
Chapter 215: The Coronation

Chapter 215: The Coronation

“The coronation… is finally here.”

The month had passed by in a real frenzy. With the start of the autumn harvest, all of the soldiers besides the bare minimum regiment were sent back to their homes to help out. At the same time, the mages and summoners who gathered in Nerman from all over the Continent were organized by class and turned into important talents of the Nerman Empire.

That wasn’t all. I was also busy re-educating the priests who came begging on their knees day after day asking me to allow them to construct temples, and receiving the constant stream of kingdom envoys who came loaded with gifts was also a big time sink.

And then, after a month of rushing about, dawned the morning of the coronation. Nerman Castle was graced with visits from Princess Igis of the Bajran Empire, Princess Tiavel of the Haildrian Empire, Crown Prince Ryker of the Opern Empire, and royal family members or kings from each of the kingdoms.

“You’re supposed to take a photo to commemorate times like this. Too bad we don’t have a camera.”

Today was the first day of the Nerman Empire’s foundation. It was a damn shame people on Earth didn’t know about such a historical moment.

Knock knock.

“My liege, it’s Derval.”

“Come in.”

As expected of a dwarven-made door, it opened soundlessly.

‘Hooh, Derval’s looking quite dashing, too.’

Derval entered. The heartache he’d suffered while supporting me as my right hand man had kept the fat off his bones, but despite his increased workload this last month, he had fleshed out quite nicely. Today, he was wearing a black suit embroidered with golden thread and a crimson cloak to round out the look. Standing before me was a dashing man without a single fault to mention.

“Everyone is ready, my liege.”

“Well done.”

Derval choked to a halt, his eyes reddening with sudden emotion. He didn’t need to continue. I knew how much anxiety his heart had experienced before I reached this moment.

“Thank you.”

I went up to him and hugged him hard.

“My liege… Thank you so much. You are exactly the picture of what I always longed for. Your Imperial Majesty of Nerman…”

As he uttered my new title with an emotional voice, tears fell down Derval’s cheeks.

“This is only the beginning. In the future, I will never bring shame to you as your liege, as I have always done.”

“My liege…”

From Derval, I wanted to hear him call me liege rather than Your Majesty. He was the buttress who had supported me at every difficult turn. It was because he was there that the Nerman and me of today could be here.

“Let’s go. The guests must be waiting.”

“Yes, my liege. This one shall assist you.”

The moment of fate decided by the gods was nigh. I nodded at Derval.

‘I’m nervous.’

“Emperor’s coronation” was easy enough to say, but what awaited me was an event that was surely the crowning honor of the Kang family line. I took in a deep breath and walked forward.

Clank clank clank clank clank!


As soon as the door slid open, I was greeted by knights of the Nerman Imperial Guard. They fired off a disciplined military salute as soon as they saw me.

‘Huhuhu. Let’s go become an emperor then.’

I had butterflies, but I wasn’t scared. 

Today marked a new beginning. A new beginning in the construction of a paradise that only I could achieve.

* * *

“How truly impressive. To think that Nerman would develop this way.”

“Even after seeing it with my own eyes, I can hardly believe it. I didn’t think in my wildest dreams the formerly ruined Nerman would grow like this…”

The announcement of the Nerman Empire’s founding and the coronation of the nation’s emperor were taking place before the front doors of Nerman Castle. Muted voices came from the special seats of honor occupied by the imperials or royals. Not a single one of them was left unimpressed by the Nerman Road and the vastness and abundance of Nerman they had witnessed on their journey here. In addition, even though this was the founding of a new empire, the man who was formerly the Lord of Nerman had obtained the Laviter Empire in its entirety. 

Because the Skyknights of the Continent’s nations had personally witnessed the man pummel a high-level demon to death, they instinctively feared him. Who in all of Kallian could possibly be a match for Kyre, the soon-to-be Emperor of the Nerman Empire? Moreover, his master was the Golden-Eyed Reaper Aidal, whose notoriety was famous even 100 years after the fact, and mages of each of the disbanded magic towers had flocked to his banner. Everyone with half a brain knew that if you invoked his ire, it was no big matter for a kingdom or two to be crushed in a single morning.

“The military discipline of the knights and soldiers is no joke, either.”

“I’d imagine so. What would people who survived wars with the Bajran and Laviter Empire have to fear?”

