
Chapter 248 - Purple Panther Beast Tribe

[Oh damn...]

\'What is it?\' I asked.

[Ah. Two things. You actually got a little scared and the fact that I can\'t see the power level or cultivation of that panther over there. On the one hand, it might just be the work of the darkness element, because, without it, you would have been able to see them both without them having to make their presence obvious to you. On the other hand, there might be a chance that he or she is on Rose\'s power level... If that is the case, then we are fucked...]

"Oh damn indeed" I blurted out

"Don\'t worry human... I have no reason to real reason to kill you" I heard a voice from behind me. In a split second, I found out that the panther was no longer where it was before, almost 750 meters away and now instead was right behind me.

It wasn\'t even hiding its presence anymore, yet I still could not feel it getting behind until it actually talked.

Jumping away in fright and shock, I landed almost 30 meters away from it, right next to the 50 meters wide hole that had corroded almost every tree closest to it within a circle.

"What do you want?" I asked with narrowed eyes.

"I don\'t want anything, but the real question is what do you want? After all, you are in my territory." I looked at myself as if I was the stupidest person in the world.

"Ah... I see what just happened" I facepalmed, but I still made sure to keep my guard up in case it was to attack once again. After all, I was carefree, not stupid.

"How about this. I ask a question, and if you answer, I\'ll allow you to ask me a question.

"Sure" I shrugged

"How do you know the beast tongue

"It was only when the question was finally asked did I realize what situation I had just put myself in.

"I know some beasts" I answered vaguely 

It narrowed its eyes but still asked "And those beasts are?"

"Is that another question?" A smug grin stretched across my face.

"HAHAHA! Spoke like a Human" I laughed before nodding, confirming that it was another question.

"They are my friends" I answered vaguely again.

"I will not accept an answer like that twice"

"Okay okay! One is my mentor who taught me how to use earth magic, the others are my friends that I used to spar with when I still lived back home" I smiled before turning into a blur and appearing on a branch opposite the panther.

"I see. Do you mind if I ask what race they are from?" I could not feel any malice behind his tone, but I still did not feel easy telling him about the white paw tribe.

"I do not feel comfortable giving away that information" I shook my head.

"I see. I will respect that decision. Anyway, you have two questions. Go ahead" It quickly began to shrink in size, becoming no bigger than an indoor cat. It was only then that I had finally realized that their fur was not black and instead was a dark purple.

"What Beast race are you from?" I got right to the point.

"The Purple Panther race. We have both darkness and lighting as our main elements. Only some of us unlock the lighting element, but all of us have the darkness element from birth" 

I was left a little stunned after how much information was given away to me so easily, but I did not waste time and thought of another question.

"How strong are you?"

"HAHAHAH" It started to laugh loudly, something that was in complete contrast to its size. If someone from the outside would have looked at the cat, they would have thought that the laughing would have come from somewhere else, not only because of how deep and loud the voice was compared to something so small but also because of the fact that most humans believed that beasts that were not on the level of dragons and Pheonix\'s did not have the vocal cords nor the mouth structure to laugh the same way that cat just did,,

"I am in the Crystallization stage." It said simply, making me finally take a step back.

"T-T-The what!?" It was only when the cat had finally told me its cultivation stage did I actually feel threatened. I had also concluded that even with my armor and accessories, running would be futile 

"You seem to have heard of it? From what I know, the humans are not supposed to know about the cultivation stage" It began to lick the back of its paw before wiping it on the top of his head.

The silence grew after those words and did not vanish for over a minute.

"Can I gain your permission to run?" I asked with a smile that looked like it had already given up on hope

"HAHAHAH! If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it a long time ago. Anyway, I did not stop to talk to you about these worthless matters and instead, I stopped you because I felt something inside of you that reminded me of a being I had met a few years back." It closed its eyes and stopped talking.

Letting curiosity get the better of me, I could not help but ask "Who?" 

"It was a beautiful woman in the skin of a human, yet the heart of a dragon and the wings of a Pheonix. She was truly terrifying. Her nickname was \'The Angel of bloodshed\' but you humans call her by a different name, right?"  I could almost see a grin on its cat maw.

"Oh, her?" I instantly remembered the story that Juilam had told me before nodding

"You seem to know about her" The cat nonchalantly stated.

"Yeah. I\'ve heard of her" I replied simply

"Well then, you should know that I know about your divinity now, right?" The cat stood up and vanished into thin air. In the same instant, I felt a weight drop onto my left shoulder, making me dart my eyes to my left to look at the terrifying existence of that was just standing there without a care in the world.

"What about it?" I shuddered

"I want to make an alliance with you" It finally spoke, making my mouth go agape while my heart simultaneously began to pump much faster.

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