
Chapter 930 - Master of Sky Island

Chapter 930 Master of Sky Island

The Huashan Sect was an influential name within King of Pantheon. Even if one had an entire day to describe the feats of Huashan, they would still barely scratch the surface.

With the Winged Ruler, Moonlight now dead, most players would assume that the Windcloud Clan or Savage Tribe would take control of Sky Island. However, they had finally come to terms with reality when Scumbag Wang officially became Sky Island’s Master.

The Huashan Guild was around 2,000-men strong, and among them, only eight hundred or so were core members, as they were the merry brothers that Scumbag Wang had brought in from their previous game.

The Huashan Sect was an extremely exclusive guild, and it was very hard for outsiders to mingle well with them. However, once they were totally assimilated, their brotherhood would become so strong that if one were to stab another, the wrongdoing would just be written off.

Despite that, unlike the band of brothers they see themselves as, the Huashan Sect was considered as ‘crude’, ‘retarded’, ‘dumb*sses’, and other derogatory terms by the majority of other players.

The kinship of the Huashan Sect was limited to only among themselves, and when it came to outsiders, they would resort to any means to destroy their foes.

As the guild that held control of Sky Island, they possessed the special right to control the Winged Ones’ Mother Tree. The Mother Tree had three abilities, and one of it was to release a noxious fog, that could blanket the entire island.

It was through this very ability that Scumbag Wang ransomed the visiting players.

“To anyone who wishes to enter the island, just pay 10 Gold Coins and you’ll be safe!” Within the Region Channel, the shouts of Scumbag Wang’s subordinate with the highest IQ, Lonely Perfume could be heard.

Since the Huashan Sect wielded absolute authority over Sky Island, it would be an undeniable disaster for the visiting players if the noxious fog were to be constantly propagated.

10 Gold Coins was a small price to pay, and logically speaking, it was understandable for the Huashan Sect to impose an entry fee for players who wished to enter their territory. Alas, it was a shame that everyone from Huashan was a scumbag...

Moments after Scumbag Wang had received his payment, Lonely Perfume would come to demand payment from players, and once Lonely Perfume had left, Scumbag Wang would return and ask for the same thing. This did not happen only once, nor twice, nor thrice, or any other number, as they would relentlessly hound the visiting players... Who in their right mind would be able to withstand it?

If anyone were to deny payment, then it would only take little effort for the Huashan Sect to remove the title of ‘Sky Island’s Temporary Resident’ from the players, which would, in turn, cause the Mother Tree’s toxic fumes to take effect.

The despicability of the Huashan Sect was not of normal proportions, and they were the scummiest of scum.

“Hey there beautiful, you can offer other forms of payment too. Just let me jiggle your tits, I swear they won’t be bruised.”

The moment Li Yi landed on Sky Island’s surface, he spotted Scumbag Wang hounding over a cute-looking Wizard who appeared to be quivering in her boots.

To the players who possessed Territory Power, the Mother Tree’s toxic fog would pose no threat to them. As such, Li Yi was totally indifferent to the fog, and he could continue to walk in even the areas where the fog was the densest.

Even though Li Yi had spotted Scumbag Wang teasing the chick, he did not pay a single mind to Scumbag Wang’s exploits and headed off to the opposite direction on his Holy Light Warhorse instead.

He was no ally of justice, and as long as it was not his close friends that were being teased, he would have no part in it.

Li Yi did not find it weird for the Huashan Sect to occupy Sky Island due to a single reason, The Mountain had shown his hand.

Back in his past life, The Mountain was ranked second in the God Wars. His abilities were no farce, and while Li Yi held the title of Night Emperor in the past life, The Mountain held the title of Undying God.

Anyone who had crossed swords with The Mountain before would know that while it was possible to defeat him, killing him was much, much more difficult. In the eight years of King of Pantheon’s operation in his past life, there had only been one instance where The Mountain had died. He was slain by the mysterious number one player at Dragonbone Waste.

