
Chapter 98 - Clouds of War

Chapter 98: Clouds of War

“Those damned assholes!!!!!”

The road construction was finally finished. It wasn’t completely cured yet, but we had reached the destination, so the elves had returned to their village. Apparently, the elves rested in the winter, so I couldn’t force them to stay.

Afterwards, I returned to my office, where a letter had been delivered to me from Rosiathe in the Havis Kingdom via lumikar. She said that three days from now, the Havis Kingdom’s nobles and knights would cross the border and attack, and that she was sorry.

“So even paladins are coming along for the ride, you say…”

The force consisted of at least 200 wyverns, thousands of knights, 50,000 infantrymen, as well as paladins and priests serving Neran.

“If it’s an inevitable war, I’ll never refuse.”

Nerman wasn’t completely stable yet. There were monsters lurking here and there as well as there being reports that the movements of the Temir had sharply increased in the North. But I knew that the enemy wouldn’t be so kind as to be considerate of our situation.

“I’ll make you bastards cry tears of blood.”

It wouldn’t be an easy war. We were at an absolute numerical disadvantage. If all 200 wyverns came attacking at once, we would definitely accrue significant damage.

“Is there anyone outside!” I called loudly.

“My liege, your wish is my command!”

“Convene Sir Derval and the main knights at once. Tell Sir Shailt from Orakk Castle to come as well!”

“As you command!”

As the knight’s shout rang throughout the office, I turned my gaze towards the map of Nerman, a map loaded with my dream, my hope, my everything.

It was my pride, and we would never bend, no matter who it was!

* * *



“What an incredible, magnificent sight. I never thought I would be able to see so many wyverns in one place.”

“Haha, indeed. It’s a truly impressive force.”

The rotten nobles of the Havis Kingdom continuously expressed their admiration. The clearing in front of Calvaron Castle in the vicinity of Nerman was filled with over 200 wyverns, thousands of cavalry, and 50,000 infantrymen. It was an enormous force composed of what was easily ½ of the Havis Kingdom’s entire military power.

“It seems that the Nerman bastards are still in the dark.”

“Kuku, of course. I heard monsters went on a rampage recently and half-destroyed one of their forts.”

“But they’re enduring better than I expected. I thought they would be orc grub by now.”

Inside the banquet hall in Calvaron Castle, the Havis Kingdom nobles who had gathered for the Nerman subjugation were loudly chattering amongst each other, releasing their nerves for the offensive in three days.

“It is so very reassuring to have the esteemed priests and paladins with us.”

“We are merely lending a hand to punish the evildoer who sullied Neran-nim’s name.”

“Please take good care of us.”

Sitting in the seat of honor was the person in charge of the punitive force, Hanskane. He was conversing with the priest representing the paladins as well as the other priests, a man named Daterian.

‘We’ll use this opportunity to take down Denfors, too. They’re said to have had a bumper crop this year. Huhuhu.’

Hanskane had learned of Nerman’s bumper crop from the merchants. Thanks to the clear weather, the Havis Kingdom had also gotten a good harvest this year, but it was less than Nerman. Surprisingly enough, the crops produced in Nerman were twice as abundant as crops from other places.

‘They’ll have quite a few dwarven goods, as well as wyvern armor… Huhu, we can get quite a lot of slaves, too.’

The war hadn’t even begun yet, but Hanskane was already thinking about the spoils of war. The Lord of Nerman might be rumored to be invincible, but Hanskane did not think Kyre could do anything about a force this large all on his lonesome. An army of this scale would even be enough to tie up an empire for a short time.

“I apologize for repeating myself, but if Priestess Aramis is found, you must tell us right away. We will not interfere in any other matters.”

“Please allay your worries, if we find the priestess named Aramis, we will immediately return her to God’s embrace.”

A shocking number of paladins had joined them, nearly 1,000. There were also dozens of priests who could heal. They wouldn’t have come in such numbers if they hadn’t declared a holy war.

‘But where did Count Urhans go?’

The important nobles of the Havis Kingdom had gathered in the Calvaron Castle, but Count Urhans was nowhere to be seen. According to the butler, the count was so sick that he couldn’t be seen.

‘As long as this goes well, my position will be strengthened even more. And then, becoming an archduke will be…’

Just thinking about it gave him a tingle of excitement.

He might be a duke ruling the Havis Kingdom right now, but in the end, he was a mere noble. However, if he presented the kingdom to the Laviter Empire, he could even aim for an archduke title. No, just becoming a marquis of the empire would already be a huge success.

Spurred by his giddiness, Hanskane raised his glass and proposed a toast. “Raise a glass, everyone. It’s a rare occasion to have everyone together, after all.”

“Yes, let’s!”


The greedy pigs of Havis raised their glasses high, each man happily imagining how much of the breadcrumbs divvied up after the war would become theirs.

* * *

“Evacuate all the people in the vicinity to Denfors. Also, move all the provisions stored in every fort to Denfors. This must be done swiftly and at once.”

“As you command!”

All my important knights had been convened. They ground their teeth in rage after hearing that the Havis Kingdom’s riffraff were gathered on the border. Bloodthirst spewed from their eyes like a waterfall.

