
Chapter 149 - The Cloud Walking Elephant

This roar was not just a cry of anger but also a shock wave attack.

The first one got stuck was of course Oliver who was closest, he fell down with blood coming out of his seven orifices, Oliver felt like his whole internal organs along with his brain was churning and he wanted  to vomit everything out.

The next one to feel the might of the attack was Hadley who had been hiding in the forest and landed the sneak attack on Mr. Gaja.

He dropped on his knees screaming out, while pressing his head with both hands. Blood was oozing out of his seven orifices too, but he was the most affected one as he was no Dragon anthropomorph with a special and tough body along with unimaginable regenerative power.

A very intricately crafted black crossbow magic artifact with golden and violet runes was dropped on the ground by Hadley, while in pain.

This was a very high grade vicious magical artifact that Hadley had got his hands on from  some lucky encounter. It was this same artifact that he used to take out a powerful True warrior from one of the 7 ruling families of the Alliance government when he was still in the warrior realm.

The intricately created small arrows, were poisonous and vicious in nature, if hit directly even someone in the 3rd or 4th level of supreme warrior realm will find it hard to survive.

The artifact was called vicious due to its creation process, it was not created by ordinary artifact masters but by those who practiced the evil arts.

The ritual for creating such artifacts included sacrifices and absorption of death energy and negative emotions.

Mr. Gajas face was turning dark blue with black veins popping out on his face, clearly even though the bolt had missed a direct hit he was scratched and poisoned.

His pupils started exuding more bloody aura as his body started transforming, it kept growing bigger.

Dror, who was watching from afar also had a slight nose bleed after the shock wave passed by him.

But when he saw the enemy transforming he couldn\'t stop from cursing " Another athrapomorph… fu..k "

By now Oliver was more or less out of his initial shock and the effect of the attack had waned away with his amazing healing and regenerative capabilities.

Only Hadley was still suffering and had to take lots of pills to pull himself  out of the disorientation and pain, But the moment he was able to stabilize himself he received a spiritual message from Oliver.

" run…"

Hadley lifted up his head to see a huge elephant in the place of their enemy.

The elephant was clearly bigger than the red dragon by at least double its size. It had bloody red eyes, three huge trunks and six tusks no smaller than the size of the trunks itself and golden scales covering its head, upper body and belly.

The shocking thing was it was still floating in the air with clouds forming around its legs.

A name came out of Hadley\'s mouth unknowingly.

" The cloud walking elephant..."

The elephants were considered to be descendants of Mammoths, The first mammoth was said to be a  heavenly beasts called Heaven sundering Mammoth. It was so big that it could split apart the heaven itself with a single move.

The cloud walking elephants were supposed to have a tiny blood relation to the Heaven sundering Mammoth and  the cloud walking elephants were supposed to have inherited a tiny amount of magical abilities from its ancestors.

Which made them nothing less than a high grade natural born air elemental body.

The weakest part of large animals like elephants were their speed and agility, but for cloud walking elephants, they were on an entirely different level.

Not only did they have very high speed and agility, but they could also walk in the air just like walking on the ground.

Thankfully even though Mr. Gaja was healing, the poison was nothing to scoff off.

Oliver was already fleeing when he sent the spiritual message to Hadley.

Dror, who was watching from afar also understood that this was not the time to watch the show, so he also used the earth skip technique to run as fast as possible without looking back.

The anthropomorph had much wider perceptive senses than humans especially when they took on their beast form. 

When considering such a powerful monster, much more powerful than the  western dragon that Oliver had turned into, Dror was not sure whether he will be able to escape from the keen perceptive sense of such a powerful beast and if he was discovered the result won\'t be probably good for him.

  Dror increased his speed with each earth skips, but the other two were not as fortunate as him.

Dror could feel an absorption force pulling him and everything around him back all of a sudden, thankfully the focus of the absorption was not him or his surroundings.

"Absorbing the heaven and Earth ... " 

The humongous elephant had lifted it\'s three large trunks and started sucking in.

The fleeing Drac and Hadley, was sucked back closer to the monster Elephant unable to break free.

Even while using his full power the Dragon found it difficult to break free, Oliver felt like he was being absorbed into a whirlpool, he instantly burned away his warrior essence more vigorously to break free while Hadley\'s position was much worse.

He was already in front of the humongous beast, he seemed to be on the brink of death as the humongous tusks were pointed at his back and wouldn\'t just pierce him but most probably mince him like a meat grinder.

With gritted teeth he took out a black piece of wood tied with different colored strings around it, he bit his own  tongue and spit the blood into this weird magical artifact.

All of a sudden the weird magical artifact exuded a black smoke that enveloped him and disappeared in an instant with Hadley\'s scream still lingering around.

Mr. Gaja was surprised at this outcome, just a moment ago he was sure he would kill this sneak attacking rat in a gruesome manner, but the rat was able to escape using some weird method.

Mr. Gaja could smell the death aura still lingering in the surrounding after that guy utilized his weird artifact.

" An Evil artifact.."

Mr, Gaja muttered while sneering.

But he soon focused on the second guy that was trying to escape.

By now Mr . Gaja had calmed down a little and he showed a more angry expression while thinking to himself.

"hah.. shit, I forgot my main aim in coming here in my anger, this is going to be problematic… I hope the one who killed the shadow hand agent was this dragon, not the guy that escaped.."


Dror was already far away from the fighting, he calmed down and looked at his sky watch and adjusted his direction to reach the randevu point.

While looking at the sky watch he also looked at the small timer that was running out and muttered slowly.

"It\'s almost time…"

Mr . Gaja and Oliver, who were engaged in a tug of war, heard an explosion and their expression also changed while looking in the same direction from which the sound of explosion came.

"The Maveth extraction facility.."

Both of them could see the fire even from this far away, Mr. Gaja\'s anger rose again while Oliver felt really wronged while cursing in his mind.

"Why are you being so angry at me , I am also a victim here….. fu..k that barbarian, did he plan all this to fu..k me up ….. I am going to tear him apart.."

But all of a sudden he heard the voice of Mr. Gaja.

"Where is Mr. 18\'s body and his belongings, if you obediently surrender and submit the belongings, I will not kill you but take you alive as a prisoner.."

Oliver was surprised by this new development, but he didn\'t know who this Mr. 18 that this elephant was talking about.

Mr. Gaja has also lowered the strength of the absorption ability to make a deal with the Dragon, as even Mr. Gaja was not so sure if he could be able to take down this dragon in a single move and it was also very much possible for the dragon to have an escaping art.

Mr. Gaja\'s main priority was to ensure that Mr. 18\'s belongings never reach the rebel higher ups as this was related to a secret regarding his master.

Oliver knew this was his chance he needed to prepare to use his life saving artifact as a last measure, before the elephant made another move.

The lifesaving artifact that he had, was a single use item and that is the reason why he had not used it up till now, if possible he didn\'t want to use it, as having it meant a second chance at life.

Oliver was also plotting all kinds of methods in his mind so that he could escape this predicament without using up his life saving treasure.

" Which Mr.18 , I killed too many guys earlier…"

Mr. Gaja replied with a calm face

" The true warrior with a burly face and a scar over his left eye.."

Oliver pondered and replied " hoh that guy..."

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