
Chapter 1351 - Asking for Death (2)”

Chapter 1351 “Asking for Death (2)”

“You told me there’s nothing worthy of note while I was away from the city. First Elder, don’t you have some explaining to do?” Di Cang’s cold hard gaze eventually fell upon the old senior once a loud thud caught his ear from the rear. It’s the old man crumbling to the ground.

Trembling in his voice: “Sire, forgive me…. I was in the middle of a closed-door training session and didn’t know about the rumors until I came out. I-I… by the time I got wind of it and started to investigate the matter, Your Majesty have already returned…”

“Is that why you’re hiding it from me, afraid I would get mad?” Di Cang presses for more info, his tone still as frosty.

No reply came from the elder because he knew the fault lies with him on this issue. He was in charge, meaning he should’ve done a better job. What if Bai Yan misunderstands and runs off again? That would make him the greatest sinner….

Thinking up to here, First Elder timidly looks up towards the woman in question: “Queen, you have to believe in His Majesty, these things are all just rumors and fakes, there’s no way the king would want another woman. He’s absolutely true towards you.”

Caressing her chin while glancing back at her own man, Bai Yan’s next words were unexpected: “As the old saying goes, there wouldn’t be waves if there aren’t any winds….”

Di Cang’s face instantly went bleakly white. The poor demon king only felt so confident earlier because he believed his wife would believe him, but now what?

What does she mean by there aren’t waves if there aren’t winds?

She doesn’t believe me?

We clearly went through so much together, why doesn’t she believe me?

“Yan Yan, why don’t you believe me? I never once thought about taking a consort. I said I will only have you in my entire life, never to violate that vow. I can use my soul as a token for the oath!” Di Cang’s tone sounded both sad, angry, and painful there. A mixture of everything.

Bai Yan’s face got livid over how stupid her husband was acting: “You shut up first!”

Sure enough, the wife slave instantly went silent and closed his yapping mouth. Talk about holding no place in this family. He couldn’t even save some face before his subordinates while trying to make a case.

Done with shutting up the demon king, Bai Yan then turns back to First Elder: “As I was saying, there can only be waves if there are winds to push it. The fact that there are rumors floating about means someone is trying to aim for that spot. You really should go find out who this bad seed is, otherwise it will only get worse with time.”

Hanging that old head in shame: “Yes Queen, this is my fault for not getting to the source faster, I will have my people investigate this to the core.”

Originally this he only sent a couple of his men to investigate, mainly due to the recent battles and the fear of the Celestial Palace coming, which prevented him from adding more forces to the investigation. Now that he’s been given the go ahead and didn’t need to keep it a secret, well then hell ya, he’s damn sure to get to the bottom of this rumor!

“Yan Yan, you didn’t misunderstand me?” Di Cang speaks up from the side again, his voice hesitant and still aggrieved.

“Silly.” Swinging around, Bai Yan grins beautifully at her puppy man child.

Seriously, she herself was partly to blame for this sort of behavior and she knows it. The first time Bai Yan would run away from home with her son was because of the lack of faith, that she won’t deny. However, it’s like the demon king says, they’ve already went through so much, built up so much, how could she not trust him anymore?

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