avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 119: I, Your Father, Enjoy Cake

Chapter 119: I, Your Father, Enjoy Cake

With his cock still firmly sheathed in Kushina up to its hilt, almost as if her body was specially adapted to contain monsters, Wu basked in the silent afterglow of their lovemaking. Kushina would periodically tighten up as if she were trying to milk any lingering semen from his urethra, but her main focus was forming hickeys on his neck and shoulders, staring in a daze as they disappeared almost immediately after retracting her lips.

Interrupting the burgundy-haired woman’s attempts to leave a unique kind of seal on him, Wu whispered, “Thank you for staying with me until the end, Kushina…this dream should have ended more than eight hours ago, so I appreciate you sticking around to give me a memory I’ll never forget…”

Though it took her several seconds, Kushina eventually realized what Wu was trying to say, her mouth opening before her thoughts could catch up as she softly asserted, “This doesn’t have to be the last time…I-”

Shaking his head, Wu’s expression and tone softened as he said, “I’m not the person you love, and I’ve already wronged you enough. From now on, you won’t have to worry about seeing or repaying me. If anything, I’m the one who feels indebted to you after such an incredible evening…”

As her thoughts gradually caught up with her, Kushina knew she should accept what Wu was saying and simply move on with her life after death. Instead, she tensed her insides like a vice, staring into him with a silent plea in her violet eyes as she asserted, “You can’t just toss me aside after going out of your way to force my mind and body to submit to you…I don’t want to be alone anymore…”

Instead of responding with words, Wu held Kushina’s gaze as he drew his face almost imperceptibly closer to hers. At that exact moment, Kushina pressed her lips to his, seizing the initiative to initiate a long and intense kiss as she tightened the hold she had on both his body and cock. There were few things more terrifying than losing the single thing that was able to bring you release, so Kushina couldn’t simply let him go after tasting a pleasure that had redefined the very concept for her. A voice in the back of her mind protested, but she wouldn’t ‘need’ the revitalizing peaches if she wasn’t a slave to her cravings and desires…

As Kushina began grinding against him, Wu stopped her by grabbing her plump and pliant ass, freeing himself from the assault of her tongue long enough to say, “I need to take a shower and head over to the Senu Clan Compound. Everyone is expecting me…”

With Wu pretending to be anxious by averting his face and eyes to the side, Kushina tilted her body to stare at him directly, her gaze narrowing as she asserted, “Then we’ll take a shower together. Afterward, you can go out to play while I make some preparations. I expect you to return by tonight, or else I’ll have to come looking for you…”

Understanding ever more why Hashirama and Naruto were both whipped, a ‘wry’ smile developed across Wu’s face as he replied, “Okay…” in a faint, ostensibly meek tone. He didn’t feel that way in the slightest, but so long as he could convince her this was something ‘she’ wanted, Kushina would never be able to free herself from him. After all, he was quite literally her lifeline, the only person in the entire world that could make her feel…



After fucking Kushina in the dressing room, bathroom, and shower of her conveniently soundproofed, nearly surveillance-proof manor, Wu hurried over to the Senju Clan Compound. Fortunately, it only took a grand total of fifteen seconds for him to finish the journey. Kushina had delayed him with an incredibly protracted and passionate kiss, but he still managed to reach his destination before the last person arrived.

Though they would ordinarily have the weekend off, Wu had asked all the girls to spend the night so they could keep an eye on one another until he instructed them in the functions of their Senjutsu Training Seal. Thus, just to be sure, he questioned, “Did anyone check on Sakura to make sure she didn’t turn into a statue…?”

Answering on behalf of the group, Ino revealed, “Lady Tsunade needed her help with something. She shouldn’t be too long.”

Nodding his head in affirmation, Wu shifted his gaze to Hanabi and Kuro, saying, “The two of you can return for now. You’re too young to receive a Senjutsu Training Seal, Hanabi. As for you, Kuro, I’ll come over to apply it the moment I’ve finished explaining the training method.”

As she was still more than a little exhausted, Kuro readily returned to her abode while Hanabi stuck around just to see what everyone else would be doing. She was a little annoyed to be designated as ‘too young,’ but she was also used to it after more than a year of living within the main house.

Fortunately, as Wu had a busy day planned, Sakura arrived less than three minutes after he did. He then had everyone form a row before instructing them to take a seat on the ground, cross-legged, forearms resting on their thighs, and their hands forming a circle.

Once everyone was seated properly, Wu began pacing in front of them, hands behind his back as he began, “I said this multiple times yesterday, but I’m going to continue stressing it until it’s engraved into your brains. You should not, under any circumstances, train your Senju Training Seals without the supervision of myself or Hashirama. There is no such thing as an absolute, inviolable seal, so if something goes wrong and it fails to regulate the Natural Energy in your bodies, you will effectively cease to be.”

Activating his own Sage Mode, complete with a monkey-like tail, Wu stopped to pass his gaze over everyone present before adding, “You are all beyond fortunate to have a legend like the First Hokage and a source of unaspected Natural Energy to help you learn Senjutsu. Once we reach phase two of the training, most of your meditation practice will occur in environments catered to each of you. Until then, we’ll be utilizing a ‘very’ basic method to ensure no accidents occur.”

