
Chapter 238 – Goblin Kingdom (4)

Chapter 238 – Goblin Kingdom (4)

Translator: Seven

Editor: Ana_Banana

The twelfth day after Isaac Ivanov’s team entered the 7 Floor dungeon.

[No news from the Messiah Guild yet!]

[There is still hope for Isaac Ivanov!]

The attention of everyone in the world was focused on the two teams that were currently attacking 7 Floor dungeons.

Thanks to that, the chaos in the world subsided.

-Ah, I really hope both of them can clear them.

-Wouldn’t it be a really big thing if both of them clear them?

-It would be amazing. If they both clear 7 Floor dungeons at the same time, then the 7 Floor dungeons would all be cleared soon.

The biggest reason why the world was able to regain order was because of the hope that the world would be able to return to its original state before becoming a game, and because there were still players running for that hope.

And now these players were running at full force to clear the game.

More importantly, instead of one, there were now two.

But it wasn’t just that there were two.

-If Isaac Ivanov and Lee Se-jun joined forces, would it be possible for them to clear an 8 Floor dungeon?

?It’s not impossible.

?There’s no reason for them to not work together.

?How much further could they go?

The amount of hope the world felt at the appearance of a rival and partner for the Messiah Guild, who had been alone all this time, was not simply one plus one.

Their hope was greater than ever, and the world’s desire for it also became much stronger.

Naturally, many people in the world began cheering for this, hoping that it would become a reality.

“Kya, the gifts are pouring in, pouring. Let’s see, a box of Choco Pie…”

That’s why the gifts began to pile up in the storeroom of Oh Se-chan’s office after a long time.

“Ah, this!”

Holding a package in his hands, Oh Se-chan turned to a subordinate and said.

“This one was sent to Lee Jin-ah.”

Along with those words, Oh Se-chan ripped the package open without hesitation, and looked inside.

“Is this homemade?”

“It’s homemade?”

What appeared was homemade cookies in ordinary wrapping paper.

When he saw that, Oh Se-chan frowned and handed the parcel over to his subordinate.


Since it belonged to Lee Jin-ah, the subordinate thought he would eat it, but when he saw this, he couldn’t help but tilt his head to the side and ask.

“You don’t want to eat it?”

“It’s not that I don’t want to eat it, I can’t.”

“You can’t eat it?”

Oh Se-chan then explained as if it was obvious.

“If this was handmade, and sent to someone with as terrifying an appearance as Lee Jin-ah, then it must be poisonous, no? After all, who but an assassin would send homemade cookies to Lee Jin-ah?”

“But the person who sent this thinks Lee Jin-ah is a strongly built, blond Russian, don’t they?”


It was only then that Oh Se-chan, who realised his error, take the parcel back from his subordinate and put one in his mouth.

“Oh, it’s delicious.”

Then he handed it back to his subordinate.

However, the subordinate became confused when he saw the parcel being handed to him again.


If he were going to eat it then eat it, why was this subordinate refusing to eat?

“Why won’t you eat it?”

“I’ve had a sore stomach these past few days.”

Oh Se-chan couldn’t help but show his surprise when his subordinate replied with a glum expression.


And when asked the follow up question, the subordinate responded as though it was obvious.

“Isn’t it because of the Lightning King? They’re in a 7 Floor dungeon after all.”

They were going to get rid of the Lightning King in a 7 Floor dungeon!

The moment they heard this plan, all of Oh Se-chan’s subordinates felt like they’d been weighed down by an enormous pressure.

It was natural.

“They might be able to take him down, but…”

It wasn’t just the Lightning King.

There was also his team of players who constantly challenged dungeons in all kinds of adverse situations.

“And if they kill everyone and come out…”

What was most troubling was the fact that Thunderbird’s strongest powers are waiting for them outside.

Armed with massive firepower that far surpassed a player’s capabilities, would they welcome Park Yong-wan and Isaac Ivanov with a smile if they came out of the dungeon without the Lightning King?

It was a situation in which the worst case scenario was easily possible.

“More importantly, it’s 7 Floors…”

The most important part was the fact that they were currently in a 7 Floor dungeon.

A stage that even the Messiah Guild had to use their best powers to attack.

No matter how amazing Kim Woo-jin’s abilities were, there definitely wasn’t a very high chance of success.

Seeing his subordinate like this, Oh Se-chan’s reply was simple.

“Well, there’s nothing to worry about.”


“First off, that player, Kim Woo-jin, is way stronger than you think, plus, he’s a lucky guy.”

A smile spread across Oh Se-chan’s face as he said that.

“And he’s at least ten times more vicious, cruel and vigilant than you think.”

Then he let out a laugh.

“The only one that will die is the Lightning King.”

[Kill 444,444 Goblins to advance to the next floor.]

On the fourth floor, the players couldn’t even sigh when they received the condition to clear the floor.

It wasn’t just the players.

“We’ll secure camp first.”

