
Chapter 191 - Undercurrents


He barely tasted his breakfast, though the cooks had made their favorites—beef sausage and minted berries for Elreth, fried pan cakes with the sugar syrup for Aaryn. He spent the lengthy morning torn between staring in awe at his mate as she received the joy of her people, and sensing the dark eyes and tension of those who were... less excited. 

Aaryn found he couldn\'t stop scanning the market, finding the unsmiling faces, the uncertain ones, and the few that stared back with a downright challenge. They were fewer than he\'d anticipated, he reminded himself. He\'d even been greeted by wolves who were not disformed that morning. Wolves were always impressed by status and power. For some, his title and position would be enough to swing the balance.

He would take those wins where he could get them. But that didn\'t relax the tension in his back, or make him any less aware of the Anima who remained disapproving—or even aggressive. 

Then he would look at his mate, at her pride and certainty that she would address this, unify the Anima and remember that he was not fighting a losing battle. Elreth had won her position because she was so determined to bring the disformed into complete unity with the rest of the Anima. He knew they would meet obstacles, but he also knew she was strong enough to do it. He believed in her—and would do everything in his power to help. They would do it together.

"Sire, would you like more pan cakes?" Aaryn blinked. It took him a breath to realize the voice was addressing him. That he was a Sire now. 

He turned to find a female sheep smiling down at him, her wide blue eyes shining eagerly. What had she asked him? Oh, right.

"No, no, I\'m fine," he said, holding his hand over his plate. "I\'m stuffed actually. But… thank you."

"You\'re welcome," she said and held his gaze a moment longer before taking his plate, then leaving with it, throwing him a glance as she descended the stairs, then over her shoulder before she passed out of the market toward the kitchens.

Aaryn frowned. What had that been about?

Then his mate growled and he turned to see her staring at the space where the Sheep had disappeared into the walkway that adjoined the market and the kitchens as well. 

"El?" he asked quietly.

She turned to look at him, a scowl on her beautiful face. He leaned in, kissing her cheek before whispering in her ear. "Mine. Forever. Remember that."

She nodded, then met his eyes sheepishly when he pulled back. "This is going to take some getting used to," she whispered. 

He nodded. "We\'ll do it together. Are you ready to get out of here? I am."

Her face lit up as she smiled, then without another word, got to her feet and pushed her chair back. "Anima! Hear me!"

The entire market settled to a hush, the only sound the clink of plates as servers brought meals or removed dirty plates from the tables. It was so quiet that, somewhere, deep in the Wildwood, a massive crack—likely distant lightning, or a large boulder falling onto other rock—sounded and everyone turned for a breath. But then Aaryn cleared his throat and took a deep breath as hundreds of eyes came to rest, mostly brightly, to watch his mate, and him. 

This was definitely going to take some getting used to.

"Good morning and thank you for being here," Elreth called, and a round of applause rose in the market. She raised her hands to quiet them, waiting calmly until they did. She always reminded Aaryn of Reth in these moments—her confidence and ease in speaking to large groups wasn\'t a talent Aaryn had ever mastered.

"Thank you for being a part of our joining last night, and thank you for celebrating with us today. You have made the completion of our bond a true joy."

Her cheeks bloomed red as she realized what she\'d said, but Aaryn just chuckled. They knew what she meant, but there was a lot of hooting and calling when they saw her embarrassment. The Anima would always enjoy teasing her for this. He prayed she\'d grow a thicker skin so she didn\'t end up bursting blood-vessels in her face.

"In honor of our union, my mate has arranged a… a gift for me. I ask you to join me in celebrating that he recognizes my heritage. There is a human tradition of spending days in solitude following a new mating union. As such, we will be leaving the Tree City for a few days—but know that we are safely watched over, and I will return immediately should there be a need. 

"We pray, though, that these days are days of relaxation and refreshment for all of us! There has been a lot of change and upheaval, and we don\'t know what the Creator has in store. So let us all take tomorrow and the following day as days of rest! When we return, we will be excited to see you all again, and to embark on the new future of the Anima together!"

There was another great round of applause and calls—and from all the tribes. Aaryn found himself touched by the outpouring. Even if it was really for her, it was the most positive the people had seemed since she took dominance. He prayed this was her true beginning, and that no matter what difficulties they faced, the people would stand behind her.

With the applause still buffeting the roof over the market, she turned to him and offered her hand, pulling him to his feet. The applause surged as he stood, and the disformed began to whistle, howl, and stamp their approval—along with many of the others as well. Aaryn shook his head in disbelief. If he\'d ever imagined standing in front of the people this way, this was far from the reaction he\'d thought to receive.

He leaned into Elreth\'s ear as she beamed at her people and said, "Remember this. You brought them here. They follow the good in your heart, my Mate. Creator bless you."

Her smile lifted higher on that side as they both nodded and accepted the accolades of the people.

Aaryn prayed, fervently, that they would last.


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