That was the only time the players had seen The Mountain dead.

With the strength of the retards from the Huashan Sect, there was definitely no way for them to occupy Sky Island. As such, the only possibility was for The Mountain to intervene. With that guy’s strength, occupying Sky Island would pose little to no trouble.

Li Yi traversed the toxic-fog-riddled forest in search of the Grade 11 material, Heavenly Flower.

All Li Yi was lacking now to craft God’s Gift was Moonlight’s Feather.

However, the stock of the other materials was also starting to run low, which prompted Li Yi’s current visit to Sky Island.

New messages continued to pop up in the World Channel, and from what Li Yi could see, the first place of Heavenly Favor, Hua Feihua had improved yet again. Her original score in the event was 587 points, and now, it had reached 600 points!

Li Yi shook his head in defeat. Heavenly Favor was an event that depended only on luck. As such, even with a god-like technique, it still would not change one’s fate, that fluctuated with the tides of time.

The only thing Li Yi could hope for now, was that the second stage did not pull down his total points by too significant a margin.

Every once in a while, Hua Fiehua would send some emojis in the World Channel, and these emojis would result in the praise and commendations of the flock of ‘Hua Fans’.

Despite how whorish Hua Feihua was, her number of supporters was by no means small.

“Sister Huahua for the win! I love you Sister Huahua!”

Something was different about the World Channel today, and it was Scumbag Wang’s sudden spamming of messages.

Unless one had the necessary financial backing, talking in the World Channel was not something that an average person could afford. Take Scumbag Wang in the past, for example, he would use up the daily free shouts and go silent thereafter.

It was not that he did not want to shout, but rather, he lacked the funds.

However, the situation had now changed. Now that he was the Master of Sky Island, the immoral entrance fees he had collected had finally given him enough funds for him to go after the goddess of his dreams, his beloved Sister Huahua.

However, Hua Feihua was extremely repulsed by Scumbag Wang’s act of affection. She had originally been chatting happily in the World Channel, but once Scumbag Wang appeared, she immediately fell silent.

“Hold it right there! You need to pay in order to stay on the island! 25 Gold Coins’ the fee!”

A loud shout came from behind, stunning the still bent-down Li Yi.

When Li Yi whipped his head around, all he saw was a cloth-armor-wearing, kitchen-knife wielding Holy Paladin extending his hands, as a gesture for Li Yi to pay up.


Li Yi fired an arrow, sending the cloth-wearing Paladin plummeting into the ground.

“Leader! Someone has killed me!” The cloth-wearing Paladin immediately shouted in the Guild Channel.

Li Yi paid no heed to the Paladin. The arrow he sent earlier had been combined with a Soul Bind, and as such, the disrespectful Paladin had lain there for quite some time.

“256778: 356767. Leader, come here quick, that idiot’s running away on his horse!”

“Huashan Brothers, assemble quick! Sometimes It Gets Sad has been killed by someone at 256778: 356767! Hurry up and help him!”

The cloth-armored Paladin that died at Li Yi’s hands was called Sometimes It Gets Sad, and he used to be a member of Little Drunk Cat Guild. However, ever since he had made his way into Huashan, his attitude was beginning to become similar to Scumbag Wang’s.

Coincidentally, while Li Yi was searching for Heavenly Flowers, he had also encountered Scumbag Wang. He was sitting on top of his black donkey and was leading the manhunt to look for the killer.

“Old Dark, be careful, someone’s f*cking hunting our men in our territory!”

After giving Li Yi the title of ‘Temporary Resident of Sky Island’ and a fist bump, Scumbag Wang flew off on his donkey and hurried to the location of Sometimes It Gets Sad’s corpse.

While the killer himself, Li Yi had gotten off scot-free, the others on the island suffered a terrible fate.

“Everyone looks suspicious to me! So, you’re all gonna die!”

Scumbag Wang removed the title of ‘Temporary Resident of Sky Island’ from the other players, and the island was soon riddled with corpses...


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