
Chapter 129 - Dinner Invitation

It has been a few days since he had been able to meditate peacefully so after dealing with his affairs Dror was  cultivating through meditation, when it was close to night he was awoken again.

This time the visitor was someone from the commander\'s office, for some reason the commander had invited him to his house.

Dror was a little surprised but easily  obliged and followed the soldier to the commander\'s residence.

Dror was surprised again to find that the commander\'s house was not in the rich people\'s area but in one of the commoners areas, more specifically in the common soldiers housing area.

The house was also not anything peculiar but a little more bigger than Dror\'s own residence. 

This was the first time Dror had found the commander in a casual attire rather than a military uniform, he didn\'t have any commanding aura of a high level official or the suppressing aura of a high level cultivator, it appeared to Dror like the person was just another amiable old man from the neighborhood.

After sending the soldier away he invited Dror into the residence.

"Honey, our main guest is here…."

A beautiful old woman in a casual dress came out of the kitchen with an amiable smile.

" So you are Dror, my husband has been praising you non stop for the last few days. Now that I look at you, You have the making of a fine gentleman and the aura of a refined warrior…hmm I can see a little off, why Luke likes you .."

Dror could only give a humble bow " please madam I am just another soldier.."

" It\'s good that you are humble too, you gentlemen go and have a chat while I prepare the dinner.."

The commander took Dror to the balcony of the first floor, there was a small table with some wine on it and three chairs.

Someone was already occupying one of the chairs, surprisingly Dror already knew the scholarly person who was casually having a glass of wine.

It was his deputy major, Alexander. All kinds of thoughts passed through Dror\'s mind, he knew ever since Dror mentioned the war challenge this guy appeared to be a little different.

But Dror didn\'t think he would have gone through the commander to invite him like this, If the Dror had to guess this must be related to the War challenge.

Even the slight apologetic smile on Alexander\'s face, when he greeted Dror confused Dror a little further.

It was the commander who intervened and dispersed the little awkwardness in the atmosphere.

" ahem.. Dror don\'t overthink, I intended to invite you for dinner at my house, ever since you completed that mission, this has nothing to do with Alexander… It was a coincidence that Alexander came to me with something. I have known him since he was a child, in fact his father and my son were really good friends . Since this matter is related to you I asked him to stay back and put forward the idea of discussing with you on the dinner… you should have guessed what the matter is"

It was easy for Dror to guess " you are referring to the war challenge.." 

for some reason Alexander kept his silence and let the commander do all the talking.

"Yes, first of all what do you think the war challenge is.."

Dror was a little confused he had only known about the war challenge through the sky network, so answered with he knew " the war challenge is a grand event organized by the empire to commemorate the ancient warrior\'s"

the commander had a light smile on his face " Exactly, but the real question is why are we commemorating the ancient warrior through this war challenge, or who are these ancient warriors we are commemorating or more simply who is a warrior.."

Dror didn\'t know what the commander was getting at, but he understood that war challenge was not a simple competition but had great historical significance to it, what was mentioned in the sky network was only partial knowledge. " I have only considered the war challenge to be a grand competition, and in my eyes warriors are those who cultivate to become stronger.."

the commander nodded in a calm manner " I have heard that your master left you at a very young age after imparting some knowledge and cultivation technique. He might not have gotten the chance to elaborate on what a warrior is and how the first warrior was born.."

Commander continued after a short pause " If we want to know what a warrior is then we will have to look into the ancient times, when humans were still one of the weakest creatures in the universe. Humans were still nothing more than one of the weakest animals in the enormous jungle called the universe.

They were just food for the other more powerful wild beasts, how do you think they survived ?"

Dror thought about how humans survived on the good old earth in the ancient times of paleolithic ages. But thought that wouldn\'t apply here with the spiritual energy and warriors, so he gave a casual reply " after fighting for survival the first warrior might have been born… leading to the birth of more warriors .."

The commander nodded at the replay

" You are correct, but the process was not that simple. Your answer would be something found in a school textbook for children. As someone in the True warrior realm you should have a better view. 

Warrior\'s can\'t be just born like that. When the first humans were born they survived by staying together, Even though humans weren\'t blessed with strength or supernatural power like the spiritual beast and other race\'s they were blessed with intelligence so they came together to fight for their survival.

For them their numbers were their might.

Small groups came together to form large groups and developed into communities which survived together.

Still in front of the spiritual beasts, their numbers were nothing and spiritual beasts could also command ordinary beasts like an army.

Spiritual beasts were naturally blessed with the power to gather spiritual energy, without meditation or anything.

They started growing stronger with the passing of days, while humans could only gather more people and forge all kinds of weapons with their intelligence.

At the same time there were also other races other than humans or spiritual beasts, who were more blessed than human and spiritual beasts.

Humans started creating armies who could fight in strategic formation. So that they would be able to fight quality against quantity.

But still the spiritual beasts were no simple creatures, when they were surrounded by a large number of humans with weapons, they started gaining more intelligence and either broke out of such formations or focused on the weaker spots in the formation to destroy it.

The greatest weakness of the formation was that the soldiers were many and distributed, if one place collapsed the whole formation collapsed.

Whenever one area started to collapse the commander should be able to adjust the overall structure of the formation to deliver more man power to the weakened area as support.

There was no technology at that time so that the commander would be able to easily deliver orders to different sections of the army.

In war receiving the right order at the right time and implementing it on time is of utmost importance.

If you lag even the tiniest bit the whole war might be lost.

Even though humans came up with all kinds of ideas and techniques to deliver messages more swiftly.

They were fighting against powerful enemies who would wreck the greatest havoc within a  little time.

The commanders and strategist never entered the battle but commanded from the back, looking at the overall  situation from a wider angle.

But there were also brave commanders who instead of commanding the army from the back of the army, joined the army and started commanding from inside which made them much better at analyzing the overall situation on time and delivering orders on time.

From among these commanders one special young commander activated a sixth sense which later came to be known as spiritual sense.

After activating his spiritual sense he could sense and perceive a wider area around him instantly, slowly he also learned how to use this spiritual sense to deliver messages into the minds of the soldier like telepathy.

  He became more and more efficient at commanding and as time passed by he used the spiritual sense to observe himself and figured out the structure of the human body and its hidden strength.

He experimented and created the path of cultivation, the path of warriors, that is why even now we call ourselves warriors rather than cultivators.

Because our path came from soldiers or rather warriors who fought for survival, not from some grand sage who meditated for years to raise the spiritual sense. 

This is also the reason why we commemorate the ancient warriors with a war challenge."

Dror didn\'t know the entire history of cultivation, but he was really absorbed into the story.

These things took place in the long forgotten era and no one could verify anything, but this was a good explanation in Dror\'s eyes.

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