
Chapter 112 - Unique Circumstances!

The moment the door bursts open, Ban instantly went inside the bathroom without any warning. He looked around and to his surprise, he actually saw a female body lying on the wet floor face down.

The woman\'s body was only wearing underwear and if it was before, Ban would not have minded it that much. However, after reading that book earlier, he could no longer think straight as he saw the piece of art in front of him. 

However, he knew that was not what\'s important. He kneeled down in front of the body and nudged it over to see if there was any sort of reaction. 

"Hey! Hey! Are you okay?" He said while nudging her shoulder. 

And when there was no response, that\'s when he decided to get the towel hanging on the wall and cover the female body with it. After covering her, Ban turned her body over and to his surprise, it was actually Emilia. 

Ban hid his surprise as he started to carry her in a princess carry. He does not know what to do in this kind of situation and he figured that Kuys might know some things about it.

Ban looked around and saw her room at the corner of the second floor. He did not waste any time as he kicked the door open. The door was actually durable or even more durable than the bathroom door. Fortunately, Eva helped him so the door was immediately opened after two attempts. 

The moment he stepped inside, a monkey suddenly appeared in front of him. It has long slim arms and has the same height as that of Eva. 

Seeing him, and especially what or who he was carrying, the monkey immediately went mad as it dashed towards Ban while swinging its arm like a whip towards Ban. 

However, Ban did not need to avoid or block the monkey\'s attack as Eva had already gone ahead of him to confront that monkey in advance. 


The monkey\'s whip attack landed on one of Eva\'s insect legs. Her insect legs trembled for a bit but it immediately died down as she went for a counterattack. 


With only one strike, the monkey was instantly thrown away like a broken kite. It spiraled in the air as it landed near the bed with stars appearing above its head. 

Ban just ignored it as he completely understood why the monkey was like that. 

The monkey was actually Emilia\'s Summon. The monkey was called a Server Monkey, and it was not the first time that Ban had seen it. It must have experienced a shock and became mad when it thought that he was the one who hurt its master. 

Ban went to Emilia\'s bed and placed her gently above it. Her hair was still wet and upon closer look, Ban observed that she was actually very pale at the moment. 

After he was done laying her down on the bed, he immediately decided to sprint out of her room. It was not because he no longer wanted to get involved with her, he sprinted out as he wanted to fetch Kuys over so that he could see what\'s happening and what they should do about it. 

"Grandpa Kuys! Emilia- Emilia has fainted… in the bed!" He said the moment he arrived near Kuys. 

Hearing him, Boss Mario actually choked on the beer that he was slurping. 

\'She fainted where?...\'

Just as Mario was about to asked him again about it, Kuys actually shut him off as he said, 

"Did it act again?" 

He said it quietly that even Ban and Mario who was just beside him never heard of what he just said. 


After saying that piece, a gust of wind brushed off on Ban\'s shoulder and when he realized it, Kuys was no longer in front of him. He turned around and there he saw his silhouette running upwards towards the second floor. 

Ban also did not stay there for long as he also dashed towards the second floor in an instant. 

Boss Mario finished the glass of beer on his hand before he followed suit after Ban.

Seeing them sprint off hurriedly, the people around could not help but be curious of the reason. 

One person was able to overhear what Ban had said and there was now a certain dilemma inside his mind. To tell it to the others or just keep his mouth shut. After some careful deliberation, he thought that it was not worth it offending Kuys just for mere gossip. He decided to keep his mouth shut, as he continued to sip on the beer at the corner of the room. 

For the first time, he actually felt that he made the right decision even though he still hadn\'t seen the result yet. 

When Ban arrived at Emilia\'s room again, he saw Kuys hand was laid on Emilia\'s forehead. 

"She got a fever! Stay here Ban-kiddo, I\'ll go and get Doctor Wakwak and her older sister right away." Kuys said before he sprinted off again without warning. 

Ban looked around and saw that Eva was still pinning the Server Monkey on the not far from the bed. 

"Eva, you can stop that now. That monkey must have already realized what\'s happening." Ban ordered as he beckoned for Eva to return to his side. 

What he just was actually true. The moment Eva let go of the Server Monkey, it no longer bothered to attack them as it jumped towards the bed, near Emilia\'s head. 

Boss Mario arrived at this time, and seeing the sleeping Emilia, he suddenly had the urge to go back as he thought that it was all just a prank. However, he knew that it wasn\'t as it was not the first time that this happened. 

"What exactly happened?" Boss Mario asked. 

Ban then proceeded to recount what happened, from the ruckus that he heard, all the way to the time where he went down to get Kuys. 

Boss Mario nodded his head as he gave Ban a thumbs up secretly. 

"You did a good job there, Ban." He did not think that Ban would ever think of covering her body with a towel before carrying her. He thought that he would directly carry her over while disregarding the fact that they will experience some \'skinship\' with it.

"You might not have known but this is actually not the first time that something like this happened. It\'s good that you did not waste time trying to figure it out on your own." He continued speaking, praising Ban openly at the same time. 

"What? Really? Can you tell me when was the last time it happened and why is this happening?" Ban said as his curiosity was piqued. 

He thought at first that it was only due to the fever she fainted, however, if this was not the first and second time, then there might be something more that does not meet the eye. 

"Well, it was really not a secret but it was not something that was openly discussed as well. Alright, I\'ll tell you if you promised to not talk about it again with someone else." 

"Alright! I promise!" Ban answered resolutely.

"Well, I don\'t exactly remember when was the last time she experienced something like that, but I\'m sure that it happened right before your arrival here. 

This situation was actually due to her and her older sister\'s unique circumstances. 

Ten years ago, Kuys saved both of them from the hands of the Dark Guild. They were actually about to be used as a sacrifice for something like unity and peace during that time. 

When Kuys arrived, the ritual had already started and was even about to finish. However, Kuys interrupted it in time and managed to save both of them. 

The ritual had already taken place when Kuys arrived but he still managed to save both of them, but not entirely. 

During the ritual process, the two of them have been cursed, causing them to become one entity, a Unity existence, to be precise. 

However, what\'s strange was that even though they are a single entity, they are on a different body. "

\'So that\'s the reason why Kuys always talk about them as if they are one.\' Ban thought.

"Confusing right? 

But welp, all you need to understand is that they are one, due to that curse. 

So, if somehow you manage to get one of them as your girlfriend, you\'ll have the other one as free." 

Boss Mario started to recount the story in a serious manner, however, Ban did not even know how it ended with Boss Mario trying to tease him, just like how Kuys teased him before.

"Please stay focused!" Ban said. 

"Alright! Alright! 

Anyways, up until now, we still haven\'t discovered more information about their curse, how to cure it, and what are its implications to the victims. 

We only managed to know that the two of them share some sort of telepathic skill, but they could not use it for free as everytime they use that skill, they would get dizzy all of a sudden, and voices will keep on murmuring something inside their head. 

Aside from that, we also discovered that from time to time, the two of them will faint at the same time, for no apparent reason. 

Sometimes, they will wake up on their own but there are times as well that they won\'t be up for an entire week. 

However, during the last time that this effect occurred, Doctor Wakwak tried some unorthodox techniques, in which we believe it worked as the same thing never happened again up until now." 

Boss Mario paused for a second as he turned towards Ban before saying, 

"Ban, I think I have an idea on how to break the curse! Do you wanna hear it?" 


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