一路向西 粤语

Chapter 1674

Chapter 1674: An inevitable fate

Translator: 549690339

Everyone’s impression of this mysterious and arrogant girl had changed. From the initial contempt and ridicule to the current doubt and fear, because from the conversation just now, everyone could see that she was neither crazy nor stupid. On the contrary, she was calm and smart. And since a calm and smart person dared to challenge them alone, she must have something to rely on.

Some people even began to secretly regret attending this meeting, but it was too late. Since they were already here, they could only brace themselves to the end.

“Our fates have been decided?” The southeast Asian man pointed at her and shouted,”you mean, we are all going to die Here? Do you believe that I’ll let the White Dragon swallow you before I die?”

The others did not believe in the nonsense that fate was already set. Like the southeast Asians, they were inclined to believe that she or her elves used some kind of method to kill them all. It was very likely that they used poison.

The elves broke out of their invisibility state one after another and stared at her covetously, ready to launch an attack at any time.

She ignored the tense atmosphere and stood up leisurely.”Don’t misunderstand. I mean what I said.”

“Fate? I don’t believe in fate. ” Li yuanfei shook his head.”Even if fate does exist, I will use my hands to change fate!”

Everyone agreed with his bold words.

She walked to the window and pressed a button to change the Glass’s transparency, allowing more sunlight to enter the room.

“Have you heard of Fermat’s principle?” She changed the topic abruptly.

No one responded. Everyone was trying to guess her intentions.

She stretched out a hand and let the sun fall on her red palm. Staring at the light, she slowly said,””Light is the most widespread and most stable matter in the universe. Many of Einstein’s theories are based on the premise that the speed of light is constant, so that the speed of light can remain unchanged under any circumstances.

“There’s an interesting phenomenon of light, which is that light always has a limit. Light that passes through two fixed points in space, the actual path is always the light path or the path that takes the shortest time.”

Her vocabulary was simple and easy to understand, and even people who didn’t go to school could understand her.

Even though they understood what she was saying, they still didn’t know what she was trying to do. Besides, what was interesting about this phenomenon?

“Don’t you think it’s strange? Although the speed of light was very, very fast, so fast that one could always ignore the speed of light, light did have speed. When the distance was far enough, light would not arrive in an instant … But don’t you think it’s strange? How did you know which path was the shortest before you set off?”

Some people seemed to vaguely understand what she meant. It was as if the light had a will of its own and would automatically choose the shortest path. If one thought deeper into this matter, it was indeed very strange. Did light really have a will of its own?

Humans would choose the shortest path because they had consciousness and could see it with their eyes. Light had no eyes, so how could it know which path was the shortest when it set off? Could it be that he had already ‘seen’ the end point like a human before he set off?

Thinking about it carefully, he was terrified.

“If you stand at the same starting point as the light and look along the light, you can see the end at the end of the light at a glance and not see anything else.” She said,”fate is the same. Everything has been predestined. You are destined to be here, and I am destined to be here. You are destined to be disheartened. You are destined to make futile attempts and be swept into the garbage dump of history by me. All of this was destined before you were born. But even if you knew that you would fail today, would you choose not to be born? I’m sorry, but you don’t even have the choice of not being born. ”

She looked at their paler and paler faces with sympathy.”In quantum mechanics, photons are unpredictable. Each of you seems to have free will, but it’s only limited to the three-dimensional space we are in. If you add ‘time’ to the dimension, it’s a four-dimensional space. However, if you stand in the fifth dimension or higher dimension, quantum mechanics is not applicable. It’s like having the omniscient eyes of God. In front of you, everything in the four-dimensional space will unfold on all timelines at the same time. You can see the beginning and end of everything at the same time. You can see yourself sliding from the starting point to the end step by step, with no possibility of change. ”

The more they understood, the more afraid they became. If she was not bluffing, then her power was far beyond their imagination.

The omniscient eyes were already shocking enough to them. Such a powerful eye was actually just a temporary vision of the fifth dimension with the help of divine power, allowing her to see all the secrets of the fourth dimension … But her tone made it seem as if she could freely travel through the fifth dimension!

If that was the case, she could appear at any time and any place in the four-dimensional space at any time, and she could return to the high-dimensional space at any time.

The ants crawling on the paper could not imagine the humans staring at them in the four-dimensional space. Every ant thought that they had free will, but the unknown world they were trying to explore on paper was so ridiculous to the humans. They could see their starting and ending point at a glance.

Humans in the fourth dimension could not imagine the power that was watching them in the fifth dimension. The so-called free will of humans only existed in the fourth dimension. The creatures in the fifth dimension could see the birth and death of people at a glance.

The light in the fourth dimension tried every possible path. The light in the fourth dimension did not know where the end was before it set off, but in the eyes of the creatures in the fifth dimension, the beginning and the end were clear at a glance. Light could only choose, and must choose, the shortest path.

In this sense, humans were just ants of a higher level.

Her eyes swept over each of their faces. She knew their names, their exact birth dates, what they had done, what they were doing, what they were going to do, when they would die, and … The real names of every elfin in their phones.

By knowing the true name of the elves, the power of the elves was locked.

The few people who had a good education in physics were the first to understand what she meant. Their legs gave way and they fell to the ground. Their faces were full of despair. They thought that humans could easily crush ants on paper, and she could also easily crush them … No, not crush them, but kill them in a way that ants and humans could not imagine.

She turned to look at li yuanfei.”Now, I’ll answer your question. Fate can’t be changed. From the moment everyone is born, their fate has been fixed. Everyone lives to realize their own fate step by step … Today is an important node in your fate.”


[Author’s note: if you don’t understand this chapter, you can watch the movies “advent”,”interstellar transmigration”, and the original novel “advent”,”the story of your life”.]

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