
Chapter 140 - Feast


Despite missing Aaryn who stayed home with his mother, Elreth woke the next morning feeling optimistic. Hopeful, even.

As she walked through the forest towards the market, she mentally ticked off everything that was moving forward—she was going to announce her mate that night, and hopefully the Flames and Smoke within a few days. The disformed were opening up and although it might take time, she was oddly certain she would find a way to work it out and bring them into the Tribes.

Things with Aaryn were incredible and she\'d decided last night that if he couldn\'t stay with her, there was no reason she couldn\'t share his bed—his much smaller bed—sometimes, once people knew they were True Mates.

It hit her that the only real dark spots in their lives were their parents. Her own fighting, and Aaryn\'s mother sunk deep into darkness.

For a moment she wanted to resent that. She and Aaryn were the offspring. Weren\'t their parents supposed to be the ones who were there to help? Weren\'t they supposed to have already dealt with their issues?

But she knew that wasn\'t fair. If growing up royal had shown her anything it was that it didn\'t matter how much power or influence a person had, they were still a whole person. Which included problems and pains.

Her mother called it, "Warts and all."

"Your father and I love each other, warts and all," she\'d said more than once. Elreth had always thought it was a gross turn of phrase, but she\'d loved the idea. She\'d always hoped she\'d find someone to love her "warts and all," and here she was.

She caught herself smiling as she walked, and straightened her face.

She hoped Aaryn would be able to come join her for breakfast. But she\'d understand if he couldn\'t. She just prayed that there would be an improvement before the Flames and Smoke, or some kind of help. She really wanted Aaryn to be able to move into the cave with her once they were mated.

He would, wouldn\'t it?

He\'d said that the wise-women were helping and had suggested the herbs they\'d given her would soon make a difference. She\'d keep praying for that.

Nodding to herself, Elreth gave a little skip, then looked around and hoped there was no one in the trees who had seen it. She was a Queen! She needed to have a little dignity.


Gwyn sat at her right, smiling—though it looked a little tight to Elreth—and Huncer at her left. The market, never silent with that many people in once place, was a low hum as she stood and they all waited to hear what she would say.

She scanned the tables below one more time in case Aaryn and his mother had made it, but she couldn\'t see them anywhere. Then, with Gwyn gripping her hand in support below the tabletop, she cleared her throat and addressed them.

"I am excited to announce that tonight we will feast!"

There was a chaos of roars, barks, coughs, and calls in response to that. The Anima always loved a feast and a reason to dance. They didn\'t even need to know why to celebrate it.

She raised a hand and their noise died down. "This is a particularly special event for me, because I have identified my mate. Tonight I will introduce you. We plan to walk the Flames and Smoke as soon as we are able—"

The noise rose again, excitement and affirmation of their new Queen. This, again, was a moment the Anima could get behind. Their Queen choosing a mate—and walking the Flames and Smoke! Some of the people were almost dancing in the aisles. Elreth smiled down at them.

"So, please, join us this evening and celebrate with me. The new future of Anima is walking into the light, and we will be there to greet it!"

The people continued to cheer and Elreth beamed—until she saw two or three of the males around Dargyn nudge him and tip their heads toward her.

Elreth frowned. He caught sight of her disapproval and shrugged. He shook his head and obviously insisted to the males that the mate wasn\'t him, but they were enjoying making him uncomfortable.

Elreth sat back down, her little bubble of happy, slowly leaking air—especially when she saw Gwyn, staring at her hands in her lap, swallowing.

A spear of darkness punched between her ribs, but she shook it off and took Gwyn\'s hand.

Her friend turned, surprised, and forcing a smile.

Elreth leaned in. "Thank you," she murmured.

"For what?" Gwyn blinked her pretty eyes.

"For supporting me—and us—for keeping our secrets, even when I know it hurts." She\'d never spoken directly to Gwyn about this before. Her friend wasn\'t quite sure how to take it.

She blinked some more, her cheeks blooming red, and she looked down at where Elreth clasped her hand. But she didn\'t let go. "I do not deny," she said quietly, "that it is… difficult at times. But seeing you two together… there is no doubt in my mind that he is for you, Elreth," she said.

Elreth\'s eyes pinched. "Thank you. I.. I\'m sorry there\'s no way that I can make this easier on you. If… if you don\'t want to be my companion anymore, I would under—"

"No! No, of course I want to stay. This is exciting, Elreth. And I have been thinking, since we saw you guys together… this is likely what I needed. A clean break. I cannot deny what you have and I would not try to breach it. So, the issue is mine. Just… don\'t pull away from me because of it. I know what is right. I will not create problems for you. And even with these feelings… I support you and Aaryn, and I am thrilled at what you plan to do with the disformed. Truly, Elreth. I want to be a part of this."

"Thank you." Elreth pulled her into a hug and they both sniffed a little bit. When they separated, they each took a moment to wipe their eyes. Then Elreth laughed. "I\'m guessing that this isn\'t the conversation Aaryn and Dargyn are going to have."

Gwyn snorted. "I already warned Dargyn to stop staring at you like a cub denied the teat. He was offended, but I notice he has stopped… hovering…"

Elreth raised an eyebrow. "He stopped hovering because he tried to kiss me and I told him I wasn\'t interested—but thank you for having my back. You are a better friend than I was, Gwyn. I appreciate you. I will do better for you from this point on, I swear it."

Gwyn waved her off, but they were both smiling.

It was going to be a good day, Elreth decided. A very good day.


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