
Chapter 31

?ch 31.1 – Words Got Out

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Surrounded by thick forest, the air was fresh and crisp. From the hidden parts of the forest was a hint of perilousness. Vicious beasts were lurking inside.Of course, accompanied by little fairy Yuteng, the father and daughter didn’t have to do much work. Yuteng was always the first to discover the herbs and missing nothing precious – ginseng, Tuber fleeceflower,?lingzhi, ground orchid, saffron. They continued to collect herbs as they went deeper and deeper into the mountains.On their way, they have also unselectively collected all the cyan wolves, pythons, orangutans, giant spider with markings on their back, chimpanzees, and black hawks etc. that they have ran into.After half a day of walking around in the forest, the two tired father and daughter sat down for a rest and started eating the food that have brought with them from home while staying alert of what was going on in their surrounding.“Xiao Xiao, how much more herbs and beasts do we need?” Cheng Biyuan took a sip of water and asked.Cheng Xiao Xiao, who was nibbling on steamed bun, smiled and said, “Dad, of course it’s the more the better. The dimension will be able to level up more. But, we will head home when time is up. We can’t do it all in a day, it will take time.”“You are right. Can’t have hot tofu when you are inpatient. We live nearby anyway, we can always come back for more herbs and beasts. Eventually we will leveled up to the highest level!”“You are certainly right, dad!”“Ho ho ho…”While the Cheng’s father and daughter continued chitchatting away in the forest, Ko Yang, who had been waited for a few days at the House of Ning, couldn’t wait any longer and headed toward the clinic.Sure enough, there weren’t a lot of patients at noon time. There was nobody else other than the pharmacist apprentice.“Hi, what can I do for you?” The apprentice, who was sprawled over the countertop, ask respectfully with a professional smile when he spotted Ko Yang.“Is Doctor Xu in?” Ko Yang walked up to the apprentice and produced a small piece of silver.The apprentice’s eyes beamed. His sleeve quickly moved over the silver and it disappeared into think air. Smiling happily, he replied, “Please wait, I will go get the doctor.”“Okay, I will wait right here!” Ko Yang nodded and walked over to sit on a chair on the right side.The apprentice, who walked inside through the door curtain, quickly returned with the doctor behind him.Dr. Xu recognized the person sitting in the chair and was a bit surprised. He walked up and greeted him, “Hi there, Deacon Ko. What brought you here today?”“Dr. Xu, good afternoon. Sorry to bother!” Ko Yang also rose and greeted the doctor politely.Dr Xu smiled, “Please, have a seat!”“You too, Dr. Xu!”They both settled down and the doctor took a look at Ko Yang and said, “Deacon Ko looked to be of good spirit, but I detected a hint of worry. Is something bothering you?”“Dr. Xu is always so observant. You are right that something has been bothering me. I have no other options but to come here and ask for your help. If you can help me resolve this, I would very much appreciate it.” Ko Yang cupped his hands respectfully again and looking very impressed.“No need to be so polite, Deacon Ko. Do go ahead and let me know what is going on!” Stroking his beard, Dr. Xu did not turn down his request.“Well, you see. I have ran into this mother and daughter pair a while back and bought some food from them. They are of very high quality and my master was very pleased with them. We have been trying to buy more food from them, but unfortunately, have not had the chance to run into them again.”

ch 31.2 – Words Got Out

As Ko Yang articulated his purpose of visit, he was very observant of Dr. Xu’s expression at the same time. Seeing that he has shown no reactions, he carried on explaining, “It has been two, three months already and my master really desired to have the mother and daughter’s food again. But we had no way of finding them until recent I happened to run across you leaving town with them. I was hoping that you will be kind enough to point me in the right direction.”

“So you are looking for them!” The surprised pharmacist apprentice chimed in.He was just about to say something else when Dr. Xu gave him a stare, which shut him up.Dr. Xu turned back to Ko Yang and frowned, “I think Deacon Ko’s looking for them for more than just buying food from them!”“What made you think that, Dr. Xu?” Ko Yang was caught off guard by that but he didn’t let it show.Dr. Xu smiled wordlessly. He gave him a meaningful glance and said, “I am a doctor. I have an idea. Not to mention I have had the food from their house, of course I’d look.”“Dr. Xu….”“Deacon Ko, let me finish!” Dr. Xu waved his hand and interrupted him, “I understand what you mean, but, I am afraid I wouldn’t’ be able to divulge that information. If you need to locate them, you will have to do that through other means. Doctor/patient confidentiality. Sorry.”“Well, Dr. Xu, believe me, all I want is to buy food from them. I mean them no harm…”“Then Deacon Ko can wait for them to come back to sell more goods!”After Dr. Xu was done saying that, he didn’t for Ko Yang to respond before he got up and went back inside as though he didn’t want to say anything else.Ko Yang was shocked. He didn’t understand!The pharmacist apprentice watched all that had transpired. There was something he wanted to share, but he didn’t want to be scolded by his master so he kept his mouth shut.Ko Yang was just about to leave when he caught sight of the apprentice. He got an idea and walked toward the apprentice. This time he produced in front of him ten taels of silver.Looking at the money in front of him, the apprentice’s eyeballs almost fell out of his socket. He swallowed hard and looked toward the backside that was behind the door curtain. He looked again to the man smiling in front of him and struggled hard.Ko Yang could tell that the apprentice could be persuaded. He lifted his right hand and another ten taels of silver appeared. The apprentice’s breath quickened. He had never seen so much money in his whole life, how could he hold his ground.A slight hesitation, he bit down hard, grabbed the paper and inkpad in front of him and quickly scribbled down three words.The transaction has been completed. Ko Yang collected the piece of paper in front of him and took off!The apprentice quickly collected the twenty taels of silver. He looked nervous, after all he just betrayed a patient’s confidentiality. This was unacceptable behavior in their profession and was looked down upon.He was still looking nervous and guilty when Dr. Xu returned from behind the door curtain. He immediately figured out what had happened.“Little Shen Tang, you let me down!”A loud cried startled the little apprentice. He just realized he was caught red-handed by the doctor.He turned pale, ran up, knelt and pleaded, “Mater, Shen Tang knew he has done wrong. Shen Tang won’t do that again. Please forgive me!”“Get out! Leave this clinic and never come back again!”

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