
Chapter 476

Chapter 476: The Emperor’s Daughter 376

It had been a long time since I got dressed so lavishly.

I used to always dress like that; it felt like years had passed since the aftermath of the events that unfolded when I fled.

Every day seemed rather plain after looking at my past lifestyle.

My dress for the day was one with no wrinkle accompanied by a single necklace, a small colorful headband, and soft makeup. My appearance seemed as elegant as possible, making me look like a princess.

‘Right, that was who I am supposed to be!’

“Your beauty hasn’t died down, princess!”

“Obviously, whose daughter am I!?”

My father’s daughter! Caitel’s daughter!

This diamond-like beauty would never go out of style. Still, it had been a while since I prepared like this; I was excited.

It was nice to see such a gorgeous dress. I had been through a lot...

I was engulfed in my feelings when Elene asked with a pair of clothes in her hands.

“When is the messenger coming?”


“Haven’t they reached the palace yet?”

They should have come. I didn’t make it late by just changing my clothes; they should have been there.

Of course, if they left without a meeting, their throats would fly, so it was implausible for them to do that. The man who loved me immensely would never let someone disrespect me.

Well, how unfortunate.

From the moment I put on my clothes and made myself up, I was down to waiting; were they coming or not?

When I asked for them to find and bring them to me, Serira went out.

Mom didn’t have to go and bring them personally...

I put on a thin bracelet on my arm. Whenever I raised my hand, the bracelet with tiny diamonds sparkled brilliantly.

Ah, this has a different glow. Would it be expensive?

Of course, it was essential to realize that it was a gift.

“Coming soon.”

“They’ll be around for lunch.”

They were late, but shockingly, I nodded.

“The envoy of Shertogenbosch will arrive in the afternoon.”

“Ah, really?”

I was working hard and got ready; I wasn’t kidding around.

I didn’t have much to do so, though.

Ugh. Looking at the time, I realized that lunch was far away. I thought I would spend the morning massaging and combing my hair or getting dressed, but surprisingly, everything happened fast.

What could I do? I was a natural beauty.

However, the problem started from there.

... what should I do? There was nothing I could do!

For a few days back, work had piled up, but then, I seemed to have a lot of time on my hand.

“Ah, what!?”

“You can sleep.”

Elene advised me to make up for the lack of sleep, but I couldn’t.

Firstly, I slept for quite a lot of days, right? I wasn’t sleepy anymore; above all, it had been a while since I dolled up, and I didn’t want to sleep!

I wondered if there was work to be done, but I was being treated as a patient.

“What to do?”

I was getting worried.

Touching my head as I leaned back onto the couch, Serira spoke.

“Then, how about you go see our Majesty?”



Mom laughed as I awakened with passion.

Right! Go right away and act cute!

Right as I prepared to leave, all the maids began to move.

I was going. One last time, I took a look at the mirror to check myself...

Umm, no problem.

I had to see my dad!

My dad was a patient like me, so visiting each other was forbidden for a while.

It was all my fault for running towards him right after waking up.

I didn’t bother protesting as it was because of me.

Sad. Of course, Caitel, too, was forbidden from doing a lot of things.

“Kay, even your knight is here.”


My knight, Assisi wasn’t there, so another knight was supposed to be my temporary escort.

However, when I saw the knight who came to escort me, I was shocked.

It was Valer.

He would always walk in the palace, but seeing Valer all dressed up in uniform and bowing his head made me chuckle.


“Hello, princess. Nice to meet you. You are as beautiful as I heard.”

“I am beautiful.”


Valer couldn’t hold back his laughter at my answer.

That young bastard. Grow up already.

As I shook my head, Valer stopped laughing and stood beside me.

Since he was tall, I had to look up, but it was okay; I was wearing heels, after all. They weren’t 12cm high heels, just 5cm ones.

Why was he there, though?

I knew that a knight was supposed to escort me, but I never expected it to be Valer. I hadn’t seen him for a while, so I assumed that he followed Assisi southward.

I mean, even Sanse and Cito were involved. I couldn’t help but be shocked.

“Why didn’t you go?”

“Temporary suspension.”

What was that? What did it mean to gain a suspension?

If I remembered clearly, it was an order given to a knight who did something out of line.

Even then, I wasn’t sure what exactly happened...

As I stared at him with a frown, Valer shrugged. He didn’t seem to be dissatisfied with his situation.

“What, did you do something?”


If not, then why was he there? Winter Moon Knight.

Valer went silent.

