
Chapter 71 - Returning to Nova Roma

Hellena also wasted no time making use of the large number of slaves and tools she had bought prepared tables in different parts of zone two of the new Tartar where those who wanted to go to Nova Roma would register

For this they were made to sign a binding contract where they and their future generations were committed to working for the empire in exchange for security and a place to live, the conditions were somewhat harsh but the rights to be a Roman citizen were quite tempting for Therefore they did not hesitate to sign the contract.

While a large number of people dedicated themselves to filling out contracts to be able to belong to the empire as citizens, Hellena, on the other hand, answered the questions that Zeus and Anubis asked.

Hellena only answered that it is a matter of physics and that she did not understand much about the exact process, but she realized that the pillar worked identically how a nuclear reactor works but did not understand why the explosion never came

It was at that moment that Zeus exhaling a breath of air explained the process she had done "When you did the mass exchange for the energy of the crystals, this released an overwhelming power because the mass of the crystal along with the energy catalyst is too pure because therefore the transformation efficiency was 100%.

This caused controlled nuclear fission that if it had failed it could have caused an explosion that would easily owe more than 500 km around turning everything in its path into ashes. "

When Hellena asked him if he could occupy this power to destroy the jungle

Zeus shook his head "The real world and the Tartar are completely different, their laws are handled differently from how the real world does so, therefore, trying to do the same thing you did here would not be fruitful since energy and laws that govern space are completely different "

Hellena thought that if she wanted to replicate the same in the real world she would have to replicate the steps Flavio told her about the construction of a nuclear reactor that enriched uranium so that the material could then be used to create an atomic bomb.

The problem was that the technology was very late for not saying that Flavio the same calculation that to use this technology would have to spend hundreds of years for science to flourish.

Hellena got a little depressed, she wanted to carry this weapon to support her husband, but the reality is sometimes cruel, so she decided to continue with her recruitment, which could help the empire in the short term.

After a few weeks, Hellena managed to recruit more than 300,000 people who will be added as citizens of the empire with rights and obligations, who will not suffer unlike the slaves Hellena plans to occupy to swell the ranks in the southern defense and help The construction of the southern wall.

Once the recruitment was finished Hellena proceeded to say goodbye to her parents, spoke with them a little more and in the end, with a hug and a kiss she said goodbye to them in a touching scene because Hellena had forgiven the actions of her parents

Before leaving Tartarus his parents gave her some Cerberus puppies, to take care of his grandchildren, Hellena when he saw how funny and beautiful the puppies with three heads were, I do not hesitate to hug them and give them the name of the male puppy I call you corocotta because you are ugly as only you can be, while the female named coconut because her head was bald and the few hairs she had.

(Pss the Male Cerberus come from the race chihuahua and Female Cerberus come from the race Xoloescuincle)

Once all the slaves and the recruits were prepared, Zeus and Anubis occupying their divine energy opened a portal where everyone was taken to the temple of Zeus in Origin Civitatem

Little by little they began to leave, the first were those who voluntarily joined their empire to the great empire, they would be responsible for producing or collecting resources in the back lines far away from the war.

The slaves before the teleported were made to sign a contract that not only forced them and their children to work for the empire until they gathered enough merits to achieve freedom and be exemplary citizens of Rome.

While Hellena ordered the new residents of Nova Roma, Flavio found himself in the southern front resting in a trench along with the rest of his troop

Unlike other kings and even emperors, Flavio is not afraid to stain his hands while on the front line there is no other option because he is the one who gives the morale to the troops, his soldiers fight better when they can see their emperor risking their lives like them.

The situation on the front was not very hopeful, despite the large number of slaves that were captured in Insulae Canibalium these were insufficient for the large amount of construction that had to be done

If there were no means to replace these slaves who were dying from extreme fatigue, the empire would be in big trouble.

Flavio could only beg that Hellena had found something that could help them, the last thing she wanted was to have to use the normal population as this meant sacrificing other areas such as the provision of food without food.

Good news is that a few days ago Gorgon servants arrived at the front line which quickly adapted to the battlefield

Flavio discovered that they were effective at a medium distance since their eyes could be used to turn the giants or the puppets into stone, not to mention that their melee skills are on par with the Tlahuelpuchis (national vampires) with whom they take fairly good.

While he was thinking he had to stop one of the attacks that the jungle did every day, fight with giants and fight with the puppets, the battlefield of what was once a great green meadow and full of life was routine.

Now it was only scorched earth where the scent of death permeated the air with the large amount of oil that was used to make cremations and prevent the spread of disease, giving the environment a foul aroma and a darkened appearance to the environment.

The battle lasted a few minutes until the routine attack was repelled, after which they returned to their trenches while letting the cleaners burn the bodies to avoid disease

Flavio, on the other hand, ate with the rest of his troop of compressed cookies and drank some water, he could not afford to eat things with meat when his troops had not consumed that either, it was important that he kept the example to the troops because no one would complain about the food if their emperor eats the same as them.

While enjoying his "great" meal he received news that a large number of rare beings were approaching the rearguard commanded by Hellena and the Praetorian guards

He got up from his seat and wiping his face said "I knew Hellena would make it"

A sword of divine energy appeared and threw it into the jungle "You can appear hundreds of monsters and puppets damn jungle but I have a Yandere wife, able to go to the Underworld and return with reinforcements, all this to be able to stop you and spend more time with her and my sons, hahaha "

Flavio continued to laugh as he thanks to having a wife like Hellena, with the reinforcements a new opportunity opens to stop once and for all this damn jungle...

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