Plucking a few hairs from the tip of his tail, Wu created enough clones for everyone present, each sitting behind one of the prospective Sages as he explained, “For one hour each day, my clones with channel Natural Energy directly into your bodies. You have six months to try and sense it. I won’t take away your seal if you fail, but everyone will transition into phase two of the training around that time. Those of you who ‘do’ manage to sense the Natural Energy generated by my clones will be weened off of it until you can absorb it from your surroundings…”

Following Wu’s words, each of the clones places their palms against the backs of everyone present. This earned an approving nod from Hashirama off to the side, as the method Wu was employing was probably the safest way to train Senjutsu. The seals he had placed on everyone were more of a failsafe than anything else, and the training was closely supervised in a highly regulated environment, effectively neutralizing the risks associated with becoming a Sage. So long as everyone followed his instructions, the chances of them attaining at least a pseudo-Sage Mode were remarkably high…

With a faint smile on his face, Hashirama mused, (“It seems the next era truly is Wu’s to decide…”)



As he had promised to take her on a date before fucking her senseless, Wu, accompanied by Ino and Sakura, made their way over to Yakiniku Q. The two had a lot of catching up to do after spending the last six months apart, and, despite her bravado, Ino was intelligent enough to know she needed at least one girl to back her up.

Purely by chance, Wu and the girls happened to encounter Naruto and Karin as the duo was also making their way to Yakiniku Q. To say they had changed drastically since the last time Wu and Sakura saw them would be an understatement. Naruto had sprouted up to 170cm, his body lean and muscular, while Karin was on the verge of blossoming into motherhood, swapping out her skin-and-bones appearance for soft curves, a delicate countenance, and a slightly protuberant belly.

Seizing the initiative, Ino darted over to the duo, exclaiming, “Oh my gosh, Karin-chan, you’re absolutely glowing!” with sparkling eyes and an excited smile on her face. She hadn’t encountered Karin in nearly two months, so even she was taken aback by how much the petite redhead had changed in a relatively short period.

Though she was a little overwhelmed by Ino’s vigor, Karin adopted a faint smile as she replied, “It’s good to see you, Ino-chan, Sakura-chan, and…”

Directing her gaze to Wu, Karin’s eyes narrowed, her smile broadening ever so slightly as she allowed her words to trail off. Naruto eventually revealed the circumstances leading up to their encounter, so she had a considerable amount of appreciation for the handsome youth. She was happier now than ever before, and it was all made possible because he had noticed and decided to have Naruto rescue her.

Demonstrating he had matured more than just physically, Naruto just shook his head in response to Karin’s actions, maintaining a smile as he extended his fist to Wu, saying, “Long time no see, Wu. And thanks for helping out my Mom. I heard you gave her another one of your peaches and helped her develop a new sealing formula. Seriously man, thanks for always helping us out…”

Exhibiting no signs of awkwardness, Wu reciprocated Naruto’s fist bump, a sincere smile on his face as he said, “I should be the one thanking you. Your mother is truly a remarkable woman, Naruto. I will never forget the things she has taught me, and I look forward to working closely with the Uzumaki Clan in the future…”

Though he felt Wu’s words were a little too formal, Naruto adopted a toothy smile and replied, “You can count on it!” in his usual, excessively energetic tone. Then, oblivious to the fact Wu had spent more than half a day plowing Kushina until she had an affection overload, he added, “Kaa-chan said you’re the benefactor of the Uzumaki Clan and that we should spend more time together in the future. I heard you’re also about to be a dad, so you won’t mind if I bring Karin over to your place, right…?”

Without hesitation, Wu replied, “The Senju and Uzumaki Clans share a common ancestor. You and your kin are always welcome in our home, Naruto. I also just started a new regimen that could help you increase your power by as much as a hundred times. If you’re interested, be sure to stop by Monday through Friday around 7 AM.”

Blinking in surprise, Naruto parroted, “A hundred times…?” with a look of profound disbelief on his face. Then, remembering just how ridiculous Wu was, he shook his head, adopting a smile, and answered, “Sure thing, Wu. Also, don’t be afraid to stop by the Uzumaki Clan Compound in the future. If we’re welcome into your home, you’re more than welcome into ours.”

With Naruto taking the bait he had casually laid for him, Wu couldn’t help exhaling an amused chuckle before adopting an even sincerer smile as he revealed, “My cheat-like ability to interpret any written language doesn’t help me teach others, so Kushina has agreed to instruct me personally until I can call myself a bonafide Grandmaster. The revitalizing peaches I give her are valued at around 300,000,000 Ryo each, so she’ll be teaching me at least three times a week for the foreseeable future.”

Hearing the number 300,000,000 Ryo, the faces of Naruto, Karin, Ino, and even Sakura expressed shock. They knew the peaches were valuable, but not ‘that’ valuable.

Waving his hand dismissively, Wu’s smile morphed into a narrow-eyed grin as he said, “Calm your tits. The peaches might be worth a fortune, but they only cost me a bit of time to develop. Besides, we’re basically family at this point. It’s normal for us to help and support one another, no matter the cost or circumstances.”

Unaware that Wu was just feeding him the excuse Kushina had helped to prepare for their future fuck sessions, Naruto’s expression softened into a genuine smile as he replied, “You’re amazing, Wu…one day, I’ll be sure to repay you for everything you’ve done for my family and me. I might not be able to become Hokage anymore, but I promise I’ll find-”

Shaking his head, Wu asserted, “The only things I’ve ever wanted from you, Naruto, is for you to be happy, healthy, and striving to reach your full potential. If you really want to repay me, work hard to become strong and protect your family. That’s more than enough…”

Feeling a sour feeling in his nose, Naruto began to tear up slightly as he wiped his eyes. Wu had been looking out for him since the first day they met at the Academy, so Naruto couldn’t help feeling a little sentimental hearing such words. He had never met his father, so while he would never admit it, there were times when he imagined Wu fulfilling a similar role…

Unaware that Wu would be filling his father’s position in more ways than one, Naruto sniffled a few times as he said, “Thanks, man…I really mean it…”



(A/N: There are so many levels to this cake…)

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