Didn’t feel like answering me?

Valer wasn’t someone like that.

It was rare for someone so bright and cheerful to take a 360 turn in his behavior.

“What’s going on?”

I asked because I was worried, but Valer laughed. He answered with a stern voice.

“Children don’t need to know.”

“I am older than you!”

I was only asking so that he would get things off his chest. Tch.

I didn’t want to dig into it. Above all, I was tired too. I could always find out later through Ferdel.

Although I was nervous about the meeting, my purpose was to meet my dad.

I greeted Elene and Serira, who were in the room.

“I’ll be back.”


“Come back soon, princess.”

I left the room with Valer and Libby, who would serve as my attendant.

Several wanted to follow, but I asked them to stay back.

I was only going to Solay.

Since I was down for a few days, my body was so stiff as I moved.

The scenery seemed well as I walked out of the room in the sunlight. Everything shone around me.


The warmth I got from touching the marbles. The green leaves looked full of life and shone the colorful life.

It was a scene I was already bored of seeing, but I began to enjoy it like hell after avoiding death.

I didn’t know.

I just felt lucky to live in such a world.

“The weather is good, right?”

“Nice weather.”

The smile never left my lips. It had been a while since I even saw Libby smile; I was curious and looked at her, which made her flustered.

Look now, thinking I wouldn’t know!

Still, it was rare for that blunt Libby to act as such.


I sighed without knowing. Looking at the sky, a single cloud came into view in the blue sky.

While I was watching it, Valer asked.

“What is it?”

“Nothing, just...”

It felt good.

Once I answered, I grinned while looking at Valer.

Whether he enjoyed it or not, I really liked it.

The path I always walked on seemed different.

After all, I returned from a crisis. That said, I would never go through it again. Great architects made the path that led directly to the Solay Palace.

From pretty flowers to trees that gave shade, it would never bore anyone. How much sweat and tears had they sacrificed to make this? The path always stayed unchanged.

It had been three months since I took that path. I laughed a little as I remembered how Caitel and I walked there.

Sometimes, the path felt long and sometimes short.

A familiar building welcomed me. Two massive pillars stood at the entrance, carved as a Winter Tree with the sun symbol engraved on the roof. Solay was etched right underneath it to remind visitors of the name of this place.

A place I used to visit when I was young.

A sense of home and security.

That same time, I felt a little tension that something might happen!

I felt like I was really independent.

After entering Solay, I passed through the long corridor until a massive door thrice my height appeared.

It was the place where dad and I used to sleep together.

There stood the emperor’s bedroom.

As I approached, the attendants left. I stood in front of the door and looked at it.

Huge door with the symbol of a Winter Tree embezzled with diamonds on its roots. Outside was a man wearing a robe.

“Princess, you have come?”

“It has been a long time, Count Redne.”

“Your Majesty is sleeping.”


My smile shattered as the man laughed with a sad expression. I was disappointed, but what could I do?

“Did he have his breakfast?”

“Yes. He had it and even took his medicine. He fell asleep right away, but his condition has improved a lot.”

“That’s good.”

I heard that Caitel was working hard on his rehabilitation because whenever I tried to stop taking medicine, Elene and Serira would threaten me with that.

Although Caitel rebelled against the declaration that we should be apart until our health stabilized, his doctor was doing a great job.

I went to visit my dad when I felt my body improving.

“Can I, at least, look at his face?”

I asked as he nodded with a warm smile.

Huh, I thought that returning without looking at him would make me feel bad.

I immediately smiled.


The door opened with no sound. I entered alone.

The room was dark despite being day because of the dark curtains.

A good choice to sleep.

I approached his bedside, trying not to make any sound. As I stood by Caitel, I heard his breath as he slept.

It seemed like he took some strong medicine.

I was right beside him, but he didn’t wake up.

I was satisfied because it was my first time seeing him. Besides, dad looked so peaceful.

Right, my dad. I had a hard time understanding him. Man?!

Caitel might never realize it, but he was the best.

Ugh, how did I turn into a fool for him? I was done.

“... uhm.”

I could understand why my dad would come in to see me sleep.

Was it because of that?

It’s hard to put into words, but it was an overwhelming feeling.

How could one look so beautiful when sleeping?

He slept really well.

I wanted to stay a little more, but I had to leave.

It was time.

Going out would be such a pity, though!

I gently kissed Caitel’s forehead. Like my dad used to do.

“Sweet dreams.”

I hope that his dreams will never turn into a nightmare.

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