
Chapter 614: My wife, my love, my everything~!

614 My wife, my love, my everything~!

[Boss, I will drive you home as per Lyrick\'s instruction. Will be there in a moment.] Lexi read Nico\'s message after fifteen minutes when it was sent. However, just as Lexi was about to respond, another message from Nico came in saying:

[Red said Master Lu would make it by the chopper. They\'ll arrive soon.]

Upon reading the last message from Nico, Lexi\'s brows twitched in disbelief. "Chopper?" She repeated, rolling her eyes as she inhaled deeply and then released it in a heavy sigh.

"Ethan Lu…" Through her gritted teeth, Lexi called out his name as her grip on her phone tightened. Her husband was once again being crazy. However, if he was in this hurry, he must have done something he knew Lexi would be mad about.

What was it this time? What did he do that he was in a hurry after realizing how irrelevant and way over the line his action was? Just thinking about it, Lexi decided to stop her lab work and wait for her husband. After all, she couldn\'t concentrate anymore having that though in mind.

"Please lengthen my patience…" She murmured, placing her palms together to pray that she wouldn\'t murder Ethan Lu this time around.

"No, chu~! You\'ll surely want him to kneel on the washboard tonight chu~!" Just as Lexi prayed, Churu suddenly appeared. Her tone affirmed that Lexi\'s prayers were for naught because her husband had lost his mind.

"Oh, please…" Lexi closed her eyes slowly, inhaling and exhaling to calm herself down.

"I won\'t tell you chu~! So the effect will be explosive -- humans always act rash when their emotions are heightened~!" Churu, who was floating on Lexi\'s side, crossed her tiny and white arms as she spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. "Also, he was trying to take Momo with his ventures -- he really needs that punishment chu!" The little dumpling harrumphed, displeased that Ethan had been a bad influence to Morris Liu like what a devil should do.

Upon hearing Churu\'s last remarks, Lexi\'s brows twitched along with the corner of her lips. "So you came to witness how I punished him?" She asked, sporting a poker face.

"Ahem! Of course not chu!" Churu cleared her throat, shaking her head before glancing back at the unfazed Lexi.

"I thought you need to do good things to redeem yourself? Lying is never good." In a matter-of-fact tone, Lexi pulled out the ultimate card because Churu seemed to have learnt the art of lying, or rather, for denying stuff like her affair with Morris Liu.

Not that Lexi didn\'t know anything about them. It was just that Churu barely details everything that\'s between them. Which made Lexi curious what\'s the real status of Churu and Morris Liu. After all, the last time they talked about this was months ago before Churu and Morris Liu went abroad to do some task.

Now, although Churu could no longer read or hear Lexi\'s inner thoughts, her expression told her that Lexi\'s mind was now hundred percent in the context: Ethan Lu bought a whole school for the twins!

For Pete\'s sake! The twins had just turned one! What was this grand idea of buying an entire school?! Although Churu truly wanted Ethan to be scolded by Lexi because he wasn\'t listening to her earlier, he deserved it! His big brain has now turned into a mush after fangirling Lexi for a year or so.

Churu couldn\'t even believe this guy. Perhaps, being his guardian dumpling (angel) for a year has now taken a toll on her. He was just so stubborn. At the very least, Lexi always listened to her advice. But Ethan, Churu, although an immortal being, often felt that her blood pressure peaked whenever dealing with him. Thus, she ditched him and appeared in Beauty DR.

"A school, huh?" Lexi nodded her head slowly, chuckling indicating that Ethan once again pushed her button. "Very well." She clapped, convinced that her husband probably knew his fate tonight. Therefore, he was rushing to pick her up and even used a chopper.

Just then, Lexi heard a faint rotor noise above. "Oh, they\'re here!" She clapped her hand once again, walking out of the lab while Churu followed behind her. Churu watched Lexi stretch her neck from one side to another, causing her to shake her head as she now felt bad for ratting Ethan out.

Well, she wasn\'t supposed to do that if not for the fact that he had been a bad influence towards Morris Liu. Still, as she watched Lexi and sensed her aura, she felt guilty. After all, she\'s connected to Ethan one way or another.

Soon, Lexi and Churu reached the rooftop. As soon as she opened the door, harsh wind blew past them along with the ear-splitting noise from the chopper. There, Ethan was instructing Lyrick and Jarred to carry the things they bought.

When Ethan sensed the presence of his love, he turned to face her. His dashing face brightened, gliding towards Lexi whose face was emotionless. "My wife, my love, my everything~!" Invisible hearts and flowers surrounded him, almost beating the harsh winds surrounding the rooftop.

However, just as he was about to throw himself to Lexi, she stopped him raising her hand. "Later," Cold and emotionless, Lexi warned.

Ethan, who was a little confused, glanced at the little white creature floating behind Lexi. In an instant, Ethan paled as it finally synced to him that Lexi already knew what he did. Not that he didn\'t plan on telling her. He just wanted some affection first so he could make it through the night.

"Rick, bring those washboards to my office. Now!" While Ethan turned into a statue, Lexi tilted her head to the side to see Jarred and Lyrick carrying the washboards they brought with them. With that being said, Lexi grabbed Ethan\'s tie and dragged him with her.

"Churu!" Ethan reached his hand behind them, calling Churu for help but to no avail.

"I\'m sorry Chu!" Guilty, Churu apologized as she watched Ethan get dragged by his wife, rubbing her soft palms together.

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