jiaojiao sighed helplessly. “Cat, we don’t have enough people for this.”

The Cat that Sings spat angrily, “I want to get more people in our party as well! However, who’s around to form a party with us? Those that can come in at this time would mostly belong to a party already. It’s too difficult to form a party here. This stupid monster was so anger-inducing that my ovaries are quaking from it.”

“Quaking ovaries...” Jiaojiao was stunned by the turn of phrase.

” It’s basically the same as the aching testicles. Since we don’t have testicles, we can only have quaking ovaries. 1

Jiaojiao was at a loss for words. “...”

Once she had heard The Cat that Sing’s speech, Jiaojiao suddenly felt like she was as innocent as a goody-two-shoes that behaved obediently and had good grades...

The spirit monsterling roared for a while more in its glowing red state. When it had finally stopped glowing and returned to its normal state, it strolled away from them.

The party members had resurrected themselves immediately. The Cat that Sings stood up and muttered to herself, “Ah, it’s not that the dungeon is too difficult. It’s just that the party members here are too weak.”

“We’re not weak, we just don’t have enough people.” Jiaojiao corrected.

“You’re weak. If this happened long ago and I could form a party with my leader, there’s no need for so many people with us. Two of us could clear this stupid dungeon with ease.”

“Ahem, ahem...” Jiaojiao could not muster up a reply to that. She was unwilling to believe whatever that was said by The Cat that Sings.

Two people clearing a 25-player dungeon? What kind of b*llshit boast was that?

Of course, she did not voice that opinion of hers out loud. She merely thought of it internally.

“Cat, why don’t we change the dungeon difficulty? This Hell Mode seems to be too terrifyingly overpowered.” Jiaojiao was starting to regret her decision.

“We can’t change it. Once a particular mode was chosen, we can no longer change the difficulty whenever we want. Any changes must wait until half a month later.”

“You’re kidding me...”


As time went by, more and more players had gone into Soul Gate dungeon. This rate was at least ten times quicker than what was recorded during the initial stages with this dungeon. Thus, the difficulty has lowered by at least tenfold too.

Li Yi checked the current status of the dungeon and realized that aside from the party that he was leading, two other parties had chosen Normal Mode too. Both of them had also cleared the Spirit Lord and had a progress that was quite similar to each other.

On the other hand, Li Yi merely glanced at the parties that had chosen to challenge the dungeon above Normal Mode. He did not bother to pay much attention to them. Soul Gate dungeon was infamous for scoring 99% on the nauseating meter of all dungeons. Players could get stuck in the dungeon for months without making any progress. It was entirely impossible for anyone to obtain First Kill for Hell Mode at the present time.

Dungeons with lax requirements on participating numbers were those that require the best cooperation among the members. Everything else, including the ability of individual party members and actually clearing the dungeon, comes after that.

Li Yi led the party to spend more than three hours on clearing the Obsidian monsterlings. They would pause and rest in between fights but never halted their progress. They continued to move forward gradually before finally meeting the Boss that guarded the second stage. It had a gold name – Obsidian Giant.

The Obsidian Giant had a similar outer appearance to the Obsidian monsterlings. However, it was massive in size, with its height over 40 metres. It was entirely black, but its rocky head would alternate between two colors, namely red and green. By just standing there, the Obsidian Giant looked like a small mountain. It also had a horrifying amount of HP of 200 million.

It was very rare to have a Boss with over 100 million HP in a 25-people dungeon.

“Everyone witnessed this during the fight with the Obsidian monsterlings. They had high HP, high defence, and high attack power. As the Boss for the Obsidian monsterlings, this Obsidian Giant must possess attributes that are more overpowered and insane than the monsterlings. On top of that, its head that is alternating between red and green must have its unique abilities. All of you should have a break now. We’ll give it a go after 5 minutes.”

The party members proceeded to sit in a circle and started to discuss the possible battle strategies.

The biggest joy in the first-time party of a dungeon was the process of researching for battle strategies. This was also the most significant difference between a professional party and an amateur party. A professional party would only take a few attempts to clear the dungeon, while an amateur party would still fail and suffer from a team kill after numerous attempts.

Li Yi had exhausted two out of the three resurrection chances he had. Brother Windcloud Nine shared the same predicament. Only very few members in the party had maintained all three of the resurrection chances until this stage.

After five minutes, the battle had commenced. The three main tanks rushed forward to each take a different corner before furiously hacking at the Obsidian Giant. None of the DPS players in the party attacked, and only the healers readied themselves to heal the three main tanks whenever the need arises.


A channeling bar appeared on top of the Obsidian Giant’s head. Once the channeling bar had elapsed, its head had turned red entirely.

With a loud ‘Tch!’, the three main tanks had lost half of their HP bar in an instant. Unending Unmatched and Mad Dragon managed to halt their skills and stop their attack immediately after that, but Brother WIndcloud Nine did not pay close attention. He slashed at the Obsidian Giant one more time, and the HP bar on his head quickly emptied itself. He was lying dead on the ground after that.

“When its head turns red, it will reflect any attacks upon the attacker...” Brother Windcloud Nine stood up after he had resurrected himself, feeling quite frustrated.

No wonder Sister Windcloud Nine was dim-witted. Brother Windcloud Nine was a slow one as well...

At that moment, the Obsidian Giant’s head turned green. Unending Unmatched raised his arm and swung his sword. With a poof, a [-675] damage value appeared.

“It will not reflect any attacks when its head is green!” Unending Unmatched roared.


After the channeling bar had elapsed, the Obsidian Giant’s head had turned red again. Mad Dragon hacked at it with its sword. A poof of impact was heard, but it was a nullified attack. Instead, Mad Dragon had lost half of his Health.

“When its head turns red, it will reflect its damage!”

Li Yi instructed, “Qian’er, hit it with a fireball.”

Ouyang Qian raised her staff and shot out a big fireball.




After a while, the Obsidian Giant’s head had turned green again.

“Qian’er, attack it once more.”


Ouyang Qian shot another big fireball. When it landed onto the Obsidian Giant’s body, an [Attack Nullified] appeared. She had also lost half of her Health.

Shangguan Bailu finally comprehended the situation. “I understand this now. Red will reflect all physical attacks, while green will reflect all magical attacks.”

Li Yi shouted, “Everyone, did you see that clearly? Do you know how to fight against the Boss now?”

Sister Windcloud Nine raised her hand up high. Now, she no longer dared to speak freely.

Li Yi nodded. “You may speak.”

“What should we do if red and green appeared at the same time?”

“We must stop all attacks immediately.”

“Thank you.”

“Sister Nine is still quite an intelligent woman.”

“In my opinion, this must be related to that pair of shorts. It had caused an increase in her intellect.”

Those scurrilous players had started teasing her again.

“Main tanks, stand by. DPS players, assume your position. Pay close attention to the Damage Reflect. Start!”

With Li Yi’s command, all party members had started their attacks.

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