
Chapter 136 Questioned

Chapter 136 Questioned

The old man saw his students looking quite dispirited and felt something was off. Though he didn’t question the reason; it was just right for young people to feel stressed before a contest.

“Wait...” The middle-aged man looked around the area with a strange look. “Why do I sense a dragon aura? And what happened to the floor?”

The students checked the broken bricks and everyone looked at Luo Fengtian again.

With a sad look, Luo Fengtian explained what just happened in great detail. By the end of his story, the new visitors were all staring at him with opened jaws. “An Inferno Dragon??” the girl was the first one to yell out, “Are you sure about it??”

The entire Longjiang City would have heard about such a famous Astral Pet overnight if a citizen had one, which was not the case right then.

Luo Fengtian didn’t respond, but his look was enough of an answer.

The old man and his companions exchanged several looks. They knew Luo Fengtian wasn’t someone who told lies. Not to mention that there were seven more students backing those words up.

“Who is that man?” the middle-aged man asked with knitted eyebrows. “Our informants couldn’t have overlooked such a young genius.”

The students froze up upon such a question. Once they thought about it, they never bothered to ask who Su Ping was.

They got destroyed by someone they didn’t even know!

The awkwardness intensified.

The middle-aged man immediately realized what was going on with his students, and he wasn’t happy about it.

The old man checked the phoenix statue over the gate, but without a kind smile this time.

“...Since we’re here, we might as well go inside and find out who this brilliant young man is. Shall we?”

No one objected.

“The rain has stopped and the fishy are happy ....”

On his bike, Su Ping traveled through a familiar path while humming a small melody. He had already placed the annoying event in the back of his mind and found his good mood coming back.

Soon, he reached Dong Mingsong’s office and saw the old man making hot tea in the room.

“Which venue should I use today?” Su Ping entered the door without knocking.

Dong Mingsong was briefly surprised by the unannounced entrance.

“Have a seat, my boy. The same one as the last time. Did you make enough preparations?”

“Preparations? Oh, I’m good.” “Good. Telling from your previous lesson, there’s no need for me or Miss Luo to help you deal with undisciplined students. It just so happens that I have several important guests coming soon so... I won’t be joining your lesson today.”

“Sure.” Su Ping nodded. Personally, he didn’t wish to waste people’s time either. When his “guests” were mentioned, Dong Mingsong suddenly remembered something. He said, “You know, winter vacation is close ahead. With the help of the principal, I managed to invite a group of students of the Berserking Blade Academy so we can hold a friendly pet contest between us. Care to take a look?”

“Pet... contest?” Su Ping just realized that those “guests” happened to be the ones he had just beaten up at the gate. “Oh, um... No, thanks. You know me. I don’t have time.”

A “pet contest” between common students was only child’s play in his view anyway.

Dong Mingsong didn’t expect such a quick denial. “Come on, boy, I know you need to tend to your shop. But you can’t stay there all day long. You’ll get rusty.” “I’m not made of scrap. I don’t rust.” “Well, I mean—”

Su Ping checked the clock and stood up. “I’m off to class, mister. Bye!”

Dong Mingsong saw him leaving so soon and could only shake his head.

“So unruly... And such a pity.”

Su Ping found his bike again and went to the designated venue prepared for his lesson. He decided not to use the main entrance, after seeing how big a crowd was waiting there. He didn’t want to cause an accident which would perhaps result in several wounded students if people got too excited.

He turned toward the backdoor.

A teacher watching over the backdoor saw him coming, and just like everyone else who saw his young look for the first time, this man was also stunned by his un-scholarly image. “Uh, Professor Su, please come in!” Su Ping went backstage. Across the curtain, he saw the venue already crowded with chattering students.

It was only his second lesson in the academy. He still kind of enjoyed it.

It seemed there were many students who had shown up not to hear his lesson, but to take a look at his Inferno Dragon after hearing the rumors.

As scheduled, several guards closed the doors, denying entrance to a lot of people who were too late. But still, these people, including several groups of senior students, could still hear Su Ping through several street speakers.

Su Ping walked onto the main stage and signaled everyone to stop applauding, then he continued from where he left off last time. That day, he was going to show the students several specific tricks for either feeding or dealing with commonly-seen Undead-type Astral Pets. This was undeniably valuable knowledge, especially to those who used Undead-type pets.

The duration of one lesson was usually not enough for the students to learn many things, not to mention that what Su Ping told them was pretty uncommon and it wasn’t universally useful to everyone. Many of the listeners who didn’t own any Undead pets or those who didn’t attend specifically for the lesson quickly lost patience.

Half an hour later, a man raised a hand, then Su Ping gave him the chance to speak up.

“Professor, we heard that you have an Inferno Dragon. Can we take a look?”

Many more students mumbled their approval; this was the reason why they showed up that day.

Su Ping frowned at the irrelevant question. “Tell me, what can you learn from it if I show you my pet?”

The standing student was taken aback since he never expected such a question.

What could they learn? The truthfulness of the rumor, of course. And maybe satisfy their curiosity while they were at it.

Of course, that wasn’t a proper answer.

Su Ping shook his head and asked the student to sit down. “If any of you came just to look at my Inferno Dragon, I highly recommend that you look up its picture on the net instead of coming here, so you can give your precious seats to those who actually want to study. This lesson is meant to teach you Undead-related knowledge, understand?”

That particular student and many people who fit that bill all looked down in embarrassment. They never thought this new teacher would lecture them so openly on such an occasion.

The second part of the lesson came to an end, after which Su Ping said his goodbyes and walked away.

Irritated, the students who failed to see his Inferno Dragon claimed that the rumors were unfounded, and that this new teacher was not worth their time. Some people even said that Su Ping focused on Undead-type pets just because no one would notice if he said something wrong.

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