
Chapter 236 - A Danger Removed And New Plans

In the morning Einar, together with his father and other warriors, began to carry large lead boxes in a cart.

They all walked in silence as they were extremely tired and did not have much to talk about until they reached a lumberjack\'s hut.

In which they would leave the lead boxes while building a kind of cement sarcophagus and lead plates for all the boxes with the uranium ore.

When they got to the hut, they all carefully lowered the lead boxes and put them inside the hut where four Natukt volunteers would stay to take care of them.

"Naasok, thank you for agreeing to be the one in charge of taking care of all this hazardous material.

You must remember that your mission and that of your companions is to prevent the water from leaking into the hut, also no one should approach.

Because the whole area is too dangerous, although all the material is already in a place where it will not do harm, the danger should not be underestimated.

Every day someone will come to drop off food and supplies as well as a smoothie of water and seaweed that you should be drinking regularly.

Even if it tastes disgusting, you will have to continue taking it for your health. I hope you can understand that.

But for the moment I will leave you because we have to burn the canoes with the radiation-contaminated belongings. "

After finishing saying that, Einar turned around and started walking towards the port because he had to sail to set fire to the canoes in the middle of the sea.

While this was happening in the forest, the Gisli tribe began to coordinate the work of building houses for the more than 400 people who would be joining the tribe.

Although he had temporarily left his job supervising the construction of the palace, he had no other choice.

For the herald had asked for his help while he was in charge of eliminating a threat to the town.

But these were not the only busy people as Ansgar, accompanied by Natukt and 600 other people, began a walk north to start the foundation of a new town.

This is due to the fact that 868 people had been counted in the night who arrived in the canoes. Because of this, Einar and his father came to the conclusion that another town should be founded.

Although they hadn\'t reviewed much of Ansgar\'s path, Ansgar himself volunteered to find a good place to find a new town.

Which was not too far from the main tribe. For them, 200 young people from the tribe volunteered to participate in the construction of the new town.

Most of them were single and single so they hoped to find a match among the newcomers who were mostly young, like them.

For the remaining 68 people, it was decided to take them to the town of the north fort so that they will help with the construction work of that town.

When Einar arrived at the port, he found the 68 people chosen to go to the town of the north fort. All of them were married families but without children, which would be a fairly successful addiction to increase the population.

"Thank you for waiting for our arrival. Now get on the boat because we will leave at some point.

We will only take a small detour to the west so that we can burn all the belongings of people that are contaminated with radiation.

Once we arrive at the port of the north fort, we will leave you in charge of Van, who will be your guide in the north town. I know you do not understand our language.

But you will have to do everything possible to communicate, in case of a problem Var will be the mediator at all times.

Although if the situation becomes complicated, you can always send a boat to send me to bring and I will gladly solve the problems you have.

Well, I think it is better that we all get along very well because from now on we are family and as such, we must be united to face any problem. "

All 68 people nodded in unison and climbed onto the ship as the warriors prepared the ropes.

To be able to drag all the canoes linked together with clothes and belongings that had been in contact with the uranium ore.

When everything was ready, the ship began its journey out to sea, because the Atlantic could be very dangerous, they would only travel one hour on the ship.

That way they would be far enough away that the ashes could contaminate the entire tribe\'s fishing source.

During the trip, Einar, who was somewhat tired, closed his eyes and fell asleep. Sven, for his part, only watched his son sleep before looking at the coastline away.

\'To think that I would have the opportunity to go out to sea, after the expedition where our tribe fled.


I suppose it\'s a little pleasure although maybe I should get some sleep too. \'

Einar who was sleeping, woke up when he felt someone\'s hand touching his shoulder. When he opened his eyes, he could see one of the warriors.

Who using his hands indicated that they had already reached the point where they should burn things.

Einar then got up from the chair where he was and gave the order to the warriors to release the canoes.

The warriors released the rope with which they were dragging the canoes, so that you are stopped on the sea while they swayed from one side to the other.

With an order from Einar, five warriors took their bows and using a torch lit their arrows, which they launched towards the canoes.

The fire did not take long to appear and little by little a cloud of smoke formed, which could only be seen from afar as Einar did not intend to stay close.

Because of how dangerous smoke is from burning materials.

"Now that the threat of radiation-contaminated materials is over, it is time we made our way to the port of Fort North.

If anything happens just wake me up, since I plan to sleep another little time, I am quite exhausted. "

After that, Einar settled down and went back to sleep.

While this was happening in the palace of Basil Theophilus, a heated debate was taking place between two groups of nobles.

One of them supported the idea of ​​finding Kassia and allowing her to live her life without any kind of problems while giving up her inheritance rights.

The other more radical group believed that it would be good to murder her and say that they found her dead because of how dangerous she was.

Basil Theophilus only listened from his throne to each argument that each of his advisers said, so from time to time he drank wine from a golden cup.

Sometimes the arguments sounded so convincing that they somehow tempted him to change his mind, but it wasn\'t until some time later that he raised his hand and gave the order to keep quiet.

"I appreciate each of the arguments that have been given to me at this time, but I have come to the conclusion that Kassia is not a danger to the empire.

If she escaped or was kidnapped by the heathen men of the north, she has most likely found a man and started a family.

Against her will or voluntarily it does not matter because with pagan blood of her son\'s right to the throne of her children will be null.

She for her part should be at an age of 39 so she should not be able to have more children so she cannot marry someone who supports her on the throne.

But the most important thing is that her niece, the future Empress Adelaide, has no plans to support her in any claim to the throne.

In any case, Kassia is a poisoned apple that we could also use, as it would give us a right on the throne of the pagans of the West.

Something we haven\'t had since the death of Emperor Justinian and the debacle of our empire.

So in any case, alive is worth more than dead. That is why I would also like the information about Kassia of Thrace to be made public.

That way we will have an advantage in case Adelaide does not want to accept our agreement.

Begin with informing the high-ranking nobles and then report to the patriarch of the church so that his name is written in the annals of the emperors.

But just keep the news about Kassia from spreading too quickly, as we don\'t want to draw her father\'s attention.

Because my instinct tells me that he knows absolutely nothing about what his daughter is doing behind his back.

We just have to wait for the man to die so that all the commoners know about Kassia. Either way, I want you to know that all of you are responsible.

If this news leaks ahead of time and Emperor Ludovico does something against his daughter, I hope you know that the racecourse can be adapted to a gladiatorial arena.

Where you will be the protagonists of a representation of how Christians were put to fight against lions during the time of the pagan emperors.

I hope you do your job well and watch out for the spies in town, as they too would like to know about Kassia. "

All the nobles nodded and left the throne room, fearing that the emperor would make them promise otherwise.

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