
Chapter 1: Prologue

Chapter 1: Prologue

In the dark night when every creature should be asleep.

An intense battle was taking place.

A great battle that would determine the end of the war between humans and demons. The battle that would determine the fate of the world.

An epic battle that couldn’t be perceived by normal people.

Traces of the terrifying battle, like the tattered ground or traces of explosions, could be found everywhere on the battlefield.

The heroes were clashing against the Demon King.

“HAHAHAHAHAH! You humans will never defeat me! I’ve made a contract with the evil god of war, Hachiman! No one can stop me now!”

The laughter of the Demon King was echoing in every corner of the battlefield.

With his words, anyone could tell that the heroes were losing. They gritted their teeth, lamenting over their lack of power but their eyes still shone with the light of hope!

They hadn’t succumbed to despair yet!

All the heroes thought the same thing!

The strongest of us haven’t even joined the battle! And if he does, even if there are 100 of you, you would still not be enough to defeat him!

As the Demon King’s laughter grew louder and louder and was about to utilize his strongest spell to finish the heroes.

A voice cut in.

“Antimagic field. Antimagic card activate.” a voice said.

Suddenly the ground shook and a blue light shone, in an instant, the battlefield transformed into the shape of a gigantic shining card.

And at that moment the Demon King’s spell was canceled due to the effects of the antimagic field.

“HOW DARE YOU!” The Demon King shouted and dashed to the figure in an instant.

“Gravity magic card activates, 100 folds increase.” the figure said.

The Demon King immediately fell to the ground, vomiting a mouthful of blood.

The figure descended slowly and gracefully whilst his appearances started to show.

Dressed like an assassin, with long black robe almost covering his legs. A black hood covering his head, and metal gauntlets covering both of his arms.

No one could see his face as his eyes got covered by the hood, and his nose and mouth were covered by a black mask.

His pitch-black cape fluttered in the air as he descended.

“Who the hell are you?” the Demon King asked with his hoarse voice, he was nervous and surprised by the figure that could not only cancel his powerful spell but managed to injure him to this extent too.

The figure smirked and said.

“I am





a Magician.”


In the era of Modernization where inventions had skyrocketed.

The night has fallen, the lights of parties are shone to every direction, sounds of chatter, laughter is echoing. A particular party is starting. A huge stage is waiting for the Greatest Magician in the world to perform.

It is a party held by the President of Indonesia. The people in attendance includes all Great figures from leaders of all nations, prime ministers, great scholars to all people that are well known for their powerful mind to have a good time, and watch and solve the tricks of this legendary magician.

The current date is 11th March 2056. The technology has developed because of the countless educated people and numerous geniuses who had embarked humanity to new heights of prosperity due to their countless wondrous inventions.

The legendary magician called himself Oz, he is the greatest magician whose tricks had never been used by others and had never used others’ tricks. He used tricks that could deceive people’s minds and people’s perception, from their eyes to their thoughts, and because of all these impossible tricks he performed, he made people believe as if he had created magic itself.

He had a characteristic of throwing his cards with an image as a hint of his trick, but since he popped out from unknown at 2046, until now, for 10 years, no one has ever been able to solve his tricks!

He had performed not only at shows but also at crucial events in the world.

At 2046, he introduced himself to the world by showing his magic tricks at a street show, at the show he asked the spectators to move back and to not get near the stage. When the spectators stepped back the stage suddenly burnt, and together with Oz, it got swallowed by the fire. All of the spectators panicked and even called the ambulance. When the fire died out, the only thing left was ashes. But suddenly, a card slowly descended from the sky and fell to one of the spectator’s head. He looked at the card and he saw that it was a joker card, he wandered his eyes and wondered where had the card come from. And suddenly, all of the ashes turned to a card explosion and the stage together with Oz showed up again. All the spectators were surprised, astounded, and speechless. They couldn’t describe what had just happened. The sound of applause and cheers echoed and that was the very first trick of the magician.