“I’m sure everyone knows, but this war will decide the fate of Nerman. Keep in mind that all the blood, sweat, and tears we put in can disappear in a single morning like a drop of dew!”

“As you command!”

It wasn’t just my blood, sweat, and tears. The knights here had accomplished mighty feats this year.

“My liege, how do you intend to annihilate the enemy? If we don’t engage in a frontal war, what about a siege from Denfors? When winter comes, they will certainly withdraw.”

Knowing the characteristics of Nerman well, Baroness Janice proposed a siege.

“What are you saying! My liege, we need to go for a frontal war! If we let ourselves be cowed by such rabble and let them come all the way to our front yard, it’ll deal a bad blow to the soldiers and their morale. I will take the lead!”

The hot-blooded Ryker insisted on a frontal war. But Sir Cedrian and Sir Shailt, both of whom had grown wise from mercenary work and the army respectively, were standing there silently.



Everyone looked at me.

“When I became the lord, I made a vow. A vow that I would make anyone who put even one footstep on my land without my permission pay the price with blood.”

It was fine as long as they didn’t mess with me, but for anyone who provoked me… I wouldn’t just sit around waiting to get hit like an idiot.

“First, we shall draw the enemies deep into the territory. After bringing them all the way to Gadain Castle, we will give them hell. So follow my orders with loyalty, men!”

“As you command!!!!!”

Others might say this war was impossible, but my knights believed in me. Their eyes gleamed with the determination to win.

“Alright, I will now begin outlining the plan. Sir Shailt, keep the Temir in check like you have already been doing. When I give you the order, you must move to the place I tell you without delay.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Next, Sir Ryker and Sir Janice, you will lead a formation and stay in Fort Ciaris. Stay low until I give the order, and like Sir Shailt, go to the location I instruct.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Sir Cedrian, I will need much of your help this time.”

“It is an honor, my liege.”

Cedrian had experienced countless wars during his mercenary days.

“This war’s outcome will be decided by how fast we can draw the enemies in. Also, defeating the scattered enemies one by one is important. To win in that fashion, we will need to make

perfect use of our advantages, speed and knowledge of the terrain. Sir Cedrian, are all the cavalry under your command elites?”

“We await your order! I am confident we can destroy anyone, no matter who it is.”

“Good! Send the cavalry under your banner to Gadain Castle.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Sir Derval.”

“Your wish is my command, my liege.”

“Quickly remodel some carriages. Make seats with orc leather so that soldiers can sit on both sides of the carriage.”

“Understood, my liege.”

“Also, send Denfors soldiers with a focus on archers to Gadain Castle.”

“I shall heed your order, sir.”

The strategies I had come up with last night came spilling out. I hadn’t revealed everything to the knights yet, but this battle would be one to remember.

“Allow the soldiers to have their fill of drink and food today. From tomorrow onwards, there will be no breaks.”

“As you command!”

‘That concludes the preparations. It’s a shame we couldn’t construct the fort, but we’ll win this battle with what we have.’

I had never really considered the struggling Havis Kingdom to be my enemy. You had to be at least on the level of the Bajran or Laviter Empire to be my enemy.

“Then, set to it, everyone.”

“Yes, sir!!”

The knights loudly saluted me, making a reliable picture.

These absolutely loyal men could not be bought with any amount of money.

They were the greatest fortune I had.

“Is everything complete?”

“Of course. We’ve already produced twenty of them.”

“I’m very impressed. As expected of the greatest artisan of the Luhalumere Clan!”

“Ahem ahem, well, you could say that much.”

‘Twenty… Nice.’

The ballistas that could hunt wyverns I had commissioned the dwarves to make were complete. The moment they were attached to the walls of Gadain Castle, the enemies would shit themselves in fear.

“But did something happen? Young man, you don’t look so good.”

As if to show that his years weren’t for show, Patriarch Cassiars noticed something was wrong from my complexion.

“I think a war will arise in a few days.”

“War! Ohhh! Is that really true?”


“Hahaha, I’m grateful. I was bored, in any case, so it’s good to have something to do. This isn’t an empty boast—when our clan goes to war, it’s something else entirely. Be it horses or knights, when our heavy steel axes go down, they’ll be split from head to toe!”

“Please stay back this time.”

From Patriarch Cassiars’ tone, he seemed to want to participate in the war.

“Hey, young man, are you looking down on me because I’m old? Or doing a disservice to our clan because we can’t ride horses with our short legs?!”

Cassiars shouted while jumping up and down in agitation. I was grateful for his thoughts, but it wasn’t the right time for them.

“The dwarven clan is our most important hidden elites in this war. I did not tell you because if you appear from the get-go, the enemies might just run away with their tails tucked.”

“Ohh! Is that so? Of course it is. As you probably know, our clan knows no retreat! We simply run over when we see an enemy and turn them into mincemeat with a single blow. Huhuhu, I bet the legend of our clan hasn’t disappeared among the humans yet.”

The dwarves became excited quickly, but they were also calmed quickly. I couldn’t help but smile at their pure spirits.

