
Chapter 93 - Farmlands

"To complete a dungeon, you have to defeat the boss. Larger dungeons can have even more than one," Shioko explained.

"Defeating a boss..." Yoichi thought aloud. "So, in addition to reaching the recommended number of tamers, it is crucial to choose the demon type that can have a better chance of success. Now I understand why Sada-sensei chose you to come with us to the Blackvault Mines", he commented. ​​

Ichiro approached Taya, continuing to advance along the way, while Enatsu stayed behind, struggling with his new horse. Continuing to show genuine interest in the cause, Yoichi drew the young woman\'s gaze to himself.

As soon as their eyes crossed, Shioko looked forward. "Komoerus are dark-type demons, and I have a light-type demon. It sounds like a fairly simple thing to understand, my dear \'strategist\'." With her usual sulky look, the red-haired tamer responded to her colleague\'s statement.

"I\'m just trying to figure out how things work. It\'s not easy to wake up without even remembering your name," he replied. His voice had a rather submissive tone.

That statement stunned Enatsu, too. The merchant did not imagine that his friend would use the poor victim\'s tactics to soften Shioko\'s cold heart. Against all expectations, the young woman looked again at Yoichi, genuinely impressed by his words.

"If I want to become a skilled tamer like you and others, I have to learn everything in half the time. Thanks to the knowledge I have learned from Enatsu and from you, all I need is a little practice", Yoichi repeated, looking up at his guildmate.

This time Shioko managed to capture the determination in his eyes. Looking back on what had happened that morning, perhaps it would have been good for her to have someone to talk to on the journey to their destination.

"What exactly is this quest? There\'s an item to retrieve if I remember correctly. Something else?" she asked, puffing.

Yoichi smiled, realizing that that of Shioko was a strange way to apologize for her hostile behaviour. "The man who promised us a reward is called Hyobe. He lost his wife and best friend, and I promised him I\'d bring the lost necklace back to his hands. That\'s all," the young tamer explained.

"Well. Even though it\'s an intermediate dungeon, I think it\'s a good training for both of you. I would have started with something easier, but... you said you\'re quick learners, didn\'t you?" Shioko chuckled, testing his interlocutor.

"You will be amazed, Shioko!" Yoichi replied with conviction. He looked at his friend a few feet behind, noting that his expression conveyed no safety but fear. As usual, Enatsu was not sure he could make it, and, with his long silences, he was diving deeper and deeper into thoughts.

As the sun began to set on the horizon, Goldhaven\'s high white walls disappeared into the vegetation. The mild temperature along that road was particularly pleasant, and the fresh wind caressed the shaggy coat of the horses.

Skirting farmlands, the three adventurers crossed an area populated by farmers and hard-working peasantry. The southern area of Tentochu\'s capital seemed to be characterized by fertile soil and flourishing harvests.

Large workdemons towed wagons to plough the land and sow roots, seeds and vegetables of all kinds. After about two hours of slow riding, a giant red plantation sprang up behind a hill as if protected from the wind.

Large lotus flowers with flamboyant petals popped out from massive intertwined bushes. Long and poisonous thorns contrasted the beauty of the flowers: the roots of those wonderful plants were partially tucked into the ground, partially twisted on vertical sticks of wood.

"The Crimson Lotus" Enatsu commented, breathing with open lungs.

Receiving the confirmation of his supposition, Yoichi saw the raw material from which Demon Teeth were produced for the first time. A strange dark aura came from that flowering field as if each of those lotus flowers irradiated a hidden power.

"So that\'s why evil demons don\'t approach the capital, right?" Yoichi asked. "I guess Goldhaven is surrounded by these fields, given its greatness."

"There are fields similar to this on each side of the capital, at each of its four entrances. Yes, what you say is correct, Yoichi!" Shioko answered, who after the long hours of silence looked more relaxed.

"This means that from now on, we will no longer be under the protection of the Crimson Lotus" Enatsu added, breaking in a cold sweat. The young merchant\'s words were always precise and pungent.

"That too is correct. Get used to the idea of not being protected... that\'s what being a tamer means," the red-haired woman spoke, slightly spurring Taya to speed up the pace.

"The Blackvault Mines are about a hundred miles from the capital. If the weather conditions are favourable, we can arrive earlier than expected, in just over twenty-four hours. However, since it is your first experience, I have decided that we will pause for an intermediate stop", Shioko continued, anticipating to her most inexperienced colleagues the things to do.

"Do you mean a place to spend the night?" Yoichi asked.

"Over there, there is Blackborough, a village of farmers and fishermen. Not far from the town should be the ruins of an old observation tower. Tonight we will stay there, leaving again at dawn."

The eyes of Yoichi and Enatsu followed the direction pointed by Shioko. The dirt road that lined the cultivated fields became increasingly bumpy and irregular: the lush vegetation surrounding the capital was replaced by uglier and thinner trees, with few leaves and long greyish branches.

The green of the meadows increasingly assumed dull shades, homologating to the mountain\'s rock, which increasingly appeared on the sides of the road.

The end of the Crimson Lotus camp sanctioned the end of the \'safe zone\' and a radical change in the biome. The sharp contrast of colours and landscape blackened the mood of the Nightblades\' two rookies: even though it was their first real guild tamers experience, they felt ready to face the looming dangers.

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