
Chapter 84 Where were you all these years?

Chapter 84 Where were you all these years?

All throughout their brunch, Ethan and Lexi bantered like a newlywed wed couple every now and then due to his edgy mood.

"Ahh! This girl is frustrating!" Ethan grumbled as he slumped on the couch where he spent his night being hunted with Lexi\'s excerpts.

"Stop whining, gosh! I\'m going." Exiting the master\'s bedroom with her branded purse, Lexi glared at the gloomy man lazing on the couch.

"Go, just go -- give me a break." Unenergetically waving his hands off, Ethan Lu scoots her away as he could no longer take this stubborn girl.

By the looks of it, he didn\'t have any intention of properly sending her off because Ethan Lu knew that, with his current state, he was unable to drive even if he wanted to.

Moreover, she\'s sober and back to the \'strong independent woman\' mentality. Hence, even if he offered her a ride, she would refuse without batting an eye.

Burying his face on the soft pillow, he heard her stomping footsteps fade which relaxed his tensed shoulders.

\'Yeah, just go already -- I need to rest!\' He whined inwardly, sort of displeased that she didn\'t even say goodbye or anything before leaving.

Retracting his head on the pillow, Ethan was about to take a peek at the entrance of the presidential suite, to check if she had already left. To his surprise, Lexi was squatting down on the side while curiously looking at him.

"What the! Do you want me to die from heart attack?!" Jolting from his position, Ethan hurriedly crawled on the edge of the couch while looking at her with disbelief.

"You\'re such a diva. I\'m just worried if you\'re fine, okay?" Lexi rolled her eyes by Ethan\'s over exaggerating reaction since earlier.

She hadn\'t realized it yet that her main initial task was completed, thus, Lexi was unaware of how confused he felt. Not to mention, the real torture he put him through last night.

But still, she was indeed concerned at his well being because Ethan seemed to be in his last straw of sanity.

"Do -- don\'t be concerned to me, god! You are more terrifying when you do, jeez!" Ethan aggressively shook his head by her sudden display of concern. He just needed a long sleep and he\'ll be fine but, as long as she was there, he couldn\'t do that!

"Tch, are you bipolar? Whatever, I\'m going." Lexi clicked her tongue in annoyance by Ethan\'s suspicious attitude but she chose not to dwell on it.

Supporting herself to stand, Lexi sighed as she glanced at Ethan\'s messy yet dashing looks.

"By the way, thanks for last night." She then turned her back on him, while she uttered her thanks to the man.

She might sound embarrassed about it, however, Lexi was slightly astounded that the person she would be celebrating with was none other than Ethan Lu!

Even in her wildest imaginations, Lexi didn\'t expected that she would be friends with this playboy. If it weren\'t for the system, Lexi wouldn\'t even bother to tangle herself with him.

Regardless, now that Lexi and Ethan Lu had a deeper connection called \'friendship\', she was actually thankful to the system. After all, aside from Morris Liu that wouldn\'t bat an eye even if she presented herself naked, Ethan didn\'t took advantage of her.

Also, whatever embarrassing deeds she might have caused him last night; she was certain that it wasn\'t easy for him to deal with it. Yet, he was still there the moment she woke up; fed her and lend her comfortable clothes.

Thinking about this small kind gestures, a subtle smile formed on the side of her lips. Indeed, Lexi might not expect anything decent from him but all the little information she had from him, he proved her wrong.

The playboy, uncaring, brat image Ethan Lu had on her mind was shattered and gave him a clean slate for her to know him better.

Now, Ethan\'s image to her might be a little comical and unconventional but at the same time, he was a responsible and patient gentleman that wouldn\'t take advantage of a woman on her weakest state.

Meanwhile, Churu silently followed Lexi from behind as she tried to lessen her presence since earlier. She has been cooking excuses how to explain the completed side quest "bless you lips with a kiss" and why did she used her one time skill without the host\'s permission.

\'So long, my facial mask…\' The little dumpling weeped inwardly thinking about her gloomy days without her stress relief.


Like a fool, Ethan stared at her back until she left his place.

"Did she… really, thanked me?" He heedlessly mumbled, hearing her \'thanks\' over and over again in his head.

Soon, a shy smile was plastered across his face as he laid his body on the couch. Stretching his back and relaxing his tensed muscles, Ethan kept on smiling from ear to ear.

"Tss. That woman, she should have said it to my face… is she shy? Hehe," For some unknown reason, Ethan Lu kept on grinning like a foolish man thinking of how she looked like while she spat her simple thanks.

"Jeez, now, how can I sleep? Tsk, that lewd yang, aiya~! Please infatuation, don\'t grow bigger -- you\'ll hurt yourself." Unlike his warning words, Ethan sounded playful as he positioned his body into a nice spot to rest.

Surely, no matter how he convinced himself that he was only infatuated with her that would soon died down, his heart does otherwise with every beat it takes.

Furthermore, whether he would end up liking her or not, Ethan was satisfied with what they had between them. It\'s as if she filled all the void he had felt yesterday and every minute spent with her, it was incomparable with the years of playing around.

As Ethan was finally struck with sleepiness, a satisfied smile was displayed on his lips despite the roller coaster night he had.

"Where were you all these years…"

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