In 2048, New York was under the attack of terrorists, they called themselves liberalist that object the rule of the current government. They shouted their thought about people being oppressed by the government and stuff but the main point was they only wanted to take over the government. When new york had become the terrorist’s hostage, the police and the soldiers were confused about what to do. Suddenly, the big screen in front of the plaza buzzed and the magician’s face shown. And he said, “To the honored police officers and his peers, I humbly asked you all to prepare yourself to arrest the terrorist, because when the sky darkened, and strange objects fell to the ground, the oppression would be stopped, and the sinners would be judged, farewell and my outmost sympathy for the oppressor”. The police officers didn’t have the time to think of what he had said, suddenly, the sky darkened and everyone looked up to the sky, it began to rain. It was raining but strangely water didn’t fall from the sky, but cards, the police officers didn’t know where did the cards came from but the only thing they knew is the muzzle of the guns at the terrorist hand had been all clogged up by the cards. The police officers immediately arrested all of the terrorists and the terrorist couldn’t resist as their weapons suddenly got clogged up and became useless. The video of the event was shared throughout the world and being discussed by all of the media, and none of the people could explain what had happened, and the public started to believe the thing, called magic.

He continued to perform all sorts of tricks that seemed to be impossible for the eyes and couldn’t be explained by the rule of physics, as if he doesn’t apply to the rule of the world, all sorts of people from great scientists to great inventors to great geniuses to even a master of fraud can’t solve his tricks.

He is the very man who really does deserve the title of “true magician”, as no one could explain his tricks, no one is brave enough to do things to him, with his snap of fingers he could make people’s wealth to cards, he could steal anything he wanted as he could pop out anywhere and disappear anywhere, because of this mystery of his, he became the symbol of the unknown.

And tonight this very legendary magician is going to perform in front of all great figures in the world, he announced that he is going to use the greatest trick he ever made, a trick that closes to the realm of magic itself, a trick that could really defy the rule of physic and change the impossible to be possible.

All of the worldly figures are curious about this mysterious man, he is the one that doesn’t want to be called a hero that saved a city but a magician. And he is the one that showed up with full of mysteries and disappeared with some more mysteries, attracting everyone’s attention.

Everyone throughout the world gathered because of his statement that he will show his greatest tricks, all of the great figures are curious about this magician and all of them wanted to befriend him, but one way to do that is by solving his tricks, so they gathered and they’re ready to observe everything from the beginning to the very end of the show.

Swoosh! In the middle of a very grandeur national palace of Indonesia, he appeared in the middle of the grand stage with an explosion that made not from a fire, but from cards. Countless cards are flying, popped from nothingness as if they waited for the magician and flew when he arrived. Hundreds, thousands of people clapped their hands for the unexpected and magnificent arrival of the legendary magician, all of the great minds are stunned as they can’t foresee the legendary magician’s arrival as well as all of the martial artists, because they can’t feel his presence when he suddenly popped together with an explosion of cards. As what they could expect from the one holding the title of “true magician”.

The legendary magician gave the spectators a very elegant bow, it’s a common custom for magicians to greet their spectators with a bow before they start their show, but the one in front of them is the legendary magician, they can’t let their guard off even if he’s doing a very common and normal bow, they need to give their utmost observation to this magician as he always did something unbelievable and unpredictable to them, it is a pride of a great figure, to not forfeit, and continue to pursue the truth of the legendary magician’s tricks.

Suddenly when he stood from his bow, his face and all of his characteristics, become completely stiff just like a doll, a motionless doll, the doll only stood and didn’t do anything as if it’s string had been cut off, suddenly, the spotlight move to the back of the room where the spectators sit, all of them turn their backs to see what exactly appeared at their backs, there they saw, a figure is flying, the legendary magicians are flying with 2 snow white colored birds as his wings, and while they focused their attention at the flying legendary magician, an explosion of cards occurred once again at the stage, and the second cards explosion occurred to the flying legendary magician, poof! Both of the figures are gone, they vanished as if they’re not there from the beginning, people start to assume and make conclusions of what they had seen, but every thought that they made always arrived at the same destination.

“Where exactly does the legendary magician disappear to this time and what kind of tricks is he playing right now?”

One thing they didn’t know is, they’re not the only one who is wondering where the magician is, in the middle of a forest, a figure wakes up and wander his eyes left and right, confused.

“Where the hell am I?”

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