The knights and soldiers of Nerman had survived wars with two empires that had made the Continent quake in its boots. They were standing in perfect order, guarding the coronation armed with gleaming dwarven-made armor and weapons.

“And just look at the expressions of the people. It’s almost as if they’re worshiping a god…”

“How truly fearsome and terrifying.”

The gazes of the king and royals converged on the same place. It wasn’t just the knights and soldiers, but the tens of thousands of Nerman citizens who were arrayed on the plains that offered a view of the coronation dais. Each and every face was filled with fervor and emotion that clearly proved not a single person had been forced to participate.

An energetic fanfare burst out from atop the castle walls.

“Please stand. His Imperial Majesty of the Great Nerman Empire is entering!”

A knight’s mana-charged shout boomed out over the seated audience. The chattering VIPs hastily rose to their feet.

And then, the gates of Nerman Castle opened with a groan.

The Emperor of Nerman strode through the gates adorned on both sides with a sculpture of the hybrid wyvern that was Emperor Kyre’s mount, Bebeto.

Clank clank clank clank!

Stepping leisurely along a red carpet lined on both sides by hundreds of knights bearing blades that pulsed with blue waves, the man who was to be an emperor walked towards the dais. 



Under the blinding October autumn sunshine, Kyre appeared. On his tall frame hung a unique coronation outfit that was black with golden stripes, and behind him trailed a blood-red cloak worn by emperors. From his body radiated a natural dignity. There was no indication he had been a count in charge of Nerman not long ago.

Swish, swiish.

He was not alone. Following behind him on both sides was a train of incredibly beautiful women. The women of beauty unparalleled on the Continent were each wearing formal dresses that suited them, the fabric and make appropriate for queens to wear. They walked on each side of Kyre as if to support him. Such a coronation was the first of its kind on the Kallian Continent.

As people murmured in awe, the Emperor and the women took their positions on the raised dais made into the coronation stage.

“All Hail His Imperial Majesty!”

Atop the castle walls came a knight’s cry.


The thousands upon thousands of soldiers stationed on the walls and the knights guarding the dais shouted a resounding salute that crashed over the sturdy walls of Nerman Castle and surged into the sky. At that spectacle, the royals and high ranking nobles of the kingdoms found themselves bowing their heads low even though they weren’t Nerman knights or soldiers. They were overwhelmed. The mighty salute that went off next to them tipped over their already intimidated nerves.

“Proceed with the coronation.”

When the salute of the soldiers faded to silence, Emperor Kyre’s weighty voice echoed out, audible to all despite its quiet volume. His voice, which reached everyone at the same volume no matter how close or far they stood, inspired another wave of awe. If the rumors were true, the new Emperor of Nerman had gone beyond the realm of humans and was a 9th Circle mage, no, a 9th Circle magic swordsman.


The moment his command was uttered, a small wind suddenly blew over the dais. And as if carried in by the wind, a woman suddenly appeared framed by dozens of priests from each of the temples.

“Oh! Gods above…”

“No way, they appeared with teleport magic…”

It was indeed so. They had appeared instantly using the coordinates of the teleport array under the dais. Under the astonished gazes of the audience, Aramis, the Saintess of the Goddess of Mercy, Neran, and temple priests appeared with magic, enveloped by the beautiful blue glow of holy aura.

“It is my honor to have been entrusted with the coronation.” Saintess Aramis bowed her head slightly towards Kyre to show her respect. “By the grace of Holy Neran and the other gods, I bow in thanks.”

Kyre stood and bowed his head towards the Saintess and the priests. Though his head was lowered, his back was straight. The people watching the proceedings of the coronation with bated breath saw that he was uncowed even before the gods.

“Yesterday, I received an oracle,” Aramis said, smiling wide.


People perked up their ears at the mention of an oracle, craning their ears to listen. This was the first time in hundreds of years that an oracle had been delivered for an emperor’s coronation.

“May I ask what kind of oracle?” asked Emperor Kyre, seemingly just as curious.

“Holy Neran came to me in my dreams and spoke to me. She said to not forget your promise to the gods. So long as you do so, they shall walk hand in hand with Your Imperial Majesty and the Nerman Empire forever.”


