
Chapter 270: Hug left and right

He Qianqian was the one who couldn\'t stand Lin Tian\'s kiss the most, and a kiss made He Qianqian lose his logical ability.

After an hour, the two people hugged tightly.

"I know you called me over, there must be something else. But I won\'t ask. But I must go back in three days, otherwise the school will not be able to explain it."

"Three days? That should be almost there."

Lin Tian didn\'t plan to tell He Qianqian about his uneasy things.

After all, everything is felt by Lin Tian himself, it is not certain whether something will happen in the end.

After he was done, Lin Tian called Bu Mengting again.

The school\'s dormitory is not safe, and Lin Tian still feels that he should get his two women by his side, so that he can rest assured.

"Lin Tian, ​​you fellow, why didn\'t you come to class today? You didn\'t come to swim training?"

Bu Mengting seemed to be in the swimming pool, and Lin Tian could hear the water splash on the phone.

"I have something to do today. By the way, Sister Qianqian is here. I rented a house at school. Sister Qianqian plans to live here for two days. Come here."

"Sister Qianqian is here? You guy wants to do bad things again, right? I\'m not fooled by you, I\'m not going."

When Bu Mengting heard what Lin Tian said, she knew that Lin Tian wanted something bad again.

"I\'ll give you twenty minutes. If you don\'t show up, I\'ll find you. I\'ll take you back naked at that time."

"you dare!"

Bu Mengting said fiercely, but when she hung up the phone, she hurried to the changing room to change her swimsuit, and hurried to the house where Lin Tian rented.

"Eighteen minutes, hehehe, Mengting little wife, if you don\'t come again, I will go to school to find you."

Lin Tian opened the door and hugged Bu Mengting.

Bu Mengting did not hide, nor could she avoid it, letting Lin Tian embrace her.

"Hmph, there are people like you, and they said they would take me back naked."

Bu Mengting squeezed the small pink fist and hammered Lin Tian\'s chest. This weight was almost the same as the tickle. Lin Tian smiled and hugged Bu Mengting directly.

"Hey, it\'s finally there, you have to help me relax today."

The three were in a big battle again, and Bu Mengting and He Qianqian could feel that Lin Tian seemed to particularly want it today, and they both tried their best to cooperate with Lin Tian.

After some melee, Bu Mengting and He Qianqian both lay on Lin Tian\'s chest.

"Lin Tian, ​​what\'s wrong with you today, tell us what the matter is."

He Qianqian still thinks Lin Tian is weird today.

"What\'s the matter? Sister Qianqian?" Bu Mengting was obviously not attentive to He Qianqian, and did not feel Lin Tian\'s abnormality.

"Today, Lin Tian inexplicably asked me to come over and asked me to ask for leave. There must be something."

"What happened to Lin Tian? What can\'t you tell us?"

When Bu Mengting heard it, she felt that Lin Tian had nothing to say.

"I\'m worried that you will be in danger. Little Mengting wife, you should know. You were not poisoned that day, you almost died."

"Ah, Lin Tian, ​​do you mean that the two of us will still be in danger?"

Last time Bu Mengting was almost poisoned to death, although she didn\'t realize it at the time, but after listening to Zhang Guoer\'s description, she was afraid for a while.

"I just have a feeling that you will be in danger. So I asked my wife Qianqian to ask for leave. You two must be by my side so I can rest assured."

"You guy, you lied to me before, no, I want to teach you a lesson."

After He Qianqian understood Lin Tian\'s intentions, she knew that Lin Tian was worried about herself. As a woman, He Qianqian clearly understands that she wants to relax her man as much as possible.

She rode on Lin Tian, ​​which directly triggered the second melee between the three.

"Hello, Lin Tian? The swimming league is about to begin tomorrow. Please arrive at the school gate on time at 8 o\'clock tomorrow morning. At that time, the school car will pull you to the competition site."

At night, Lin Tian received a call.

The call was made by Sports Director Shi Tie to inform Lin Tian to participate in the Wu\'an University Student Swimming League tomorrow.

Lin Tian had promised Shi Tie under Bu Mengting\'s instigation before, but now there is an unexpected situation, Lin Tian a little does not want to go.

But before he could think about it, Shi Tie hung up the phone.

After a while, Bu Mengting\'s phone also rang, and it was indeed Shi Tie\'s call, and she also informed Bu Mengting to go to school tomorrow morning to gather together and take the car to the game.

Bu Mengting fully agreed and hung up.

"Little Mengting wife, it\'s really dangerous recently. Don\'t participate in this swimming league, right?"

"Why not participate? This is an opportunity to compete for honor for the school."

Bu Mengting is unwilling. She has always wanted to participate in the Wu\'an University Student Swimming League to help Wu\'an University get a good ranking.

"Didn\'t I say that? We may have accidents."

