avtt 手机版 天堂网

Chapter 128: I, Your Father, Enjoy Eggs

Chapter 128: I, Your Father, Enjoy Eggs

Though she had enjoyed interacting with the other girls, even going so far as to accompany them on a shopping trip, Sarada’s spirits began to waver around sundown. The reality of her situation pressed upon her heart like a weight that grew heavier with time. She did her best to remain optimistic, but the scene of her village’s destruction never left her mind, plaguing her thoughts and filling her with the need to do ‘something.’

Not sure what else to do, Sarada did as Sasako expected, clinging to the ‘purpose’ she had been given. Thus, when everyone else was focused on cleaning up and doing dishes after dinner, she followed after Wu and once again confronted him in one of the many corridors of the estate.

With a nervous yet resolute expression on her face, almost like she was preparing for battle, Sarada stared up at Wu as she said, “I don’t mean to disturb you if you’re busy, but you said we would discuss my training this afternoon…”

Nodding in affirmation, Wu mused, “You’re right.” before making a come-hither gesture. Sarada was confused at first, but she eventually stepped forward, allowing Wu to scoop her up in a princess/bridal carry.

Surprised by Wu’s actions, a cutesy “Eep…!” emanated from Sarada’s throat, her Sharingan immediately ‘fwishing’ to life as she retracted her arms and legs, curling up like a tiny animal.

Seeing Sarada’s Sharingan activate, Wu mused, “As expected. Whenever you get excited or excessively flustered, your Sharingan activates. And it appears to consume your Chakra rather quickly…”

Expecting Wu to chastise her for her lack of control, Sarada was surprised when he adopted a smile, his Fiery Golden Eyes activating as he said, “We have that in common.”

While carrying Sarada in the direction of her room, Wu explained, “If you want to learn my techniques, you’ll need a strong, incredibly durable body and an affinity with Natural Energy. Ordinarily, I would inscribe a special Fuinjutsu known as Senjutsu Training Seal on your body. However, as you asked to be my ‘personal’ disciple, I have something else in mind…”

Though she had no idea what Wu had in mind, Sarada swallowed hard before meekly asserting, “I’ll do my best…”

Adopting a mischievous smile, Wu teased, “With those eyes, you may not have to. I’ve already developed a method that can make even an ordinary human being fairly powerful in a remarkably short period. Since then, I’ve improved on that method considerably. You had the chance to meet Aya earlier, correct…?”

As Aya was one of the easier to approach girls, Sarada nodded her head, answering, “Her Steel Release is pretty terrifying when combined with her strength and speed. She can even block attacks empowered by Lightning Release…”

Nodding his head, Wu revealed, “A few months ago, Aya was a weakling who flunked out of Kumo’s Shinobi Program. She’s still far behind most of the other girls training within the compound, but they’ve been benefitting from my guidance for years…”

Though it was hard to imagine someone with a nearly indestructible body being weak, Sarada didn’t doubt Wu’s words. Instead, she began feeling a little excited, the three comma-like tomoe in her eyes starting to rotate as her heartbeat quickened.

Noticing the girl’s excitement, Wu’s smile broadened, his eyes narrowing as he said, “Truth be told, Aya’s progress has been delayed considerably due to her ‘reservations.’ I have a policy against forcing girls against their will, so she hasn’t benefitted nearly as much from my ‘refinement’ as she could have. It takes a willing spirit and a considerable amount of bravery to endure such a process without losing yourself…”

As she could see where things were headed, Sarada’s body began to tremble as the tomoe in her eyes spun rapidly. Ordinarily, this would strain her eyes tremendously, the rapid drain of her Chakra causing both mental and physical exhaustion. This was usually accompanied by a migraine, but this time around, Sarada felt a tingling warmth flooding her body, followed by Wu narrowing his eyes into a smoldering look as he teased, “Let’s see how long we can keep those eyes active, shall we…?”



After reaching her room, Wu allowed Sarada to stand on her own two feet before saying, “I mentioned it before, but I’m against forcing girls against their will. I honestly believe you should be taking the time to process your situation, so everything that follows will be something you’ve decided for yourself. The only thing I need to refine and fortify your body is prolonged physical contact…”

Not expecting Wu to pass the buck to her, especially after some of the things she had heard from the other girls, Sarada found herself at a loss. She had all the requisite knowledge, including a supplemental lesson from her mom, but she had assumed that Wu would be the one taking charge, allowing her to shut her brain off and just go with the flow…

Exhaling a faint sigh, Wu’s expression softened as he repeated, “You don’t need to force yourself, Sarada. Even if you just sit on my lap and ask me to hug you while you cry, I can begin the refinement process. It won’t be nearly as effective, but mental wellness is even more crucial than physical health. That’s especially true for the Uchiha, as the Chakra flowing to your eyes is almost purely Yin in nature.”

Though she was briefly tempted to accept Wu’s invitation, Sarada didn’t want to show her weakness. She would probably feel a lot better after a good cry, but it wouldn’t make her any stronger. It also wouldn’t distract her from the reality that all her friends were dead, so, after several tense moments of looking around the unfamiliar bedroom, she suggested, “Can you lie down on the futon…?”

