
Chapter 114 - Astonishment

First, all the monsters in the Abandoned Town were of dark attributes and he could kill them more easily than he cooperated with other 19 teammates.

Secondly, Abandoned Town could also produce 15th-level equipment. Moreover, if he was the first to complete the mission of this town, he was more likely to get the equipment than in the salamander cave.

Besides, he had higher efficiency. Xiaofeng could complete the mission more quickly than a team of 20 players did. If it was not necessary, Xiaofeng didn’t want to show his real strength.

The biggest reason was that Xiaofeng wanted to see the Hatred Demon once again. He was deeply impressed by this monster!

The endless nightmare skills of that BOSS have exceeded the player’s tolerance. This was the reason why Xiaofeng stopped the Nicholas Brothers from revealing the position of this instance zone to the public.

He first found Captain Bolton and a small camp has already appeared. It looked shabby but the joint reinforcement was very efficient, which was the reason why they could build the camp so quickly in this game world.

“What? The Holy Light Unicorn?”

Captain Bolton was also surprised at Xiaoxue which was Xiaofeng’s mount.

Xiaofeng didn’t stay here. He greeted Captain Bolton, bought several teleportation scrolls from the NPC businessmen in the shop before entering the Abandoned Town.

The Abandoned Town has already been encircled by enchantment and turned into an instance zone. Several NPC soldiers were standing at the entrance and players needed to take tasks of instance zone from them.

“Hey! You’ve entered the instance zone of Abandoned Town!”

Many resurrected villagers wandered in the empty streets of the town, and they have already become elite monsters. Moreover, Xiaofeng could see more monsters than in the salamander cave. But the Abandoned Town was large and players can form a team of 20 and work together to attack the BOSS. Therefore, it was not more difficult than the salamander cave.

Xiaofeng opened the map of this instance zone and found that there were 3 BOSSes in the Abandoned Town. The first one was a resurrected militia captain who was walking in the central square. The second one was a resurrected nobleman while the third one was the resurrected head of the town.

Xiaofeng was stunned after reading the map. Where was the Hatred Demon?

Xiaofeng was puzzled and started to attack the monsters.

He couldn’t summon his mount in the instance zone but the attributes added by the mount still existed. That was the reason why the mount was more important than the pet sometimes. The pet could only help its master after being summoned while the attributes added by the mount still existed even when it was in the mount space or was killed and waiting for resurrection.





The intermediate Holy Light skill had horrible healing and damaging effects. Xiaofeng attacked the monster group with it. In an instant, all the resurrected villagers in his sight were attracted to him at the same time and all their HP was reduced by a quarter. It was a horrible skill.

This was a group of melee monsters and Xiaofeng didn’t need to wait for the Holy Light skill to cool. He directly used the flaming step of the golden salamander feet and rushed at the monsters. He added the intermediate Weapon Blessing to himself and his attacking ability was improved dramatically!

In an instant, his attacking ability was increased to 422 points!

The golden giant hammer appeared in his hands and the Hammer of Judgment, which has already reached level 2, also increased his attacking ability. The damages caused by him doubled and he hit the giant hammer against the monster group!




Many resurrected villagers who only had half the HP were directly seckilled by the horrible damages!

At this moment, Xiaofeng looked like a wolf in a flock of sheep. He used the Flaming Skill and waved his hands to hit the staff against the villagers. The resurrected villages in front of him were seckilled and turned into corpses. Xiaofeng was unstoppable at this moment.

All the resurrected villagers on the street were killed by Xiaofeng quickly. He was not interested in the monsters hiding in the corner and directly attacked the BOSS!

He first found the resurrected militia captain in the square. It was an elite BOSS at level 15. Its skill introduction was ordinary and all of them were the skills of the warriors. Xiaofeng didn’t find the endless nightmare skill.

Xiaofeng killed it within a few minutes and it dropped a silver two-handed sword and several pieces of rare blue equipment. The shoulder pad was suitable for Xiaofeng. He wore it and his strength, constitution, and agility immediately increased by a few points.

And then Xiaofeng found the second BOSS which was a rare resurrected nobleman. It was standing in a yard and was being protected by several elite servants. It was stronger than ordinary resurrected villagers but it was no match for Xiaofeng. He killed it within five minutes and the BOSS and its servants all turned into corpses.

The second BOSS dropped several valuable items. There was a piece of golden equipment, a one-handed shield with great attributes and two defensive skills. Xiaofeng realized that it was definitely a piece of valuable equipment.

Besides, there were also two pieces of silver equipment. One of them was a handguard that could be used by players of all professions. It increased the crit and hit rate but it had no skill. Xiaofeng immediately put it on and his attributes were increased once again.

Xiaofeng could also use some of the rare blue clothes. Therefore, he immediately took off the low-level equipment and put on the new clothes.

This was the advantage of completing the mission of the instance zone by himself. All the drops belonged to him and no one could snatch them from him.