"Lin Tian, ​​I don\'t think you are too nervous. Even if there is any danger, can we hide in this way? You are the men of Meng Ting and I, and we have to rely on you. Whatever you face, I hope you will not be afraid."

He Qianqian\'s words awakened Lin Tian suddenly.

Yeah, can you avoid it by hiding like this?

"Okay, then we\'ll go to the swimming competition. But you must go with your wife Qianqian."

Lin Tian was worried. He Qianqian stayed alone and left the order. What accident happened.

"Of course, I have to cheer for you and Meng Ting. I was wrong in the school trials last time, and this time I definitely can\'t miss it."

the next morning.

The three came to the school gate together.

After the last trial, there were ten students representing Wu\'an University in the Wu\'an University Swimming League. Five boys and five girls.

One of the boys is still Lin Tian\'s acquaintance, that is Ning Cheng who pursues Bu Mengting.

In the trials that day, because of Lin Tian\'s influence, he played a little bit abnormally. He could have won second place, but in the end he only finished third.

However, he still got the place for the competition, this time, he also has to represent Wu\'an University.

The school car is a bus, and the ten students are naturally dissatisfied. Bu Mengting told the sports director Shi Tie that He Qianqian was her sister, and she came here to cheer for Bu Mengting.

Shi Tie was also easy to talk, and let He Qianqian go by car together.

Since the last trial, after losing to Lin Tian. Ning Cheng realized that he really couldn\'t take advantage of Lin Tian.

In the past few days, I have been very honest and did not harass Bu Mengting.

However, today, he suddenly discovered that Bu Mengting had such a beautiful sister.

Bu Mengting belonged to Lin Tian, ​​and Ning Cheng couldn\'t take it, and he didn\'t dare to take it.

But Bu Mengting\'s sister, you can try it. The one named He Qianqian seemed more charming than Bu Mengting.

As soon as he got on the bus, Ning Chengcheng found a seat closer to Bu Mengting and He Qianqian.

I plan to find an opportunity to say a few words to He Qianqian, and it is best to get the phone number.

But what made Ning Cheng a little depressed was that he sat in front of Bu Mengting and He Qianqian, while a certain man sat shamelessly between the two women.

The left hand is holding Bu Mengting and the right is holding He Qianqian. Not only are both hands eating tofu at the same time, the two women are also smiling, looking like Renjun picking them.

Is there a mistake?

Did Lin Tian take the sisters together?

Several students around also discovered this, and their eyes looked different at Lin Tian.

Lin Tiansi didn\'t hesitate to look around the eyes, just hug the two women so carelessly.

Ning Cheng finally understood that he was not qualified to compare with Lin Tian at all, how could he compare with Lin Tian at all.

Looking at Lin Tian and then at himself, Ning Cheng felt envy and hatred!

Soon, we arrived at the competition site.

The place of the game is the swimming pool in Wu\'an City, and today it is crowded with people.

There are not only students from various colleges and universities, but also many reporters and audiences who have heard the news.

"Isn\'t this Director Shi from Wu\'an University?"

Lin Tian and the others just got out of the car, they saw a tall and thin man grabbing Shi Tie, the sports master, with a look very familiar with Shi Tie.

But Shi Tie\'s face was not very happy.

"Director Meng, I don\'t seem to be so familiar with you, right?"

"Director Shi, what you said is too far-fetched. We have been dealing with a few of us for two or three years. Of course, you are all my defeated men. I think you resent me and I understand."

After hearing a few words, Lin Tian discovered that Director Meng had come to mock Shi Tie.

It seems that in swimming competitions in the past few years, Wu\'an University has always been held down by Wu\'an Sports University. This director Meng is the sports director of Wu\'an Sports University.

"You have won a few times, and you still linger forever, right?"

It is estimated that Shi Tie has endured Director Meng for a long time, so she can\'t bear it at all today.

"What does it mean to let us win several times? Director Shi, Wu\'an University, is not our opponent at all, OK? Director Shi, don\'t brag."

Wu\'an University should be regarded as the best university in Wu\'an City, but it is said to be the best is actually a comprehensive quality. In sports, of course, there is no way to compare with the students of Wu\'an Sports University.

This is why Wu\'an University lost all the previous swimming competitions.

But this time, Lin Tian was there. Shi Tie thinks it should be easy to win Wu\'an Sports University.

"If I don\'t brag, I will know it during the game. I hope that Director Meng will stop crying when the time comes."

"I can cry? Director Shi, don\'t make me laugh."

The two directors were full of gunpowder, but they were both restrained, and finally they said cruel words to each other and left.

"As you have seen, our opponent this time is Wu\'an Sports University. This time, we must win."

When Shi Tie spoke, his eyes were always fixed at Lin Tian.

He believes that if you want to win Wu\'an Sports University this time, you can only rely on Lin Tian.


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