“Therefore, I have a request. Please make a lot of the ballistas and bolts. If everything goes well this time, I will treat you big time.”

“Big time? With what?”

“I have some beer maturing very marvelously in my cellar. It was made from the wheat we harvested this fall, so it should have a refreshing, bursting flavor.”

“R-Refreshing and bursting…” Cassiars mumbled, the very epitome of a dwarf enraptured by the mere mention of beer. “Don’t worry. We’ll make ballistas and bolts like our lives depend on it in here, so quickly finish matters outside and come back.”

“You have my faith, Patriarch.”

“That’s right, just trust me. You’re a friend of our clan, are you not! Kuhahahaha.”

Cassiars’ laughter rang out happily inside the cave.

“Of course. We’re friends, after all. Hahahaha.”

I followed suit with laughter of my own.

No matter how you sliced it, I was definitely a blessed guy.

* * *



Clank clank clank clank!

The command to advance was relayed to all the waiting troops via mana. 50,000 troops began to march with energetic, clanking steps.


The knights sitting astride thousands of horses also began to slowly move.



200 wyverns flew with their wings outstretched in offensive formation above the soldiers.

It was a grand spectacle. 200 enormous wyverns riding the wind flying in neat order was an impressive sight that could awe any bystander.

On top of that, there were a thousand paladins wearing pure white platemail. The golden cross within a circle embroidered on their cloaks added a sacred air to the scene.

‘Kyre, right? Attempt your futile resistance. Do your very best to stop me! Kukukuku.’

Duke Hanskane looked down on the proceedings from the air atop his wyvern. Then, he looked towards the north with a dark smile.

They would soon cross into Nerman in the first national offensive the Havis Kingdom had instigated in over a century.

Clank clank clank clank!


The vigorous marching of the soldiers could be heard all the way in the sky.

The soldiers were unaware.

That ahead of them, laid the path to a wretched hell.

* * *

“Maternal Grandfather, it has been a while.”

“I am finally able to give my greetings, Princess…”

Duke Safidian, who could be called the last remaining loyalist in the Havis Kingdom, lowered his head to Rosiathe with a face marked with the passing of the years. As an individual, he was Rosiathe’s maternal grandfather.

“How is your health?”

“My body is about to go into God’s embrace, how could it be of any importance. But… what will come for our princess is…”

Unable to bring himself to continue, Duke Safidian bit his lips. He was from a ducal house, but all he had were around ten old and sick wyverns as well as 2,000 men. He was well aware that with his forces, which were worse than that of a count’s household, he could be of no help to the Royal Family. He was also aware that his one and only grandchild was living a difficult life under the harassment of the nobles.

“I called you here because I have a request, Grandfather.”

Realizing something was wrong from Rosiathe’s unusually calm voice, Safidian raised his head to look at the princess.

‘Oh! You can see the dignity of the king from our Rosiathe!’

He hadn’t seen Rosiathe in a year. Using sickness as an excuse, he hadn’t participated in the headache-inducing Council of Nobles at all, thinking that since he couldn’t do anything to help anyway, he might as well not attend just to see the sorry sights.

But after a year, his only granddaughter had changed. The beauty that had earned her the namesake “Flower of the North” was still unchanged, but the aura she emanated was clearly different.

“Please speak, Princess.”

Safidian unconsciously bowed his head under her dignity.

“I believe it is now time.”


The duke looked up in surprise.

“It is time to recover the lost dignity of the Royal Family and punish the treacherous criminals in the name of the Crown.”


Safidian exclaimed at Rosiathe’s unhesitating words, which were filled with the dignity of the Royal Family. How long had he waited to hear such words?

“But Princess, they are very strong. A misstep could threaten the safety of the Royal Family.”

“I am sure you are well aware that we are backed against a wall, Grandfather. And I am sure of it. That with the scoundrels out of the kingdom, this is a golden opportunity that will not come again.”

The old duke felt his heart thump wildly at Rosiathe’s conviction.

“How may this humble one assist you! Please give me your order! I will give my all to recover the dignity of the Royal Family!!!!”

The duke’s voice blared out in the royal councilroom, which was free of the other high-ranking nobles. Forgetting his age, he appeared to have returned to his youth.

“Take the Royal Knights who have sworn their loyalty and the nobles who still live under the name of the Havis Crown and drag the families of all the people written here.”

Rosiathe slid a thick directory over to her grandfather over the councilroom table. And as she did so, tears spilled from her eyes.

“These are the names of traitors to the kingdom, personally recorded by me. These are the names of those who harassed my esteemed Father… and doomed my Mother… the unforgivable bastards…”

Clenching her teeth, tears fell from her eyes.

“All hail! This humble one… accepts your command with his very life!!!!”

Two days after the Havis Kingdom’s army crossed into Nerman, a single letter came from Nerman. After reading it, Princess Rosiathe unsheathed the sword of rage she had hidden all this time, a sword that would purge the insects that had gnawed away at the kingdom for hundreds of years.

A massive gamble was unfolding. In this stark battle of life and death, the winner would take all.

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