But the resurrected nobleman also didn’t have the endless nightmare skill.

The last BOSS was the resurrected head of the town. But before attacking it, Xiaofeng went to the abandoned church. He had met the Hatred Demon in the prison under the church.

But to his surprise, the abandoned church in the instance zone has already turned into an ordinary church. There were only a few resurrected believers who were little monsters and he couldn’t find the underground prison.

Xiaofeng didn’t find the Hatred Demon and had to turn and leave to attack the last BOSS to complete this mission.

Like the salamander lord, the resurrected head of town was also a silver BOSS. But it was more difficult to deal with than the salamander lord.

The resurrected head of town was a strong warrior who had many skills. Besides, it was smaller and more agile than the salamander lord. Players would definitely get into trouble if the front-row players were not strong enough and failed to resist its damages.

Xiaofeng killed the resurrected head of town after reading its skill introduction and making sure that it didn’t have the skill of the endless nightmare. It seemed that the Hatred Demon was a special BOSS and would never appear in this instance zone, which meant that this instance zone could be open to other players.

An extraordinary drop appeared at the same time when the resurrected head of town was killed by Xiaofeng. There was also a piece of golden equipment, which was a two-handed longbow. Besides, the BOSS also dropped some pieces of silver and rare equipment. Xiaofeng put on suitable clothes and most of the equipment he got in the Novice Village had been replaced. The rest were jewelry, necklaces, and rings which could not be replaced. They were too rare, after all.

Xiaofeng was the first to complete the mission of the Abandoned Town and he got another valuable item in addition to the equipment!

It was a skill book for the warrior profession!

It was definitely a rewarding mission.

“Hey! You’ve completed the mission of the Abandoned Town and got 200,000 experience points as the reward!”

Xiaofeng left the instance zone and entered his live studio. He disclosed the location of the instance zone of the Abandoned Town and uploaded the simple strategy within a few minutes. He immediately left before other players entered his studio. But some players were recording his live studio 24 hours a day. Therefore, other players immediately knew the location of the instance zone.

Then Xiaofeng returned to the Tianlong City and gave all the equipment and skill books that he got in the Abandoned Town to Qian Duoduo. She was excited and officially announced that the auction would be held this evening!

“Big news! Big news! The Treasure Pavilion will hold the first auction of the Myth in the Tianlong City at nine o’clock this evening!”

“Treasure Pavilion? I remembered that it appeared in the district announcement a few days ago!”

“You’re right! Its name is Treasure Pavilion! It will hold the auction tonight! Have they bought the land and established the chamber of commerce?”

“I can’t believe that they have already established the chamber of commerce! The Treasure Pavilion is by no means an ordinary organization!”

“You’re right! The currency exchange system will be officially opened this afternoon and the Treasure Pavilion immediately holds the auction this evening. The owner must be ambitious!”

“In fact, this is a powerful organization! Do you know what items will appear in the auction?”

“What do you mean? Do they have golden equipment?”

“I’ll tell you the truth but please calm down and don’t scream. In fact, there are only ten items in this auction. But the golden equipment is the cheapest one! In addition, they will also provide the skill book and pet egg. But the best and most expensive item in this auction is the guild token!”

“What? The guild token? Are you sure?”

“I can’t believe that they have the guild token! Who can get this item at the current stage? The major guilds have the ability to get it but they will definitely keep it instead of selling it to other players.”

“There are already pictures of all the items sold in this auction on the forum. You can take a look if you don’t believe me!”

On the forum, Qian Duoduo issued a post about the auction under her own name, in which all the pictures of the products were displayed.

This post has been placed at the top and more than 100 million players have read it within an hour!

All the players in the Huaxia District were attracted to the guild token!

“The guild token has appeared! Hurry up and mobilize funds! We Glory Guild have to get this guild token!”

“The first guild token in Myth? Who got it? Why does he sell it in the auction? Tell this news to all the members of our guild and mobilize all the working capital of our group! This guild token belongs to our guild!”

“The guild token finally appeared! Interesting. It will be sold in the auction. It will definitely belong to our Dynasty Guild.”

“Hurry up and notify the president of the consortium! The guild token has appeared! I need the maximum financial support before 9 o’clock this evening!”

It was early in the morning but all the players of the Huaxia District became excited at this moment. All the famous and major guilds were shocked at this news. Countless players immediately went off and communicated with different banks or consortia!

Countless chambers of commerce and famous businessmen, including Money-hungry Businessman, were shocked. With their brilliant business vision, they clearly knew what this auction meant!

This would be an earthquake that had nothing to do with the ordinary players. But it would affect the players at the highest level in this online game!

Moreover, some players would enter upon a new phase because a new chamber of commerce whose name was Treasure Pavilion developed rapidly and would definitely become one of the most influential organizations in this game!

The source of all these events was the auction!

It didn’t get started yet but everyone was looking forward to it. This auction would definitely change the entire game world!

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