
Chapter 140 - Secret Mission

The sky was darkening as it was approaching night, atop a hill a little far away from one of the maveth flower extraction facilities, a group of 3 people were observing the surrounding, with around 130 soldiers waiting on the other side of the hill, fully equipped for a war.

Of Course these were Dror and his men, Dror was observing the factory and its surroundings through a high resolution modern binocular.

The soldiers were divided into two division,100 soldiers wearing the most modern hard body armour with pitch black color and the rest

30 soldiers in the most modern soft body armour which had a multicam camouflage pattern but also included a camouflage technology to take on different colors. These were not inferior to the body armour worn by the best Alliance army soldiers.

The 150 soldiers under Dror were divided into two units, The infiltration unit specializing more on agility, they can be used as scouts, spies or assassins and  Old Zhao has specially chosen the cultivation method for them which was helpful in reconnaissance, fast movements and camouflaging once presence.

While the second unit of 100 soldiers were heavy infantry units who were focused on direct attack, frontal assaults and even defense.

The infiltration unit was equipped with lighter and soundless laser guns and two double edged short swords each, some also had the modern blue laser M76 snipers.

While the heavy infantry had advanced retractable energy shields, heavy blades and plasma based guns.

"How is it.."

Dror asked without turning back .

Old Zhao reported " Everything is as per we have planned, there is no new development… I think we can deploy the snipers to take their positions. Deputy major will take action at the predetermined time…"

" Then lets deploy.."

Old Zhao led the 30 soldiers\' infiltration unit away, while Mark took charge of the heavy infantry and arranged for different things.

Every one of their sky watches was arranged with a timer and as the timer was left with 5 seconds. 

Dror also moved with Chaow, Dror had to reduce his speed so that Chaow could catch up with him.

The Maveth flower extraction factory was heavily guarded with 300 soldiers and a True warrior leading them, the factory had big walls on four sides and there was all kind of surveillance equipment equipped on the walls and the surrounding.

Their was also a good reason for this much security, even though the Maveth flower was not the most profiteering business of the Alliance government, it was in the top 5, but more than that these factories were much more important due to a secret attached to them that only few in the alliance government knew about.

The Alliance government couldn\'t put an enormous army around it as that would lead to suspicion from everyone else, so the president opted for this security force of 300 soldiers with a True warrior leading them, this was considered a more than ample security  for any factory.

The president had also made sure to create the factory very near to cities that had a strong city enforcer unit within them, so that even if the factories were under attack the 300 soldiers could hold them off and request for help from the city enforcers who could come to aid in very little time.

The city enforcers along with the soldiers would be more than capable to hold off attacks , if not it would provide at least enough time for True warriors or some one in supreme warrior realm to come to their aid from the central cities or other places.

The big wigs had never considered the  idea that the rebels would send such a big force to attack a factory and even among that Dror\'s company  with two true warriors was a little too much.

This was a complete coincidence that occurred due to the evil plan cooked up by the first prince along with Mr. Oliver. In truth the rebels have always opposed to attacking factories since at least they were providing jobs for some of the commoners, but this time the first prince was vehement on his argument that these factories were evil  from its core as they depended on the raw materials that was acquired with blood of the innocent villagers and no one could argue back at this, resulting in the current missions.

Coming to the present, the first priority of the attackers was to take out the surveillance and stop anything else from alerting the whole security force.

The person who took charge of this part of the operation was none other than the young war god, who had already sneaked inside the compound of the factory.

After recovering from is disabled state Xeander was itching to test out his strength and this was a perfect opportunity, at the same time he also had certain concerns regarding Dror, so he took on the charge of initial infiltration and attack.

Xeander was a dual elemental body with low grade wind element and fire element, what made him more powerful was the fact that both these elements complemented each other.

Xeander moved like a gust of wind and reached the main monitoring and surveillance room.

There were four guards outside the room, Xeander was already in the uniform of one of the security forces which he had taken from one of the unlucky guards.

He approached the room and the guards were not that vigilant against one of their own.

" What\'s the matter, why are you here.."

One of the soldiers asked, but didn\'t receive any answer and a gust of wind passed by them.

The four guards fell down, with a deep cut appearing on the back of each of their throats.

Their spine and nerves were cut clean and each ending burned to ash, before they could make the slightest sound.

At the same time both the cameras which were situated outside of the rooms were cleanly cut into two parts as if cut by the slimmest and sharpest blade which was heated to the highest degree.

Usually if someone arrived outside the door the guards were supposed to inform the soldiers inside and they would look through the cameras to verify the person\'s identity and reason for visit before letting him in.

But Xeander just cut through everything one after another, the automatic locks on metal door was already cut open without making the slightest sound and he was already inside the room, by the time the six soldiers inside turned around to check who opened the door they only felt a gust of wind passing by and all 6 of them were laying down on the floor without any motion.

The weird thing was that none of the people Xeander attacked were bleeding, it was like their wounds were cauterized.

After dragging the four dead soldiers outside into the room.

He started looking at a specific section of the factory through the monitor, it was the eastern wall, after observing the wall and the two security watch towers on either end of the eastern wall.

He inserted a memory chip into the monitoring equipment and  started giving instruction into his ear piece.

The twenty infiltration unit soldiers who were not present at the hill side earlier moved in stealth towards the entrance and killed the guards there without making the slightest commotion along with the help of Old Zhao\'s sniper team who had already positioned themselves in the best sniping positions.

Xeander has already adjusted the lighting in the surrounding in such a manner that the camfologued soldiers would find it much easier to stealthily move. 

The twenty soldiers didn\'t pause as some of them changed into the enemy uniforms and the entire team split into two 10 man teams and went for the both the towers on either side of the wall, this was a risky endeavour but with Xeander monitoring everything and guiding the soldiers from inside. 

They reached the watch tower and took them over with the aid of the snipers.

The 20 men assigned on this mission were the best among the 50 infiltration units and they were all in the peak of 8th level of the warrior realm and their squad leaders were in the 9th level.

Everything happened within 15 minutes and both the watch tower and the east wall were completely occupied.

By now Dror was already in front of the entrance and entered the compound, while Mark was also progressing with the heavy infantry towards the east gate along with Old zhao and the rest of the infiltration unit.

The factory was closed at night and only few workers remained inside and Dror also gave special instruction to not harm the worker and even the soldiers if they surrendered without opposing.

But battles are like that, there would be blood shed and sometimes that of the innocent people.

If someone was to consider it from the side of an ordinary soldier fighting from the side of the Alliance government, then he was also just doing his job.

This was also the reason that Xeander had volunteered to lead the initial attack because he was afraid that Dror with his Dharma to protect and do what is right might hesitate.

At the same time Xeander was called the young war god and as the saying goes the merciful don\'t command an army... 

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