Upon hearing Saintess Aramis’ words, Emperor Kyre closed his eyes with a quiet exclamation. The people were once again awed by that sight. Emperor Kyre of Nerman was so beloved by the gods that they granted an oracle to bless his ascent. Everyone watching vowed to never make him an enemy in the future.

* * *

‘Haah, they sure have a keen memory.’

I smiled wryly at Aramis’ words. It was all in the past, but the gods remembered everything clearly. I was a little bitter, but what could I do? How could I possibly forget the absolute vow of loyalty I made to the gods? I knew it was thanks to them that I could reach the 9th Circle and become Emperor.


Before the coronation could continue, I spotted a group of dots flying in from far in the distance.


There were a lot of people here, so I didn’t think the elves would participate. To my surprise, they were appearing on a flock of harpies.

“I-It’s the elves!”

“Woah! It’s the elves and dwarves!”

The people of Nerman had seen them many times, so they weren’t surprised, but shock painted the faces of the invited guests.

“Emperor Kyre! Wait one moment!”

A booming cry from Patriarch Cassiars of the Dwarven Luhalumere Clan brought the coronation to a brief pause.

Flap flap, flap flap, flap flap flap.

The harpies the newcomers were riding began to land.

As if to brandish the fact that he was an impatient dwarf, Patriarch Cassiars jumped off a harpy’s back while it was still aloft.

“Haha. We’re not too late,” chortled the Patriarch upon seeing me. “Our people have prepared a gift for Emperor Kyre.”

Cassiars opened the luxurious silver case in his hands.


The moment the lid was opened, the contents flashed blindingly under the light of the sun.

‘A crown!’

Inside the silver case was a mithril crown bordered with gold. The fist-sized diamond encrusted in the middle shined radiantly. 

“Priestess, please use this.”

Immediately recognizing that Aramis was preceding the coronation, Cassiars pushed the crown towards her. Derval had requested a crown from the dwarves, but they refused, saying they couldn’t make one with such short notice. However, the dwarves prepared this completely unexpected event to surprise me once again. My heart flushed with warmth.

‘Narmias, you’re late.’

And she, Narmias, was finally here. She was donning the elven airplate over her slender body that was characteristic of her race. No matter what she wore, she was the picture of beauty.

“On behalf of the Green Wood Clan, I wish to offer my congratulations for the founding of the Nerman Empire and the coronation of Emperor Kyre. I pray that Nerman becomes a tree of life whose roots shall never rot for an eternity.”

One of the elves stepped forward to deliver congratulations on behalf of Elder Parciano. I knew he was an elf who would soon become an elder.

“Thank you for coming, my dwarven and elven brothers and sisters.”

I gave my response with a warm smile. This was a coronation, but there was no need to be uptight. After a brief detour, Aramis continued the process, still thronged by elves and dwarves.

“I hereby proceed with the coronation. In the name of the eleven noble gods granted authority by the Great God Adeine, I appoint thee as Emperor Kyre von Nerman, Emperor of the newly established Nerman Empire.”

I knelt before her, and she placed the dwarven-made crown atop my head.

It weighed upon me, heavier than I expected.

With a rustle of fabric, I slowly came to my feet. The blazing gazes of everyone naturally converged on me, and on my opening lips.

“I, Emperor Kyre von Nerman of the Great Nerman Empire, do in my name thus declare! My people! Offer thy worship! For the mighty empire we shall protect together has been appointed today under the blessing of all of the gods!”

As if responding to my strong feelings, my 9th Circle mana automatically stirred to life, lending wings to my voice and sending it booming over the land like thunder. For a moment, there was utter silence. Everyone had been shocked into a momentary daze by my triumphant roar.

But in the next moment, my ever-loyal knight Derval raised his hand high in a salute and shouted a cheer, his voice passionate.




The jubilant cheers of the knights and soldiers followed. The people who had been a part of the Nerman Empire’s history from the very start wept as they raised their hands high and screamed long live again and again.


Booooooooooooooooooom! Boooooooooooooooom!

Magic fireworks burst out above us. The thousand or so Nerman imperial mages had taken up positions on the castle wall at some point. They began to line the sky with thousands of magic flowers even brighter than the sun.

‘I’m finally… Emperor.’

After completing the crowning step for the paradise I had so dearly longed for, I found myself holding hands with Aramis and Narmias, gazing at the magic fireworks that were surely the blessing of mana.



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