Offering a slow nod, Wu walked over to Sarada’s futon before lying on his back. In response, the raven-haired Kunoich just stared at him for a few moments before reaching up to the zipper of her red, qipao-like shirt. She started to pull it down but stopped halfway, her eyes wavering a bit as her black sports bra came into view.

Like a surprising number of girls, Sarada had a bit of a complex regarding her chest. Thus, instead of removing her top and exposing her chest, she left the zipper halfway and moved on to her shorts. Then, contrasting the hesitation she showed when removing her top, she unfastened the button of her shorts and slid them off without issue.

Not quite ready to remove her pure white panties, amusingly bearing the fan-like crest of the Uchiha, Sarada made her way over to Wu, summoning all of her conviction to straddle his hips. She wasn’t sure where to go from there, however, so she just stared at him for a few seconds before saying, “You can touch me…” in a barely audible tone.

Instead of immediately doing so, Wu asked, “Where…?” in a much calmer, albeit equally faint tone. Sarada’s trembling intensified as a result, but she eventually answered, “Anywhere…?” as if it were a question.

Though he would ordinarily tease a girl who was self-conscious about her breasts, Wu ‘spared’ Sarada the indignity by reaching his hands up to cup her butt. It wasn’t very ample, and she clearly hadn’t trained to improve her physique, but it was soft and springy to the touch.

With her teeth audibly clattering, Sarada grit and clenched her jaw shut, the shivering somehow transferring to her stomach as she did so. She had never felt more anxious in her entire life, but she forced herself to endure, her lips briefly parting to say, “Sorry…I know I’m not as pretty as some of the other girls…”

Ceasing his movements, Wu tilted his head to the side and asked, “Who gets to decide that…?”

Before Sarada could reply, Wu put some additional strength in his hands, massaging her butt with a little force as he added, “Never apologize for something you can improve, Sarada. I wouldn’t have accepted you as my personal disciple if I didn’t think you were cute or believe there was merit in training you. You managed to ‘woo’ one of the most powerful men in the Elemental Nations, someone even your mother and Hokage have come to respect. Do you think just anyone could accomplish such a feat…?”

Though Wu’s words left her feeling dizzy and more than a little muddled, Sarada swallowed hard and replied, “No…”

Nodding his head, Wu added, “The only things you need to become more powerful under my care are willpower and confidence. Apprehension and meekness are shackles of the heart and mind. Even if you make mistakes along the way, so long as you remain confident and continuously seek to improve, you will naturally obtain the strength you desire.”

Punctuating his words, Wu briefly ruffled Sarada’s hair, waiting until she adopted a faint smile before retracting his hand and remarking, “There it is…those who can smile in the face of tribulation are virtually guaranteed to become strong…”

Adopting a marginally wider smile, Sarada replied, “I understand.” before catching Wu a little off guard as she shimmied backward to gain access to his zipper. He hadn’t been trying to goad her into being more assertive, so he was genuinely surprised when she managed to liberate his cock a few seconds later.

Emphasizing her surprise, Sarada’s eyes abruptly gained a sakura pattern as the image of Wu’s massive cock was burned into her brain and retinas. It wasn’t anywhere near that ridiculous, but her initial impression was that it was around the size and thickness of her forearm.

Voicing her thoughts aloud, Sarada softly muttered, “Impossible…” as she imagined her body trying to take in such a monstrous object.

Since the careless Uchiha had already released the beast, Wu teased, “Your body is more ‘accommodating’ than you think. Women, yourself included, are capable of bearing and giving birth to children. While I’m proud of my size, I’ve yet to meet a woman, including girls younger than yourself, who couldn’t accept at least half of me…”

Recalling the smallest member of Wu’s group, Sarada asked, “Does that include Kaia…?”

Adopting a massive grin, Wu revealed, “Kaia is one of the girls closest to being able to accept ‘all’ of me. Despite her small size, she is an incredibly determined girl…”

Feeling a little less nervous, Sarada gave Wu’s penis a few tentative pokes before asking, “Should I lick it…?”

Exhaling a faint sigh, Wu reiterated, “That’s for you to decide. I don’t mind taking over if that’s what you want, but I’m not going to help you ‘escape’ your trauma. If you’re simply looking to drown out your pain with pleasure and indulgence, I’m more than willing to lend my body. What I won’t do is enable you by letting you surrender your agency. I don’t need a sex toy…”

Slumping her head and shoulders, Sarada’s Sharingan gradually returned to its three-tomoe state as she fell into deep thought. Things would have been easier for her if Wu had just commanded her to service him. Having to make decisions when she didn’t even want to think…

Shaking such thoughts from her mind, Sarada leaned onto her back for a brief moment to peel off her panties. Even if Wu wasn’t willing to enable her by taking direct action, she could still use him to supplant her darker thoughts with pleasure. Her mother had already told her what to expect, so even though she had never imagined losing her virginity to a boy she had just met, Sarada straddled Wu’s dick and began grinding it, covering it with her body’s natural lubricant rather than trying to take the massive member into her mouth…

Since Sarada was clearly doing her own thing at this point, Wu placed his hands behind his head and observed. It wasn’t the first time he had been used as a masturbation assist, so he just waited to see how far the raven-haired girl was willing to push herself before picking up the pieces when she inevitably broke…



(A/N: Never make decisions under duress…)

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