
Chapter 444 - Inevitable War! II

Chapter 444: Inevitable War! II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

…(Papatte Squad Base Interior)…

Everyone had their eyes glued upon the projection. They were stupefied upon the reading, including Ye Chong who no longer could hold his chilly expression.

"S-s-s-s-spatial Distortion Rate: 90%!" The voice of their observer muttered in fear.

"Spatial Distortion Rate: 100%"

A black spot was discovered at the center of the area right next to planet Yi Ju. Despite the voidness of the space, the black spot looked very obvious, like a burnt spot of a drawing of night sky. It was darker than black, dark-right horrifying.

Within twinkling of eyes, the black spot had grown in size at a horrendous rate! It began reaching the surrounding, as forming into a particular shape.

Disc. A circle, a perfect disc-circle.

Black disc phenomena…

Ye Chong could not help but to flinch upon the sight.

He remembered his adventure at the underground cavern primary planet. That creepy view was probably unforgettable till the day he died.

A perfect circle of darkness that hovered in the air, from which a limb of an unknown beast would reach out with an ear-bleeding scream!

The strong deja vu was hitting his head.

"Mu, wh-what would happen… assuming we attack the disc!?" Ye Chong tried being calm in his inquiry. Although he had no idea what the disc would bring this time, provided that it was the same unidentified creature from his underground adventure before, they would be losing and they will lose.

"Negative. Outcome: Unknown. Unable to calculate," answered Mu right away. "Spatial Destabilizing Rate : >60%." That was a no-no to Ye Chong\'s plan.

In all spatial studies, a spatial destabilizing phenomena would be the most terrifying thing the scholars could ever imagine. Providing a destabilization occurred, the space would technically collapse and half of the entire He Yue galaxy would be affected. The worst part was, everything would be happening in matter of mere minutes.

Before they noticed, the black disc had reached the diameter of 20 meters.

It was still enlarging, like the fear in Ye Chong\'s heart as he watched the black disc on the projection. The last spatial distortion he saw at the underground was hardly 3 meter long in diameter. And this black disc had hit the diameter of 20 meters within the last few minutes!

The reporters started to notice the strange phenomena beyond the boundary, as they readjusted their cameras towards the bizarre circle in the center.

"Oh my, what in the He Yue is that?" asked the reporter, with a never-before-felt excitement in him, "I had never seen such fantasy! The black circle seems to be a black hole, unlike a black hole, it does not suck. Hah, at least we are safe you see. It looks so gorgeous that I wonder if it\'s the most perfect circle in the entire galaxy? The peculiar part is, we were unable to measure its breadth, it\'s simply too thin! Oh my, it\'s still growing, growing like puberty. The diameter now… hmmm… approximately 50 meters !"

The scene had been broadcasted across universe. People stopped their works, people placed down their phone, as with an unintelligible expression they looked upon the projection.

"What… is that thing? Oh my He Yue galaxy…" One customer in the bar was opening his mouth wide, that the beer he was pouring went overflowed.

"It\'s so round and black… and looked very deep."

"I don\'t know, I think I had seen something similar on my wife…"

"Dude, I\'m eating!"

Somehow the bartender got slapped.

"We are still unable to identify the phenomena at the moment. Was it the gate to hell? Or was it a portal to an alternate dimension? Or was it some gadget-went-wrong by a robotic cat from the future? Hehe…," said the reporter mischievously, "but I believe that the mysterious organization has an earth-shattering secret associated with its recent operation and the hole!"

Ye Chong did not seem interested in having any association with this hole. His fear intensified, as his sweat fell harder.

The black disc was still growing! The diameter? It had reached 800 meters.

Ye Chong quivered a little as he reminisced the last encounter with this spooky disc.

What would come out this time…

Time was lapsing sluggishly, it felt as if the disc was sucking the flow of time…

On the projection, the disc remained growing and Team 1 had started shifting towards the exterior.

3 hours and 5 minutes later…

The black disc had stopped, while achieving a diameter of 22.6 kilometers…

A black circular area of an approximate 23 kilometer diameter did not seem that impressive in the voidness of space. But, if one was able to take a look near the area itself, it would be breathtaking indeed. It was a giant, perfect, abyssal circle, with an unmeasurable breadth. Nobody knew what it was, and why it was there.

But people were convinced that, they no longer had the leisure to crack jokes, not even the reporter just now. His tone had turned grim, like the atmosphere of the entire galaxy.

In the past 3 hours, countless scientists and scholars had launched a detailed discussion on the phenomena, yet nobody could provide a sound explanation.

Darkness defines death, death defines destruction.

So what would this unknown darkness bring to the galaxy?

Was it apocalypse?

The speculation popped up in the mind of the people.

The ceased growth of the black disc was a nerve-calming sight to people. Just when they thought it was only an adornment to the space, things happened!

Dark, purplish scarlet gases began rolling out of the flat circle. The gases did not spread however, only surrounding the dark disc constantly.

In no time the disc had been fully engulfed by the dimly reddish gases.

The cloud of gas was grooving, as if given life.

It was a creepy sight.

Out of sudden, a dark purplish lightning zapped by quickly.

It was a sign. Countless sparks started bellowing within the clouds.

Although the broadcast had no sound, somehow people could imagine the cracking sound of a typical aggressive spark.

Everything happened rapidly. In 5 minutes, the cloud of gases regained its serenity.

"It is expanding," alerted Mu.

"Mhm." Ye Chong had already noticed the growth of the gases after the spark-reaction ended.

And that was when the alarm went off.

"Warning. Unidentifiable Creature Detected! Warning. Unidentifiable Creature Detected! Population: Unknown. Population: Unknown!"

Within the purplish cloud, a dense flock of red spots could be discerned.

Heavy gasps were heard in the meeting room.

Ye Chong somehow calmed down again, as he looked at the frozen Sang Pu, "Attention, Team 1. Attention, Team 1. Retreat right away. I repeat, all units retreat right away! Prompt your weapons, fire at order!" Ye Chong seized the commandership and placed the order promptly.

Sang Pu, who just recovered from the shock, had his face blushing.

That was when the reporters noticed the gliding army of the mysterious organization had evacuated themselves from the area. The stranger thing was, all laser firing units had been redirected towards the cloud of gases.

"Team 2 into the space now! Team 2 into the space now! Confirm location before entry," said Sang Pu after he got hold of himself.

Ye Chong\'s eyes were staring at the screen, in which the red dots were growing as well, those red dots were… they were charging towards the edges of the cloud! They seemed to be very capable at speed! Ye Chong could start discerning the silhouette of their appearance now!


Sang Pu\'s eyes went larger than Collision, as anger filled his gaze, veins were bloating on his forehead, his lips were almost muffling up the communicator. His fingers were trembling on the grip.

"All units, radius vector 6 to 9, radius vector 12 to 15, ready to fire upon command!"

Little Rock and Zhang Yu in their helmets were rapidly tapping the interfaces on the processors, as they redirected the firing device to the according scope.

The unidentified creatures were arriving. They were charging very quickly towards them.

One had already left the cloud!

The second! Third!

A blob of sweat rolled off Sang Pu\'s cheek, as his respiration grew heavier.

The appearance of that unknown creature had been fully captured by the camera, everyone in the meeting room had seen it clearly.

Sang Pu\'s tightened fingers rubbed against the communicator, "Fire!" he shouted upon seeing the unknown creatures pouncing.

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