For the first time, Park Yong-wan, who had always been active and never backed down from a fight, ordered for them to secure the camp first rather than start the battle.

It was clear that when faced with the current situation, Park Yong-wan needed to use more cool-headed reason.

What’s more, the Lightning King made a gesture with his chin instead of mocking or provoking Park Yong-wan as usual.

He simply gestured for his side to listen to Park Yong-wan’s words.

This was a sign that they were no longer picking fights with each other, but that they’d made a tentative alliance.

Of course, the one who had the final say was neither Park Yong-wan or the Lightning King.


‘What will Isaac choose?’

Everyone then turned to Isaac Ivanov, who would make the final decision.

Isaac Ivanov responded after making brief eye contact with Kim Woo-jin.

“We’ll move alone.”

They still had some time.

This wasn’t a big deal for Isaac Ivanov, but it was a shocking declaration for those who heard it.


‘Don’t we have to hunt 440,000?’

It was a stage where over 440,000 monsters had to be hunted.

A stage where the little over 400 players had to hunt more than 1,000 monsters per person.

‘Will the fifth floor be 550,000?’

Furthermore, if this trend continued, there was a high chance that the fifth floor would be 550,000 monsters and the sixth floor would be 660,000.

In this situation, where the players should all learn how to fight alongside each other, Isaac Ivanov was still able to move with just his team.


What’s more, Isaac Ivanov’s words weren’t vaguely confident.

Isaac Ivanov wasn’t a bluffer, or a pretentious player.

This meant that every word he said came from a firm will without any underlying intentions.

Park Yong-wan and the Lightning King narrowed their eyes at that fact.

‘I acknowledge Isaac Ivanov abilities, but can he really go on his own in this situation?’

‘Isaac Ivanov’s abilities are certainly amazing. But to move like this…’

The emotions in their eyes were the same as they realised something was about to start.

And they both know just what that was.

‘It’s time.’

‘Looks like he’ll make a move on the fourth floor.’

The time for hunting had come.

The Goblin Kingdom.

It took three days to clear the first floor, five days to clear the second floor, and eleven days to clear the third.

So how many days would it take to clear the fourth?

To that question, most would feel that the answer was easy.

They would say either 22 or 23 days, and that it was a calculation that even a child could do.



However, when the screams and cries of as many as 440,000 Goblins pierced the air, people stopped being able to do calculations that even a child could do.

‘There are so many.’

‘Can we survive?’

This was because no matter how disciplined and well trained the players were, it would be impossible for them to keep their composure when faced with so many monsters.

Therefore, it was important to have a leader.

“We’ll hunt 10,000 a day. Just follow me, no matter what.”

“We have enough food. Don’t move until I set the stage. Minimize the damage.”

The reason Park Yong-wan and the Lightning King were able to have achievements comparable to the heroes was because they were leaders who could be trusted and followed, at least on the battlefield.

And on the third day of the attack on the fourth floor, these two made judgement that showed they were good leaders.

“We should work with the Lightning King.”

“The time has come for us to join forces.”

They decided to unite.

It was a planned alliance.

At first, they shared camp and got to know each others’ faces, and in that way, they also began sharing battlefields, learning each others’ fighting styles and abilities so that they could work together seamlessly when they finally made an alliance.

In this way, any disagreements they had would be smaller, and their synergy would be much stronger.

Therefore, Park Yong-wan and the Lightning King joined forces and began to battle.


And a Goblin skeleton was staring at this scene.

This was Kim Woo-jin’s scout.

‘Everything is going according to plan.’

In addition, it was none other than Kim Woo-jin who had planned this alliance.


Lee Jin-ah walked up to Kim Woo-jin while muttering.

“If we showed up now, these two who are pretending to work together would definitely turn and try to kill each other, wouldn’t they?”

Kim Woo-jin’s plan was simple.

He contacted both the Lightning King and Park Yong-wan. Then told them that if they joined hands with their opponent, while fighting against the Goblins, Isaac Ivanov would help him.

They would hit them in the back of the head while fighting.

“This gives me chills down my spine. This is why you can’t trust people.”

It was an eerie plan.

“There’s nothing more deadly than betrayal by your allies in the middle of a battle…”

This was a plan that would not only cause fatal damage physically, but also mentally.

A plan that fully showcased the cruelty that humans were capable of.

“This is a plan that would make even Satan cry.”

It was something that couldn’t be planned, handed over or executed without the help of the devil himself.

“Doesn’t matter.”

When Kim Woo-jin calmly responded to his words, Lee Jin-ah couldn’t help but stick his tongue out.

“Right, you’re already a devil, so it doesn’t matter.”

“NG is gonna come out anyway.”


After speaking, Kim Woo-jin turned his head to look at a mountain of Goblin corpses.

“Because a new actor that no one expected is about to go on stage.”

Then he extended his hand towards the corpses.

The bodies began to melt.

[The Lich, the Undead Wizard answers your call.]


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