
Chapter 131:

Chapter 131:

[Romantic Comedy, reinvented

We, at the Weekend Tribunal, expected that “500 Days of Summer” will unfold like every other romantic comedy that Hollywood gives us…somehow, someway Tom and Summer will weave their way through their many obstacles and will end up happily ever after.

Hollywood loves ‘happily ever after’, after all.

Yet in “500 Days of Summer,” one of the most delightful and intelligent romantic comedies since “Love Actually,” it becomes obvious rather early on that director Carlson Duckstein, and celebrity Scriptwriter, Will Evans, is opting for authenticity over Hollywood formula and the final result is a film that somehow manages to seamlessly blend hopefulness with heartbreak and the magic of love with its mundane realities.

Much of this is accomplished in a way that some will find maddening, yet it unfolds perfectly within the context of the lives of Tom and Summer. “500 Days of Summer” flashes back and forth throughout the film between the early days of the awkward first meetings, the fumbling days of getting to know one another, the celebratory days of transcendent love, the bitter break-up, the unfathomable grief and, yes, the resolution that is happy and satisfying and simply feels right for everyone involved.

We highly recommend viewers and cinema-goers to give this movie a try, as this adds yet another fantastic cinematic, and theatric success in the repertoire that Will Evans, has brought to the scene.

And we are observing a trend with last year’s Hollywood’s biggest new star, as he brings another new name directly onto the big screen, in the form of Natalie Bergmann, who played the role of Summer, in [500 days of Summer]. Will this be a recurring theme with Will Evans, as he searches for hidden talents to drag onto the big screen?

8/10 Weekend Reviews, are richly deserved for the new installment from Dream Vision’s latest entry] – The Weekend Tribunal.

There were many such articles that praised [500 days of Summer], as it brought another successful movie into Hollywood. It had already broken even with the initial investment for the film and had hit a respectable 43 million USD, at the box office, in under two weeks, and after adjustments from previous estimates, it is expected to earn at least a solid 85 million at the box office. Some analysts claim the movie may run till it hits an even 100 million.

Natalie Bergmann was the recipient of the highest praise for her acting and talent that she had shown in the movie. Everything from her dialogue delivery, to her emotional expression, was picture perfect, and she was finally celebrating the fruits of her labor. Rumors of her receiving awards for work in the movie were already making rounds. The DTA and Dream Vision couldn’t be happier with the film’s success.


There was a black Maybach G900, that was stuck in the heavy traffic of Los Angeles, California. It was stuck in a slowly creeping traffic on route 60, heading back into the city, taking its passenger back home, having finished a long day’s work at the studio.

The passenger seats of the car were occupied, by Ethan Silva and his agent, Johnathan Stevens. They were discussing the latest script that they had received, this one being from Dream Vision Studios, Hollywood’s latest up-and-coming star director, and scriptwriter.

Ethan Silva, was a talent that was contracted with Jenkins Talent Agency but liked to work mostly in the free market. He would work with most studios, provided they had a script that he liked.

But as his career had grown, he had became more picky towards script and won’t do any roles or scenes which won’t cater to his image. It was common in celebs as they become more of a star than an actor after reaching top.

As the Tom Cruise equivalent of this world, he also had a pretty boy image that had changed into an action hero one later on.

Still, Ethan also didn’t wanted to lose a chance to work with Will Evans.

Ethan had heard a lot of gossip from his colleagues and other agents from his agency, and he had stayed in touch with the goings-on in Hollywood, he knew about Will Evans, and he mused that working in one of his movies would do his career a lot of good.

“Sir, Will Evans’ involvement with the Big Six of Hollywood, and the drama generated by his previous interactions with MCA, have made him into a hot commodity at Hollywood, he already has a large viewer base in America, Europe, and in Asia.” Johnathan informed him.

“And he is known to complete the shooting of his films rather quickly, so if we do take this role, it would be a good addition in your portfolio. Especially after the average showing from your previous sci-fi action flick [Locked and Loaded, 2100.]”

That was true, Ethan desperately needed a movie that showcased his acting skills, [Liberty City], from Dream Vision Studios, may just be that film for him.

His other projects were in pre-production and based on Will Evans’ short shooting time track record, he could fit this in, before he started work on his other films.

The other studios won’t mind it as they needed Ethan more than he needed him.

“Yes, it would also be a good opportunity for us to gain some connections with him, it will be good for us, even when you are at the top of the industry, new good connections are never something to frown upon.” Ethan mused aloud, and Johnathan nodded. “Let me read the script.” He said as he extended his hand to take the file from his agent.

Ethan perused the script that he had been offered, and he had to admit the dialogue writing, and plot were in line with the kind of action films that he usually works in. And the plot twists and action sequences that the script indicated to are very chaotic. He would do well, in taking part in the film. But, he could see a small caveat.

“It is a good story. Chaotic, emotional, captivating, thrilling, everything that you want from an action film, but the role that I have been offered, of Tommy Vercetti, seems like it’s will be second best to Mario Di Mauro, I am a little worried that it will hurt by lead image. I haven’t played a support role, in a movie since ages. Can you negotiate for the lead in this movie?” Ethan asked.

It’s been so long he had had done any role other than the lead. His fans would already think of him as being in the lead if he’s in any movie at this point.

“It is doable, but you should keep in mind, that Jared Morgan, from ICM, was offered a supporting role in Will Evan’s [Sherlock Holmes], and he had a similar problem with being asked to act in support of Michael Elrod, and as he was a new actor, Jared and his agent refused. Well, Jared is no longer being offered lead roles in any considerable movies, anymore. And directors refuse to work with him for anything other than small roles in romantic comedies.” His agent, Johnathan cautioned.

Ethan nodded and said “Still, try and negotiate for the role of Mario, and if Will Evans already has a lead in mind, find out who he is. If he is a newbie, like Michael Elrod, then I will think about what to do next.”

Johnathan searched Ethan’s face for something and nodded “That can be done, that isn’t a problem. Will you take the role of Tommy if it is a newbie?”

Ethan thought over the question and nodded “It will be interesting to work with a new guy on set, but let’s see, if he is as good as it needs to be for the lead, I won’t have much issue.”

Ethan still had considerations but he at least wanted to hear the directors thoughts and how the movie would come to life. That was an important thing.


As Ethan’s car was reaching Dream Vision’s office, one car was stealthily following it. It was a black van that was deliberately keeping a safe distance.

“Where are you going, Ethan?”

The driver of the car, Freddie muttered.

He was a paparazzi that was in the industry for a long time. These days, he had been following Ethan Silva, hoping to get some leak out of him.

But despite paying attention to him most of the hours a day and sleeping in his car, he had gotten nothing.

Today, he had a feeling he would get something.

After all, it was rare for him to go somewhere early in the morning. As the car entered a street, Freddie immediately got an idea where it was going.

‘Is Ethan going towards Dream Vision office?’

He wondered, putting two and two together in his head. Will Evans next movie rumors were all over Hollywood and this might indicate that Ethan was going to be a part of it.

If it was true, then it might very well pay him 2000-4000 dollars from a good newspaper.


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